{-| Module : Numeric.Modular Copyright : (c) Preetham Gujjula, 2018 License : BSD3 Maintainer : preetham.gujjula@gmail.com Stability : experimental The @'Mod' m@ type represents a Integer modulo m, i.e., a value in ℤ/mℤ, which enables type-safe modular arithmetic. This library, especially the 'withMod' function, uses ideas from /Functional Pearl: Implicit Configurations -- or, Type Classes Reflect the Values of Types/ by Oleg Kiselyov and Chung-chieh Shan, available here: For example, to perform basic modular computations, >>> 10 :: Mod 3 1 >>> 15 + 3 :: Mod 7 4 Modular reductions are performed implicitly, so modular exponentiation can be performed efficiently. >>> 60803790666453028877 ^ 88100461154844882932 :: Mod 39127526509442054532 33479467020524411041 Compare this to running @(60803790666453028877 ^ 88100461154844882932) \``mod`\` 39127526509442054532@, which is much less efficient. The modulus can also be specified at runtime without losing any type safety or efficiency. >>> x = mkMod 10 >>> y = mkMod 17 >>> withMod 3 (x + y) 0 >>> withMod 10 (x + y) 7 >>> a = mkMod 60803790666453028877 >>> b = 88100461154844882932 :: Integer >>> m = 39127526509442054532 :: Integer >>> withMod m $ a^b 33479467020524411041 -} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, GADTs, Rank2Types, ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat.Solver #-} module Numeric.Modular ( Mod , mkMod , withMod ) where import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, KnownNat, type (*), type (+), natVal) {-| Data type to represent an integer modulo `n`. -} data Mod (n :: Nat) = Mod Integer {-| @mkMod n@ wraps @n@ in type @'Mod' m@. -} mkMod :: forall m. (KnownNat m) => Integer -> Mod m mkMod n = Mod (n `mod` (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy m))) {-| In @withMod m a@ * @m@ is the modulus. * @a@ is a polymorphic value that can take on the type @'Mod' m@ for any @a@. * @withMod m a@ equals @a@ interpreted modulo @m@. > x = mkMod 17 > withMod 5 x == 2 -} withMod :: Integer -> (forall m. (KnownNat m) => Mod m) -> Integer withMod k m = reifyInteger k (withModProxy m) {- Given a polymorphic modular value and a proxy for the modulus Nat, resolve the modular value using the given modulus. -} withModProxy :: forall m. KnownNat m => (forall n. (KnownNat n) => Mod n) -> Proxy m -> Integer withModProxy k modProxy = (getV (k :: Mod m)) `mod` (natVal modProxy) {- Get the modulus m as a integer of a value of type Mod m. -} getM :: forall m. (KnownNat m) => Mod m -> Integer getM _ = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy m) {- Get the Integer inside a value of type Mod m. -} getV :: forall m. (KnownNat m) => Mod m -> Integer getV (Mod k) = k {- The implementation of "reifyIntegral" from the Implicit Configurations paper adapted to the current context. -} reifyInteger :: Integer -> (forall n. (KnownNat n) => Proxy n -> w) -> w reifyInteger 0 f = f (Proxy :: Proxy 0) reifyInteger n f | even n = reifyInteger (n `div` 2) (\(Proxy :: Proxy n) -> f (Proxy :: Proxy (n * 2))) | otherwise = reifyInteger (n - 1) (\(Proxy :: Proxy n) -> f (Proxy :: Proxy (n + 1))) instance Eq (Mod m) where (==) (Mod a) (Mod b) = a == b instance (KnownNat m) => Show (Mod m) where show (Mod a) = show a instance (KnownNat m) => Num (Mod m) where (+) k@(Mod a) (Mod b) = Mod $ (a + b) `mod` (getM k) (*) k@(Mod a) (Mod b) = Mod $ (a * b) `mod` (getM k) (-) k@(Mod a) (Mod b) = Mod $ (a - b) `mod` (getM k) negate k@(Mod a) = Mod $ (negate a) `mod` (getM k) abs = id signum _ = 1 fromInteger = mkMod