{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module TestUtils.ClientDB where import Data.Maybe import Data.Mergeful import Data.Mergeful.Persistent import Data.Validity import Data.Validity.Persist () import Database.Persist.Sql import Database.Persist.TH import GHC.Generics (Generic) import TestUtils.ServerDB share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateClient"] [persistLowerCase| ClientThing -- All the fields of 'Thing' go here. number Int serverId ServerThingId Maybe -- Nothing means it's not been synced serverTime ServerTime Maybe -- Nothing means it's not been synced deleted Bool -- True means this item has been tombstoned, and it must have been synced before. changed Bool -- True means it's been changed after it's been synced, it must have been synced before. ClientUniqueServerId serverId !force deriving Show deriving Eq deriving Ord deriving Generic |] instance Validity ClientThing where validate ct@ClientThing {..} = mconcat [ genericValidate ct, declare "The server id and time are either both Nothing or both Just" $ case (clientThingServerId, clientThingServerTime) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> True (Just _, Just _) -> True (Just _, Nothing) -> True (Nothing, Just _) -> True, declare "If it has been deleted, then it must have been synced" $ if clientThingDeleted then isJust clientThingServerId else True, declare "If it has been changed, then it must have been synced before" $ if clientThingChanged then isJust clientThingServerId else True ] setupUnsyncedClientQuery :: [Thing] -> SqlPersistT IO () setupUnsyncedClientQuery = mapM_ $ \Thing {..} -> insert_ ClientThing { clientThingNumber = thingNumber, clientThingServerId = Nothing, clientThingServerTime = Nothing, clientThingDeleted = False, clientThingChanged = False } setupClientThingQuery :: ClientStore ClientThingId ServerThingId Thing -> SqlPersistT IO () setupClientThingQuery = setupClientQuery makeUnsyncedClientThing makeSyncedClientThing makeSyncedButChangedClientThing makeDeletedClientThing clientGetStoreThingQuery :: SqlPersistT IO (ClientStore ClientThingId ServerThingId Thing) clientGetStoreThingQuery = clientGetStoreQuery ClientThingServerId ClientThingServerTime ClientThingChanged ClientThingDeleted unmakeUnsyncedClientThing unmakeSyncedClientThing unmakeDeletedClientThing clientMakeSyncRequestThingQuery :: SqlPersistT IO (SyncRequest ClientThingId ServerThingId Thing) clientMakeSyncRequestThingQuery = clientMakeSyncRequestQuery ClientThingServerId ClientThingServerTime ClientThingChanged ClientThingDeleted unmakeUnsyncedClientThing unmakeSyncedClientThing unmakeDeletedClientThing clientMergeSyncResponseThingQuery :: ItemMergeStrategy Thing -> SyncResponse ClientThingId ServerThingId Thing -> SqlPersistT IO () clientMergeSyncResponseThingQuery = clientMergeSyncResponseQuery ClientThingServerId ClientThingServerTime ClientThingChanged ClientThingDeleted makeSyncedClientThing unmakeSyncedClientThing clientThingRecordUpdates unmakeUnsyncedClientThing :: ClientThing -> Thing unmakeUnsyncedClientThing ClientThing {..} = Thing {thingNumber = clientThingNumber} makeUnsyncedClientThing :: Thing -> ClientThing makeUnsyncedClientThing Thing {..} = ClientThing { clientThingNumber = thingNumber, clientThingDeleted = False, clientThingServerId = Nothing, clientThingChanged = False, clientThingServerTime = Nothing } unmakeSyncedClientThing :: ClientThing -> (ServerThingId, Timed Thing) unmakeSyncedClientThing ClientThing {..} = ( fromJust clientThingServerId, Timed { timedValue = Thing {thingNumber = clientThingNumber}, timedTime = fromJust clientThingServerTime } ) makeSyncedClientThing :: ServerThingId -> Timed Thing -> ClientThing makeSyncedClientThing sid (Timed Thing {..} st) = ClientThing { clientThingNumber = thingNumber, clientThingServerId = Just sid, clientThingServerTime = Just st, clientThingChanged = False, clientThingDeleted = False } makeSyncedButChangedClientThing :: ServerThingId -> Timed Thing -> ClientThing makeSyncedButChangedClientThing sid (Timed Thing {..} st) = ClientThing { clientThingNumber = thingNumber, clientThingServerId = Just sid, clientThingServerTime = Just st, clientThingChanged = True, clientThingDeleted = False } unmakeDeletedClientThing :: ClientThing -> (ServerThingId, ServerTime) unmakeDeletedClientThing ClientThing {..} = (fromJust clientThingServerId, fromJust clientThingServerTime) makeDeletedClientThing :: ServerThingId -> ServerTime -> ClientThing makeDeletedClientThing sid st = ClientThing { clientThingNumber = 0, -- dummy clientThingServerId = Just sid, clientThingServerTime = Just st, clientThingChanged = False, -- dummy clientThingDeleted = True } clientMakeThing :: ClientThing -> Thing clientMakeThing ClientThing {..} = Thing {thingNumber = clientThingNumber} clientThingRecordUpdates :: Thing -> [Update ClientThing] clientThingRecordUpdates Thing {..} = [ClientThingNumber =. thingNumber]