#ifndef c_phonenumberutil_h #define c_phonenumberutil_h #include #include "c_phonenumber.h" // Copied from PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberFormat // is_same_enum verifies that these values didn't change enum phone_number_format { E164, INTERNATIONAL, NATIONAL, RFC3966, }; // Copied from PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberType // is_same_enum verifies that these values didn't change enum phone_number_type { FIXED_LINE, MOBILE, FIXED_LINE_OR_MOBILE, TOLL_FREE, PREMIUM_RATE, SHARED_COST, VOIP, PERSONAL_NUMBER, PAGER, UAN, VOICEMAIL, UNKNOWN, }; // Copied from PhoneNumberUtil::MatchType // is_same_enum verifies that these values didn't change enum match_type { INVALID_NUMBER, NO_MATCH, SHORT_NSN_MATCH, NSN_MATCH, EXACT_MATCH, }; // Copied from PhoneNumberUtil::ErrorType // is_same_enum verifies that these values didn't change enum error_type { NO_PARSING_ERROR, INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE_ERROR, NOT_A_NUMBER, TOO_SHORT_AFTER_IDD, TOO_SHORT_NSN, TOO_LONG_NSN, }; // Copied from PhoneNumberUtil::ValidationResult // is_same_enum verifies that these values didn't change enum validation_result { IS_POSSIBLE, IS_POSSIBLE_LOCAL_ONLY, INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE, TOO_SHORT, INVALID_LENGTH, TOO_LONG, }; // A string allocated by malloc, might not include the null terminator. // It is haskell's responsibility to free it. typedef struct { char *string; size_t string_size; } c_string; // In the functions below, if an output parameter is a string, we malloc a // buffer and write its pointer and size into the given c_string *. // // If an input parameter is a string, we "unpack" the c_string into a pair of // char const * + size_t, because c2hs cannot natively pass structs by value. // // If the output is a list of T, we malloc a buffer and write its pointer into // the given T **, and its size (in T's) into the given size_t *. // If the output is a list of strings, we do the same as if T=c_string. // // If the output is a PhoneNumber, we either return a PhoneNumber *, or write // it into a provided PhoneNumber **. In both cases the PhoneNumber object is // allocated by `new` and managed by C++ RAII. In all cases it is haskell's // responsibility to call its finalizer (c_phone_number_free); void c_phone_number_util_get_supported_regions(c_string **, size_t *); void c_phone_number_util_get_supported_global_network_calling_codes(int **, size_t *); void c_phone_number_util_get_supported_calling_codes(int **, size_t *); void c_phone_number_util_get_supported_types_for_region(char const *, size_t, enum phone_number_type **, size_t *); void c_phone_number_util_get_supported_types_for_non_geo_entity(int, enum phone_number_type **, size_t *); int c_phone_number_util_is_alpha_number(char const *, size_t); void c_phone_number_util_convert_alpha_characters_in_number(char const *, size_t, c_string *); void c_phone_number_util_normalize_digits_only(char const *, size_t, c_string *); void c_phone_number_util_normalize_dialable_chars_only(char const *, size_t, c_string *); void c_phone_number_util_get_national_significant_number(struct CxxPhoneNumber const *, c_string *); void c_phone_number_util_get_country_mobile_token(int, c_string *); void c_phone_number_util_format(struct CxxPhoneNumber const *, enum phone_number_format, c_string *); void c_phone_number_util_format_national_number_with_carrier_code(struct CxxPhoneNumber const *, char const *, size_t, c_string *); void c_phone_number_util_format_national_number_with_preferred_carrier_code(struct CxxPhoneNumber const *, char const *, size_t, c_string *); void c_phone_number_util_format_number_for_mobile_dialing(struct CxxPhoneNumber const *, char const *, size_t, int, c_string *); void c_phone_number_util_format_out_of_country_calling_number(struct CxxPhoneNumber const *, char const *, size_t, c_string *); void c_phone_number_util_format_in_original_format(struct CxxPhoneNumber const *, char const *, size_t, c_string *); void c_phone_number_util_format_out_of_country_keeping_alpha_chars(struct CxxPhoneNumber const *, char const *, size_t, c_string *); // /!\ May return NULL struct CxxPhoneNumber *c_phone_number_util_truncate_too_long_number(struct CxxPhoneNumber const *); enum phone_number_type c_phone_number_util_get_number_type(struct CxxPhoneNumber const *); int c_phone_number_util_is_valid_number(struct CxxPhoneNumber const *); int c_phone_number_util_is_valid_number_for_region(struct CxxPhoneNumber const *, char const *, size_t); void c_phone_number_util_get_region_code_for_number(struct CxxPhoneNumber const *, c_string *); int c_phone_number_util_get_country_code_for_region(char const *, size_t); void c_phone_number_util_get_region_code_for_country_code(int, c_string *); void c_phone_number_util_get_region_codes_for_country_calling_code(int, c_string **, size_t *); int c_phone_number_util_is_nanpa_country(char const *, size_t); void c_phone_number_util_get_ndd_prefix_for_region(char const *, size_t, int, c_string *); enum validation_result c_phone_number_util_is_possible_number_for_type_with_reason(struct CxxPhoneNumber const *, enum phone_number_type); int c_phone_number_util_can_be_internationally_dialed(struct CxxPhoneNumber const *); int c_phone_number_util_is_number_geographical_1(struct CxxPhoneNumber const *); int c_phone_number_util_is_number_geographical_2(enum phone_number_type, int); enum error_type c_phone_number_util_parse(char const *, size_t, char const *, size_t, struct CxxPhoneNumber **); enum error_type c_phone_number_util_parse_and_keep_raw_input(char const *, size_t, char const *, size_t, struct CxxPhoneNumber **); enum match_type c_phone_number_util_is_number_match(struct CxxPhoneNumber const *, struct CxxPhoneNumber const *); enum match_type c_phone_number_util_is_number_match_with_two_strings(char const *, size_t, char const *, size_t); enum match_type c_phone_number_util_is_number_match_with_one_string(struct CxxPhoneNumber const *, char const *, size_t); #endif