# Implicit rules for compiling Haskell code. # # Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Rudy Matela. # Distributed under the 3-Clause BSD licence. # # You can optionally configure the "Configuration variables" below in your main # makefile, e.g.: # # GHCIMPORTDIRS = path/to/dir:path/to/another/dir # GHCFLAGS = -O2 -dynamic # GHC = ghc-7.6 # include haskell.mk # Configuration variables # GHC Parameters GHCIMPORTDIRS ?= GHCFLAGS ?= GHC ?= ghc GHCCMD = $(GHC) -i$(GHCIMPORTDIRS) $(GHCFLAGS) HADDOCK ?= haddock CABAL_INSTALL = $(shell cabal --version | grep -q "version [0-2]\." && echo 'cabal install' || echo 'cabal install --lib') # Hugs Parameters HUGSIMPORTDIRS ?= "/usr/lib/hugs/packages/*" HUGSFLAGS ?= CPPHS_HUGS ?= cpphs-hugs --noline -D__HUGS__ HUGS ?= hugs RUNHUGS ?= runhugs HUGSCMD = $(HUGS) -F"$(CPPHS_HUGS)" -P$(HUGSIMPORTDIRS) $(HUGSFLAGS) RUNHUGSCMD = $(RUNHUGS) -F"$(CPPHS_HUGS)" -P$(HUGSIMPORTDIRS) $(HUGSFLAGS) # Makefile where to keep the dependencies DEPMK ?= mk/depend.mk # LIB_HSS: all library Haskell files # ALL_HSS: all Haskell files # You can override ALL/LIB_HSS in your main Makefile LIST_LIB_HSS ?= find src -name "*.hs" LIST_ALL_HSS ?= find \( -path "./dist*" -o -path "./.stack-work" -o -path "./Setup.hs" \) -prune \ -o -name "*.*hs" -print LIB_HSS ?= $(shell $(LIST_LIB_HSS)) ALL_HSS ?= $(shell $(LIST_ALL_HSS)) LIB_DEPS ?= base ALL_DEPS ?= $(LIB_DEPS) INSTALL_DEPS ?= PKGNAME = $(shell cat *.cabal | grep "^name:" | sed -e "s/name: *//") HADDOCK_HAS = haddock --help | grep -q -- # Implicit rules %.hi %.o: %.hs $(GHCCMD) $< && touch $@ %: %.hs $(GHCCMD) $< && touch $@ .PHONY: %.ghci %.ghci: %.hs $(GHCCMD) -O0 --interactive $< .PHONY: %.hugs %.hugs: %.hs $(HUGSCMD) $< .PHONY: %.runhugs %.runhugs: %.hs $(RUNHUGSCMD) $< # Cleaning rule (add as a clean dependency) clean-hs: clean-hi-o clean-haddock clean-cabal clean-stack clean-hi-o: find $(ALL_HSS) | sed -e 's/hs$$/o/' | xargs rm -f find $(ALL_HSS) | sed -e 's/hs$$/hi/' | xargs rm -f find $(ALL_HSS) | sed -e 's/hs$$/dyn_o/' | xargs rm -f find $(ALL_HSS) | sed -e 's/hs$$/dyn_hi/' | xargs rm -f # Update dependency file .PHONY: depend depend: find $(ALL_HSS) | ./mk/ghcdeps -i$(GHCIMPORTDIRS) $(GHCFLAGS) > $(DEPMK) install-dependencies: if [ -n "$(INSTALL_DEPS)" ]; then \ cabal update && \ $(CABAL_INSTALL) $(INSTALL_DEPS); \ fi # haddock rules haddock: doc/index.html clean-haddock: rm -f doc/*.{html,css,js,png,gif,json} doc/src/* README.html upload-haddock: @echo "use \`cabal upload -d' instead" @echo "(but 1st: cabal install --only-dependencies --enable-documentation)" @echo "(to just compile docs: cabal haddock --for-hackage)" @echo "(on Arch Linux, use: cabal haddock --for-hackage --haddock-options=--optghc=-dynamic)" doc/index.html: $(LIB_HSS) ./mk/haddock-i $(LIB_DEPS) | xargs \ $(HADDOCK) --html -odoc $(LIB_HSS) \ --title=$(PKGNAME) \ $(shell $(HADDOCK_HAS) --package-name && echo "--package-name=$(PKGNAME)" ) \ $(shell $(HADDOCK_HAS) --hyperlinked-source && echo "--hyperlinked-source" ) \ $(shell $(HADDOCK_HAS) --no-print-missing-docs && echo --no-print-missing-docs ) \ $(HADDOCKFLAGS) clean-cabal: rm -rf dist/ dist-newstyle/ cabal.project.local cabal.project.local~ clean-stack: rm -rf .stack-work/ stack.yaml.lock # lists all Haskell source files list-all-hss: @find $(ALL_HSS) # lists library Haskell source files list-lib-hss: @find $(LIB_HSS) bootstrap-haskell-mk: @[ -d "$(DEST)" ] || (echo -e "error: no destination found\nusage: \`make bootstrap-haskell-mk DEST=path/to/prj'"; exit 1) mkdir -p mk cp mk/{haskell.mk,ghcdeps,haddock-i} $(DEST)/mk touch $(DEST)/mk/depend.mk show-pkgname: @echo $(PKGNAME) include $(DEPMK)