Build #8 for llvm-

[all reports]

Package llvm-
Install DependencyFailed llvm-base-
Docs NotTried
Tests NotTried
Time submitted 2016-12-21 04:08:16.27644 UTC
Compiler ghc-
OS linux
Arch x86_64
Dependencies base-, bytestring-, containers-, directory-, llvm-base-, mtl-2.2.1, process-, type-level-0.3.0
Flags -developer

Code Coverage

No Code Coverage was submitted for this report.

Build log

[view raw]

Resolving dependencies...
Configuring mtl-2.2.1...
Configuring syb-0.6...
Building mtl-2.2.1...
Building syb-0.6...
Installed syb-0.6
Configuring type-level-0.3.0...
Installed mtl-2.2.1
Downloading llvm-base-
Building type-level-0.3.0...
Configuring llvm-base-
Failed to install llvm-base-
Build log ( /home/builder/.cabal/logs/llvm-base- ):
cabal: Entering directory '/tmp/cabal-tmp-21074/llvm-base-'
cabal: Leaving directory '/tmp/cabal-tmp-21074/llvm-base-'
Installed type-level-0.3.0
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
llvm- depends on llvm-base- which failed to install.
llvm-base- failed during the configure step. The exception was:
user error ('/opt/ghc/8.0.2/bin/ghc' exited with an error:

/tmp/cabal-tmp-21074/llvm-base- error:
• Couldn't match expected type ‘IO InstalledPackageInfo’
with actual type ‘FilePath -> PackageDB -> IO InstalledPackageInfo’
• Probable cause: ‘generateRegistrationInfo’ is applied to too few arguments
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
installedPkgInfoRaw <- generateRegistrationInfo
verbosity pkg lib lbi clbi inplace distPref
In the expression:
do { let clbi = extractCLBI lbi;
installedPkgInfoRaw <- generateRegistrationInfo
verbosity pkg lib lbi clbi inplace distPref;
let ghciLibraries = ...
installedPkgInfo = ...;
case () of {
_ | modeGenerateRegFile -> writeRegistrationFile installedPkgInfo
| modeGenerateRegScript -> die "Generate Reg Script not supported"
| otherwise
-> registerPackage
verbosity installedPkgInfo pkg lbi inplace (withPackageDB lbi) } }
In an equation for ‘register'’:
pkg@(PackageDescription {library = Just lib})
= do { let clbi = ...;
installedPkgInfoRaw <- generateRegistrationInfo
verbosity pkg lib lbi clbi inplace distPref;
let ghciLibraries = ...
.... }
modeGenerateRegFile = isJust (flagToMaybe (regGenPkgConf regFlags))
modeGenerateRegScript = fromFlag (regGenScript regFlags)
inplace = fromFlag (regInPlace regFlags)
= nub
$ withPackageDB lbi
++ maybeToList (flagToMaybe (regPackageDB regFlags))

/tmp/cabal-tmp-21074/llvm-base- error:
• Couldn't match type ‘[Char]’ with ‘Bool’
Expected type: Bool
Actual type: FilePath
• In the 7th argument of ‘generateRegistrationInfo’, namely
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
installedPkgInfoRaw <- generateRegistrationInfo
verbosity pkg lib lbi clbi inplace distPref
In the expression:
do { let clbi = extractCLBI lbi;
installedPkgInfoRaw <- generateRegistrationInfo
verbosity pkg lib lbi clbi inplace distPref;
let ghciLibraries = ...
installedPkgInfo = ...;
case () of {
_ | modeGenerateRegFile -> writeRegistrationFile installedPkgInfo
| modeGenerateRegScript -> die "Generate Reg Script not supported"
| otherwise
-> registerPackage
verbosity installedPkgInfo pkg lbi inplace (withPackageDB lbi) } }

/tmp/cabal-tmp-21074/llvm-base- error:
• Couldn't match expected type ‘Compiler’
with actual type ‘InstalledPackageInfo’
• In the second argument of ‘registerPackage’, namely
In the expression:
verbosity installedPkgInfo pkg lbi inplace (withPackageDB lbi)
In a case alternative:
_ | modeGenerateRegFile -> writeRegistrationFile installedPkgInfo
| modeGenerateRegScript -> die "Generate Reg Script not supported"
| otherwise
-> registerPackage
verbosity installedPkgInfo pkg lbi inplace (withPackageDB lbi)

/tmp/cabal-tmp-21074/llvm-base- error:
• Couldn't match type ‘PackageDescription’
with ‘Distribution.Simple.Program.Db.ProgramDb’
Expected type: Distribution.Simple.Program.ProgramConfiguration
Actual type: PackageDescription
• In the third argument of ‘registerPackage’, namely ‘pkg’
In the expression:
verbosity installedPkgInfo pkg lbi inplace (withPackageDB lbi)
In a case alternative:
_ | modeGenerateRegFile -> writeRegistrationFile installedPkgInfo
| modeGenerateRegScript -> die "Generate Reg Script not supported"
| otherwise
-> registerPackage
verbosity installedPkgInfo pkg lbi inplace (withPackageDB lbi)

/tmp/cabal-tmp-21074/llvm-base- error:
• Couldn't match expected type ‘Bool’
with actual type ‘LocalBuildInfo’
• In the fourth argument of ‘registerPackage’, namely ‘lbi’
In the expression:
verbosity installedPkgInfo pkg lbi inplace (withPackageDB lbi)
In a case alternative:
_ | modeGenerateRegFile -> writeRegistrationFile installedPkgInfo
| modeGenerateRegScript -> die "Generate Reg Script not supported"
| otherwise
-> registerPackage
verbosity installedPkgInfo pkg lbi inplace (withPackageDB lbi)

/tmp/cabal-tmp-21074/llvm-base- error:
• Couldn't match type ‘Bool’ with ‘[PackageDB]’
Expected type: PackageDBStack
Actual type: Bool
• In the fifth argument of ‘registerPackage’, namely ‘inplace’
In the expression:
verbosity installedPkgInfo pkg lbi inplace (withPackageDB lbi)
In a case alternative:
_ | modeGenerateRegFile -> writeRegistrationFile installedPkgInfo
| modeGenerateRegScript -> die "Generate Reg Script not supported"
| otherwise
-> registerPackage
verbosity installedPkgInfo pkg lbi inplace (withPackageDB lbi)

/tmp/cabal-tmp-21074/llvm-base- error:
• Couldn't match type ‘[PackageDB]’ with ‘InstalledPackageInfo’
Expected type: InstalledPackageInfo
Actual type: PackageDBStack
• In the sixth argument of ‘registerPackage’, namely
‘(withPackageDB lbi)’
In the expression:
verbosity installedPkgInfo pkg lbi inplace (withPackageDB lbi)
In a case alternative:
_ | modeGenerateRegFile -> writeRegistrationFile installedPkgInfo
| modeGenerateRegScript -> die "Generate Reg Script not supported"
| otherwise
-> registerPackage
verbosity installedPkgInfo pkg lbi inplace (withPackageDB lbi)

Test log

No test log was submitted for this report.