{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} module MessageDb.Temp ( ConnectionStrings (..) , withConnectionStrings ) where import Control.Exception (Exception, IOException) import Control.Exception.Safe (bracket, throwIO) import Control.Monad (void) import Control.Monad.Catch (Handler (Handler)) import qualified Control.Retry as Retry import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Monoid (getLast) import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as Postgres import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Options (Options) import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Options as PostgresOptions import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.SqlQQ (sql) import Database.Postgres.Temp (Accum (Merge)) import qualified Database.Postgres.Temp as PostgresTemp import qualified Paths_message_db_temp import System.Environment (getEnvironment) import qualified System.Process.Typed as Process -- | Connection strings used to connect to your temporary message-db. data ConnectionStrings = ConnectionStrings { privilegedConnectionString :: ByteString -- ^ Connection string used to connect to the database as a privileged user. , normalConnectionString :: ByteString -- ^ Connection string used to connect to the database as a user that only has the 'message_store' role. } migrate :: Options -> IO () migrate options = do hostEnv <- getEnvironment installScriptPath <- Paths_message_db_temp.getDataFileName "official-message-db-upstream/database/install.sh" let fromLast = fromMaybe "" . getLast processEnv = hostEnv <> [ ( "PGHOST" , fromLast $ PostgresOptions.host options ) , ( "PGDATABASE" , fromLast $ PostgresOptions.dbname options ) , ( "PGPORT" , fromLast . fmap show $ PostgresOptions.port options ) , ( "PGUSER" , fromLast $ PostgresOptions.user options ) ] command = Process.proc "bash" [installScriptPath] in void . Process.readProcess_ $ Process.setEnv processEnv command let url = PostgresOptions.toConnectionString options in bracket (Postgres.connectPostgreSQL url) Postgres.close $ \connection -> do let query = [sql| CREATE ROLE normal_user WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'password' IN ROLE message_store; |] in void $ Postgres.execute_ connection query let query = [sql| ALTER ROLE normal_user SET search_path TO message_store,public; |] in void $ Postgres.execute_ connection query let query = [sql| ALTER ROLE privileged_user SET search_path TO message_store,public; |] in void $ Postgres.execute_ connection query -- | Create and use a temporary message-db for testing. withConnectionStrings :: (ConnectionStrings -> IO a) -> IO a withConnectionStrings use = do let tempConfig = mempty { PostgresTemp.connectionOptions = mempty { PostgresOptions.user = pure "privileged_user" } , PostgresTemp.initDbConfig = Merge $ mempty { PostgresTemp.commandLine = mempty{PostgresTemp.keyBased = Map.fromList [("--username=", Just "privileged_user")]} } , PostgresTemp.postgresConfigFile = [ ("message_store.sql_condition", "on") ] } let retryPolicy = Retry.limitRetries 10 exceptionHandlers = let restartFor :: forall e a. Exception e => a -> Handler IO Bool restartFor _ = Handler @_ @_ @e $ \_ -> pure True in [ restartFor @PostgresTemp.StartError , restartFor @IOException ] Retry.recovering retryPolicy exceptionHandlers $ \_ -> do result <- PostgresTemp.withConfig tempConfig $ \db -> do let options = PostgresTemp.toConnectionOptions db tempMessageDb = let privilegedConnectionString = PostgresOptions.toConnectionString $ options { PostgresOptions.dbname = pure "message_store" } normalConnectionString = PostgresOptions.toConnectionString $ options { PostgresOptions.user = pure "normal_user" , PostgresOptions.password = pure "password" , PostgresOptions.dbname = pure "message_store" } in ConnectionStrings{..} migrate options *> use tempMessageDb case result of Left err -> throwIO err Right value -> pure value