{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC import Data.Either import Data.PhoneNumber.Number import Data.PhoneNumber.Util import qualified Data.Set as S import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck newtype CC = CC CountryCode deriving newtype (Show) instance Arbitrary CC where arbitrary = CC . CountryCode <$> choose (-10, 1000) shrink (CC (CountryCode cc)) = CC . CountryCode <$> shrink cc newtype Reg = Reg Region deriving newtype (Show) instance Arbitrary Reg where arbitrary = do c1 <- elements ['A'..'Z'] c2 <- elements ['A'..'Z'] pure $ Reg $ Region $ BSC.pack [c1, c2] newtype MReg = MReg (Maybe Region) deriving newtype (Show) instance Arbitrary MReg where arbitrary = MReg . fmap (\(Reg r) -> r) <$> arbitrary shrink (MReg (Just _)) = [MReg Nothing] shrink (MReg Nothing) = [] newtype ParserInput = ParserInput BS.ByteString deriving newtype (Show) instance Arbitrary ParserInput where arbitrary = do len <- choose (0, 20) xs <- replicateM len $ frequency [ (10, elements "#()+-0123456789") , (1, elements "'*,./:;") ] pure $ ParserInput $ BSC.pack xs shrink (ParserInput bs) = ParserInput . BS.pack <$> shrink (BS.unpack bs) data ParsedNumber = ParsedNumber (ParseMode, Maybe Region, ParserInput) PhoneNumber deriving stock (Show) instance Arbitrary ParsedNumber where arbitrary = do mode <- elements [Canonicalize, KeepRawInput] liftA2 ((,,) mode) arbitrary arbitrary `suchThatMap` \(_, MReg mRegion, ParserInput input) -> case parseNumber mode mRegion input of Right pn -> Just $ ParsedNumber (mode, mRegion, ParserInput input) pn _ -> Nothing shrink (ParsedNumber (mode, region, input) _) = do ParserInput input' <- shrink input case parseNumber mode region input' of Right pn -> pure $ ParsedNumber (mode, region, ParserInput input') pn _ -> empty regZZ, reg001 :: Region regZZ = "ZZ" reg001 = "001" cc0 :: CountryCode cc0 = 0 main :: IO () main = hspec $ modifyMaxSuccess (* 10) $ do describe "supportedRegions" $ do prop "doesn't contain ZZ" $ regZZ `S.notMember` supportedRegions prop "doesn't contain 001" $ reg001 `S.notMember` supportedRegions describe "supportedGlobalNetworkCallingCodes" $ do prop "doesn't contain 0" $ cc0 `S.notMember` supportedGlobalNetworkCallingCodes prop "is a subset of supportedCallingCodes" $ supportedGlobalNetworkCallingCodes `S.isSubsetOf` supportedCallingCodes describe "supportedCallingCodes" $ do prop "doesn't contain 0" $ cc0 `S.notMember` supportedCallingCodes describe "supportedTypesForRegion" $ do prop "doesn't contain FixedLineOrMobile" $ \(Reg region) -> FixedLineOrMobile `S.notMember` supportedTypesForRegion region describe "supportedTypesForNonGeoEntity" $ do prop "doesn't contain FixedLineOrMobile" $ \(CC cc) -> FixedLineOrMobile `S.notMember` supportedTypesForNonGeoEntity cc describe "convertAlphaNumber" $ do prop "doesn't change the parsing of a number" $ \(MReg mRegion) (ParserInput str) -> parseNumber Canonicalize mRegion (convertAlphaNumber str) === parseNumber Canonicalize mRegion str prop "returns a number that is not alpha" $ \(ParserInput str) -> not $ isAlphaNumber $ convertAlphaNumber str describe "normalizeNumber" $ do prop "returns ASCII digits unmodified" $ forAll (elements [Digits, Dialable]) $ \mode -> forAll (listOf $ elements ['0'..'9']) $ \str -> BSC.pack str == normalizeNumber mode (BSC.pack str) describe "Digits" $ do prop "returns only ASCII digits" $ \str -> BSC.all (`elem` ['0'..'9']) $ normalizeNumber Digits $ BSC.pack str prop "doesn't randomly fail" $ \str -> not (BS.null $ normalizeNumber Digits $ "0" <> BS.pack str) .&&. not (BS.null $ normalizeNumber Digits $ BS.pack str <> "0") describe "Dialable" $ do -- PhoneNumberUtil::NormalizeDiallableCharsOnly will error on any invalid UTF8 prop "doesn't randomly fail" $ \str -> not (BS.null $ normalizeNumber Digits $ "0" <> BS.pack str) .&&. not (BS.null $ normalizeNumber Digits $ BS.pack str <> "0") describe "nationalSignificantNumber" $ do prop "is non-empty" $ \(ParsedNumber _ pn) -> not $ BS.null $ nationalSignificantNumber pn prop "returns only ASCII digits" $ \(ParsedNumber _ pn) -> BSC.all (`elem` ['0'..'9']) $ nationalSignificantNumber pn modifyMaxDiscardRatio (* 10) $ do prop "concatenated with country code parses to the original (if valid and not MX)" $ \(ParsedNumber (_, mReg, ParserInput input) pn) -> -- Apparently "+52112210000000" makes the parser/formatter do weird -- stuff as it tries to handle the deprecated (?) mobile token ("1" -- after "+52") if "5211" `BS.isPrefixOf` normalizeNumber Digits input || mReg == Just "MX" && "11" `BS.isPrefixOf` normalizeNumber Digits input then discard else isValidNumber Nothing pn ==> let cc = countryCode pn nsn = nationalSignificantNumber pn str = "+" <> BSC.pack (show cc) <> nsn in case parseNumber Canonicalize Nothing str of Left err -> error $ show err Right pn' -> cc === countryCode pn' .