{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} import "mtl" Control.Monad.Reader import Hack.Contrib.Response -- import Hack.Handler.SimpleServer import Hack.Handler.Happstack import Network.Loli import Network.Loli.Engine import Network.Loli.Template.ConstTemplate (const_template) import Network.Loli.Template.TextTemplate import Network.Loli.Utils import Network.Loli.Middleware.LoliRouter import Data.Maybe import MPS ((^), (-)) import Prelude hiding ((^), (-)) import Hack.Contrib.Request -- default on port 3000 main :: IO () main = run . loli - do before return after return get "/bench" - do name <- ask ^ params ^ lookup "name" ^ fromMaybe "nobody" html ("

" ++ name ++ "

") -- on the fly router switcher router loli_router -- simple get "/hello" (text "hello world") get "/debug" (text . show =<< ask) -- io get "/cabal" - text =<< io (readFile "loli.cabal") -- route captures get "/say/:user/:message" - do text . show =<< captures -- html output get "/html" (html "

loli power!

") -- template get "/hi/:user" - output (text_template "hello.html") -- manually tweak the reponse body get "/hi-html/:user" - do update - set_content_type "text/html" output - text_template "hello.html" -- add local binding get "/local-binding" - do bind "user" "alice" - output (text_template "hello.html") -- batched local locals get "/batched-local-binding" - do context [("user", "alice"), ("password", "foo")] - text .show =<< locals get "/const-template" - do output (const_template "const-string") get "/partial-template" - do partial "user" (const_template "const-user") - do text . show =<< template_locals get "/partial-context" - do partials [ ("user", const_template "alex") , ("password", const_template "foo") ] - do output (text_template "hello.html") get "/with-layout" - do with_layout "layout.html" - do text "layout?" get "/without-layout" - do no_layout - do text "no-layout" get "/" - do text "match /" get "/test-star/*/hi" - do text "test-star/*/hi" -- default get "*" - do text "match everything" -- public serve, only allows /src public (Just ".") ["/src"] -- treat .hs extension as text/plain mime "hs" "text/plain"