libravatar- Use Libravatar, the decentralized avatar delivery service

Safe HaskellNone




avatarUrl Source


:: Either String String

Email or OpenID

-> Bool

Whether to use HTTPS

-> Maybe String

Default picture URL if avatar not found

-> Maybe Int

Image size in pixels, default is 80

-> IO (Maybe String) 

Return a URL to the avatar image.


Email, HTTP, default fallback (libravatar's CDN), default size (80):

>>> avatarUrl (Left "") False Nothing Nothing
Just ""

Email, HTTPS, default fallback, size 100. But now use an email with a domain which has SRV records for avatars:

>>> avatarUrl (Left "") True Nothing (Just 100)
Just ""

OpenID, HTTPS, specified fallback (special value "retro"), default size (80):

>>> avatarUrl (Right "") True (Just "retro") Nothing
Just ""

(Note that the 2nd example uses dummy SRV records created by the author, and he doesn't really run (at the time of writing) a Libravatar provider. This is just an example, the specific URL here will probably result with 404.)