mmsyn7s- Shows a sorted list of the Ukrainian sounds representations that can be used by mmsyn7 series of programs

Copyright(c) OleksandrZhabenko 2020
Safe HaskellNone



A program and a library that show a sorted list of the Ukrainian sounds representations that can be used by mmsyn7 series of programs



main7s :: IO () Source #

Function takes Ukrainian text being written without quotes as command line arguments and prints the sorted list of the Ukrainian sounds representations that can be used further in mmsyn7 series of programs.

show7s :: String -> [String] Source #

Function takes Ukrainian text being a String and returns a sorted list of the Ukrainian sounds representations that can be used further in mmsyn7 series of programs.

show7s2 :: String -> String Source #

Function takes Ukrainian text being a String and returns a String that is shown sorted list of the Ukrainian sounds representations that can be used further in mmsyn7 series of programs.