&&. nsn === nationalSignificantNumber pn' describe "countryMobileToken" $ do prop "returns only ASCII digits" $ \(CC cc) -> BSC.all (`elem` ['0'..'9']) $ countryMobileToken cc describe "formatNumber" $ do prop "with International produces a parseable result (if no ext)" $ \(ParsedNumber _ pn) -> possibleNumber Unknown pn == IsPossible ==> -- Apparently in the TW region an extension number is formatted -- with a "#", and the formatter will format -- "+886 2 2123 4567 ext. 1234567890" as "+886 2 2123 4567#1234567890" -- even though the former parses and the latter doesn't extension pn == Nothing ==> isRight $ parseNumber Canonicalize Nothing $ formatNumber International pn modifyMaxDiscardRatio (* 10) $ do prop "with E164 produces a parseable result (if Canonicalize)" $ \(ParsedNumber (mode, _, _) pn) -> -- KeepRawInput with pn == "0000" breaks E164 formatting possibleNumber Unknown pn == IsPossible && mode == Canonicalize ==> isRight $ parseNumber Canonicalize Nothing $ formatNumber E164 pn prop "with RFC3966 produces a parseable result (if Canonicalize)" $ \(ParsedNumber (mode, _, _) pn) -> -- KeepRawInput with pn == "0000" breaks RFC3966 formatting possibleNumber Unknown pn == IsPossible && mode == Canonicalize ==> isRight $ parseNumber Canonicalize Nothing $ formatNumber RFC3966 pn describe "truncateTooLongNumber" $ do pure () describe "numberType" $ do pure () describe "isValidNumber" $ do modifyMaxDiscardRatio (* 10) $ do prop "is preserved under parse . format" $ \(ParsedNumber _ pn) -> isValidNumber Nothing pn ==> case parseNumber Canonicalize Nothing $ formatNumber E164 pn of Left err -> error $ show err Right pn' -> isValidNumber Nothing pn' describe "regionForNumber" $ do prop "doesn't return ZZ" $ \(ParsedNumber _ pn) -> regionForNumber pn =/= Just (Right regZZ) prop "doesn't return 001" $ \(ParsedNumber _ pn) -> regionForNumber pn =/= Just (Right reg001) prop "returns a supported region" $ \(ParsedNumber _ pn) -> case regionForNumber pn of Just (Right region) -> region `S.member` supportedRegions _ -> discard prop "returns Region001 exactly for supported non-geo entities" $ \(ParsedNumber _ pn) -> (countryCode pn `S.member` supportedGlobalNetworkCallingCodes) === (regionForNumber pn == Just (Left Region001)) describe "countryCodeForRegion" $ do prop "doesn't return 0" $ \(Reg region) -> countryCodeForRegion region =/= Just cc0 prop "returns codes in supportedCallingCodes" $ \(Reg region) -> case countryCodeForRegion region of Nothing -> discard Just cc -> cc `S.member` supportedCallingCodes describe "regionForCountryCode" $ do prop "doesn't return ZZ" $ \(CC cc) -> regionForCountryCode cc =/= Just (Right regZZ) prop "doesn't return 001" $ \(CC cc) -> regionForCountryCode cc =/= Just (Right reg001) prop "returns Region001 exactly for supported non-geo entities" $ \(CC cc) -> (cc `S.member` supportedGlobalNetworkCallingCodes) === (regionForCountryCode cc == Just (Left Region001)) describe "regionsForCountryCode" $ do prop "doesn't return ZZ" $ \(CC cc) -> Right regZZ `notElem` regionsForCountryCode cc prop "doesn't return 001" $ \(CC cc) -> Right reg001 `notElem` regionsForCountryCode cc describe "isNANPACountry" $ do pure () describe "nddPrefixForRegion" $ do prop "with True returns only ASCII digits" $ \(Reg region) -> BSC.all (`elem` ['0'..'9']) $ nddPrefixForRegion True region describe "possibleNumber" $ do modifyMaxDiscardRatio (* 10) $ do prop "with Unknown is more lenient than isValidNumber" $ \(ParsedNumber _ pn) -> isValidNumber Nothing pn ==> possibleNumber Unknown pn `elem` [IsPossible, IsPossibleLocalOnly] describe "canBeInternationallyDialed" $ do pure () describe "isGeographicalNumber" $ do prop "matches isGeographicalNumberType" $ \(ParsedNumber _ pn) -> isGeographicalNumber pn === isGeographicalNumberType (numberType pn) (countryCode pn) describe "isGeographicalNumberType" $ do pure () describe "parseNumber" $ do prop "doesn't return a number with CountryCode 0" $ \(ParsedNumber _ pn) -> countryCode pn /= cc0