(2021-10-17): - Updating maintainer's email, url, etc - Set up GithubActions for CI. (2015-05-30): - Moved VERSION to CHANGELOG 0.4.1 (2012-09-26): - Prelude.Listless: Guarded re-export of Prelude.catch with CPP (2010-05-31): - Fixed some typos in the cabal file regarding base and the Prelude 0.4.0 (2010-05-31): - Added Data.List.Extras.list (by Tom Lokhorst) - Changed the type of Data.List.Extras.Pair.zipBy to be correct 0.3.0 (2009-04-02): - Relaxed type for Data.List.Extras.Pair.pairBy - Removed rewrite rules for Data.List.Extras.LazyLength.* (2008-10-12): - Now compiles under GHC 6.10 0.2.1 (2008-08-17): - Rewrite rules for Data.List.Extras.LazyLength.* actually get picked up 0.2.0 (2008-07-26): - Overhauled Data.List.Extras.Argmax 0.1.0 (2008-07-21): - Initial public release