{-| Module : Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Box Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Container for a single item, providing functionalities that may not be available in other widgets. Useful in different layout situations, since it provides alignment options. This allows for the inner widget to keep its size while being positioned more explicitly, while the box takes up the complete space assigned by its parent (in particular for containers which do not follow SizeReq restrictions, such as Grid). @ box_ [alignRight, alignBottom] $ image "assets/test-image.jpg" \`styleBasic\` [width 100, height 100] @ Can be used to add padding to an inner widget with a border. This is equivalent to the margin property in CSS. @ -- Padding is inside the border content = label \"Message\" \`styleBasic\` [padding 5, border 1 black] -- Padding in the wrapper box acts as margin container = box content \`styleBasic\` [padding 5] @ Also useful to handle click events in complex widget structures (for example, a label with an image at its side). @ content = vstack [ label "All the content widget is clickable", spacer, image "assets/test-image.jpg" ] clickableItem = box_ [onClick ItemClicked] content \`styleBasic\' [cursorHand] @ -} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE Strict #-} module Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Box ( -- * Configuration BoxCfg, expandContent, boxFilterEvent, -- * Constructors box, box_ ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (.~)) import Data.Default import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Monomer.Helper (applyFnList) import Monomer.Widgets.Container import Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Stack import qualified Monomer.Lens as L {-| Configuration options for box: - 'mergeRequired': function called during merge that receives the old and new model, returning True in case the child widget needs to be merged. Since by default merge is required, this function can be used to restrict merging when it would be expensive and it is not necessary. For example, a list of widgets representing search result only needs to be updated when the list of results changes, not while the user inputs new search criteria (which also triggers a model change and, hence, the merge process). - 'ignoreEmptyArea': when the inner widget does not use all the available space, ignoring the unassigned space allows for mouse events to pass through. This is useful in zstack layers. - 'sizeReqUpdater': allows modifying the 'SizeReq' generated by the inner widget. - 'alignLeft': aligns the inner widget to the left. - 'alignCenter': aligns the inner widget to the horizontal center. - 'alignRight': aligns the inner widget to the right. - 'alignTop': aligns the inner widget to the top. - 'alignMiddle': aligns the inner widget to the vertical middle. - 'alignBottom': aligns the inner widget to the bottom. - 'onFocus': event to raise when focus is received. - 'onFocusReq': 'WidgetRequest' to generate when focus is received. - 'onBlur': event to raise when focus is lost. - 'onBlurReq': 'WidgetRequest' to generate when focus is lost. - 'onEnter': on mouse enter event. - 'onEnterReq': generates a WidgetRequest on mouse enter. - 'onLeave': on mouse leave event. - 'onLeaveReq': generates a WidgetRequest on mouse leave. - 'onClick': click event. - 'onClickReq': generates a WidgetRequest on click. - 'onClickEmpty': click event on empty area. - 'onClickEmptyReq': generates a WidgetRequest on click in empty area. - 'onBtnPressed': on button pressed event. - 'onBtnPressedReq': generates a WidgetRequest when button is pressed. - 'onBtnReleased': on button released event. - 'onBtnReleasedReq': generates a WidgetRequest when button is released. - 