{-| Module : Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Alert Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Simple alert dialog, displaying a close button and optional title. Usually embedded in a zstack component and displayed/hidden depending on context. A simple text message can be displayed with 'alertMsg', providing the message text and the event to generate when the user closes the alert: @ alertMsg "En error occurred" AlertClosedEvent @ Alternatively, a custom widget can be provided to display as content: @ customAlert = alert AlertClosedEvent content where content = hstack [ label "Error:", filler, label errorDescription ] @ -} {-# LANGUAGE Strict #-} module Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Alert ( -- * Configuration AlertCfg, -- * Constructors alert, alert_, alertMsg, alertMsg_ ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Lens ((&), (.~)) import Data.Default import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (Text) import Monomer.Core import Monomer.Core.Combinators import Monomer.Widgets.Composite import Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Box import Monomer.Widgets.Containers.BoxShadow import Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Keystroke import Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Stack import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Button import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Icon import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Label import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Spacer import qualified Monomer.Lens as L {-| Configuration options for alert: - 'titleCaption': the title of the alert dialog. - 'closeCaption': the caption of the close button. -} data AlertCfg = AlertCfg { _alcTitle :: Maybe Text, _alcClose :: Maybe Text } instance Default AlertCfg where def = AlertCfg { _alcTitle = Nothing, _alcClose = Nothing } instance Semigroup AlertCfg where (<>) a1 a2 = AlertCfg { _alcTitle = _alcTitle a2 <|> _alcTitle a1, _alcClose = _alcClose a2 <|> _alcClose a1 } instance Monoid AlertCfg where mempty = def instance CmbTitleCaption AlertCfg where titleCaption t = def { _alcTitle = Just t } instance CmbCloseCaption AlertCfg where closeCaption t = def { _alcClose = Just t } -- | Creates an alert dialog with the provided content. alert :: (CompositeModel s, WidgetEvent e) => e -- ^ The event to raise when the dialog is closed. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The content to display in the dialog. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created dialog. alert evt dialogBody = alert_ evt def dialogBody -- | Creates an alert dialog with the provided content. Accepts config. alert_ :: (CompositeModel s, WidgetEvent e) => e -- ^ The event to raise when the dialog is closed. -> [AlertCfg] -- ^ The config options for the dialog. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The content to display in the dialog. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created dialog. alert_ evt configs dialogBody = newNode where config = mconcat configs createUI = buildUI (const dialogBody) evt config newNode = compositeD_ "alert" (WidgetLens id) createUI handleEvent [] -- | Creates an alert dialog with a text message as content. alertMsg :: (CompositeModel s, WidgetEvent e) => Text -- ^ The message to display. -> e -- ^ The event to raise when the dialog is closed. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created dialog. alertMsg message evt = alertMsg_ message evt def -- | Creates an alert dialog with a text message as content. Accepts config. alertMsg_ :: (CompositeModel s, WidgetEvent e) => Text -- ^ The message to display. -> e -- ^ The event to raise when the dialog is closed. -> [AlertCfg] -- ^ The config options for the dialog. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created dialog. alertMsg_ message evt configs = newNode where config = mconcat configs dialogBody wenv = label_ message [multiline] & L.info . L.style .~ collectTheme wenv L.dialogMsgBodyStyle createUI = buildUI dialogBody evt config newNode = compositeD_ "alert" (WidgetValue ()) createUI handleEvent [] buildUI :: (CompositeModel s, WidgetEvent ep) => (WidgetEnv s ep -> WidgetNode s ep) -> ep -> AlertCfg -> WidgetEnv s ep -> s -> WidgetNode s ep buildUI dialogBody cancelEvt config wenv model = mainTree where title = fromMaybe "" (_alcTitle config) close = fromMaybe "Close" (_alcClose config) emptyOverlay = collectTheme wenv L.emptyOverlayStyle dismissButton = hstack [button close cancelEvt] closeIcon = icon_ IconClose [width 2] & L.info . L.style .~ collectTheme wenv L.dialogCloseIconStyle alertTree = vstack_ [sizeReqUpdater clearExtra] [ hstack [ label title & L.info . L.style .~ collectTheme wenv L.dialogTitleStyle, filler, box_ [alignTop, onClick cancelEvt] closeIcon ], dialogBody wenv, filler, box_ [alignRight] dismissButton & L.info . L.style .~ collectTheme wenv L.dialogButtonsStyle ] & L.info . L.style .~ collectTheme wenv L.dialogFrameStyle alertBox = box_ [onClickEmpty cancelEvt] (boxShadow alertTree) & L.info . L.style .~ emptyOverlay mainTree = keystroke [("Esc", cancelEvt)] alertBox handleEvent :: WidgetEnv s ep -> WidgetNode s ep -> s -> ep -> [EventResponse s e sp ep] handleEvent wenv node model evt = [Report evt]