'expandContent': if the inner widget should use all the available space. To be able to use alignment options, this must be False (the default). - 'boxFilterEvent': allows filtering or modifying a 'SystemEvent'. -} data BoxCfg s e = BoxCfg { _boxExpandContent :: Maybe Bool, _boxIgnoreEmptyArea :: Maybe Bool, _boxSizeReqUpdater :: [SizeReqUpdater], _boxFilterEvent :: Maybe (ContainerFilterHandler s e), _boxMergeRequired :: Maybe (WidgetEnv s e -> s -> s -> Bool), _boxAlignH :: Maybe AlignH, _boxAlignV :: Maybe AlignV, _boxOnFocusReq :: [Path -> WidgetRequest s e], _boxOnBlurReq :: [Path -> WidgetRequest s e], _boxOnEnterReq :: [WidgetRequest s e], _boxOnLeaveReq :: [WidgetRequest s e], _boxOnClickReq :: [WidgetRequest s e], _boxOnClickEmptyReq :: [WidgetRequest s e], _boxOnBtnPressedReq :: [Button -> Int -> WidgetRequest s e], _boxOnBtnReleasedReq :: [Button -> Int -> WidgetRequest s e] } instance Default (BoxCfg s e) where def = BoxCfg { _boxExpandContent = Nothing, _boxIgnoreEmptyArea = Nothing, _boxSizeReqUpdater = [], _boxFilterEvent = Nothing, _boxMergeRequired = Nothing, _boxAlignH = Nothing, _boxAlignV = Nothing, _boxOnFocusReq = [], _boxOnBlurReq = [], _boxOnEnterReq = [], _boxOnLeaveReq = [], _boxOnClickReq = [], _boxOnClickEmptyReq = [], _boxOnBtnPressedReq = [], _boxOnBtnReleasedReq = [] } instance Semigroup (BoxCfg s e) where (<>) t1 t2 = BoxCfg { _boxExpandContent = _boxExpandContent t2 <|> _boxExpandContent t1, _boxIgnoreEmptyArea = _boxIgnoreEmptyArea t2 <|> _boxIgnoreEmptyArea t1, _boxSizeReqUpdater = _boxSizeReqUpdater t1 <> _boxSizeReqUpdater t2, _boxFilterEvent = _boxFilterEvent t2 <|> _boxFilterEvent t1, _boxMergeRequired = _boxMergeRequired t2 <|> _boxMergeRequired t1, _boxAlignH = _boxAlignH t2 <|> _boxAlignH t1, _boxAlignV = _boxAlignV t2 <|> _boxAlignV t1, _boxOnFocusReq = _boxOnFocusReq t1 <> _boxOnFocusReq t2, _boxOnBlurReq = _boxOnBlurReq t1 <> _boxOnBlurReq t2, _boxOnEnterReq = _boxOnEnterReq t1 <> _boxOnEnterReq t2, _boxOnLeaveReq = _boxOnLeaveReq t1 <> _boxOnLeaveReq t2, _boxOnClickReq = _boxOnClickReq t1 <> _boxOnClickReq t2, _boxOnClickEmptyReq = _boxOnClickEmptyReq t1 <> _boxOnClickEmptyReq t2, _boxOnBtnPressedReq = _boxOnBtnPressedReq t1 <> _boxOnBtnPressedReq t2, _boxOnBtnReleasedReq = _boxOnBtnReleasedReq t1 <> _boxOnBtnReleasedReq t2 } instance Monoid (BoxCfg s e) where mempty = def instance CmbIgnoreEmptyArea (BoxCfg s e) where ignoreEmptyArea_ ignore = def { _boxIgnoreEmptyArea = Just ignore } instance CmbSizeReqUpdater (BoxCfg s e) where sizeReqUpdater updater = def { _boxSizeReqUpdater = [updater] } instance CmbMergeRequired (BoxCfg s e) (WidgetEnv s e) s where mergeRequired fn = def { _boxMergeRequired = Just fn } instance CmbAlignLeft (BoxCfg s e) where alignLeft_ False = def alignLeft_ True = def { _boxAlignH = Just ALeft } instance CmbAlignCenter (BoxCfg s e) where alignCenter_ False = def alignCenter_ True = def { _boxAlignH = Just ACenter } instance CmbAlignRight (BoxCfg s e) where alignRight_ False = def alignRight_ True = def { _boxAlignH = Just ARight } instance CmbAlignTop (BoxCfg s e) where alignTop_ False = def alignTop_ True = def { _boxAlignV = Just ATop } instance CmbAlignMiddle (BoxCfg s e) where alignMiddle_ False = def alignMiddle_ True = def { _boxAlignV = Just AMiddle } instance CmbAlignBottom (BoxCfg s e) where alignBottom_ False = def alignBottom_ True = def { _boxAlignV = Just ABottom } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnFocus (BoxCfg s e) e Path where onFocus handler = def { _boxOnFocusReq = [RaiseEvent . handler] } instance CmbOnFocusReq (BoxCfg s e) s e Path where onFocusReq req = def { _boxOnFocusReq = [req] } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnBlur (BoxCfg s e) e Path where onBlur handler = def { _boxOnBlurReq = [RaiseEvent . handler] } instance CmbOnBlurReq (BoxCfg s e) s e Path where onBlurReq req = def { _boxOnBlurReq = [req] } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnBtnPressed (BoxCfg s e) e where onBtnPressed handler = def { _boxOnBtnPressedReq = [(RaiseEvent .) . handler] } instance CmbOnBtnPressedReq (BoxCfg s e) s e where onBtnPressedReq req = def { _boxOnBtnPressedReq = [req] } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnBtnReleased (BoxCfg s e) e where onBtnReleased handler = def { _boxOnBtnReleasedReq = [(RaiseEvent .) . handler] } instance CmbOnBtnReleasedReq (BoxCfg s e) s e where onBtnReleasedReq req = def { _boxOnBtnReleasedReq = [req] } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnClick (BoxCfg s e) e where onClick handler = def { _boxOnClickReq = [RaiseEvent handler] } instance CmbOnClickReq (BoxCfg s e) s e where onClickReq req = def { _boxOnClickReq = [req] } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnClickEmpty (BoxCfg s e) e where onClickEmpty handler = def { _boxOnClickEmptyReq = [RaiseEvent handler] } instance CmbOnClickEmptyReq (BoxCfg s e) s e where onClickEmptyReq req = def { _boxOnClickEmptyReq = [req] } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnEnter (BoxCfg s e) e where onEnter handler = def { _boxOnEnterReq = [RaiseEvent handler] } instance CmbOnEnterReq (BoxCfg s e) s e where onEnterReq req = def { _boxOnEnterReq = [req] } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnLeave (BoxCfg s e) e where onLeave handler = def { _boxOnLeaveReq = [RaiseEvent handler] } instance CmbOnLeaveReq (BoxCfg s e) s e where onLeaveReq req = def { _boxOnLeaveReq = [req] } -- | Assigns all the available space to its contained child. expandContent :: BoxCfg s e expandContent = def { _boxExpandContent = Just True } {-| Receives a System event and, optionally, modifies the event, its target, or stops the event propagation by returning Nothing. -} boxFilterEvent :: ContainerFilterHandler s e -> BoxCfg s e boxFilterEvent handler = def { _boxFilterEvent = Just handler } newtype BoxState s = BoxState { _bxsModel :: Maybe s } deriving (Show) -- | Creates a box widget with a single node as child. box :: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e) => WidgetNode s e -- ^ The child node. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created box container. box managed = box_ def managed -- | Creates a box widget with a single node as child. Accepts config. box_ :: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e) => [BoxCfg s e] -- ^ The config options. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The child node. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created box container. box_ configs managed = makeNode (makeBox config state) managed where config = mconcat configs state = BoxState Nothing makeNode :: Widget s e -> WidgetNode s e -> WidgetNode s e makeNode widget managedWidget = defaultWidgetNode "box" widget & L.info . L.focusable .~ False & L.children .~ Seq.singleton managedWidget makeBox :: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e) => BoxCfg s e -> BoxState s -> Widget s e makeBox config state = widget where widget = createContainer state def { containerIgnoreEmptyArea = ignoreEmptyArea && emptyHandlersCount == 0, containerGetCurrentStyle = getCurrentStyle, containerInit = init, containerMergeChildrenReq = mergeChildrenReq, containerMerge = merge, containerFilterEvent = filterEvent, containerHandleEvent = handleEvent, containerGetSizeReq = getSizeReq, containerResize = resize } ignoreEmptyArea = Just True == _boxIgnoreEmptyArea config emptyHandlersCount = length (_boxOnClickEmptyReq config) init wenv node = resultNode newNode where newState = BoxState (Just $ wenv ^. L.model) newNode = node & L.widget .~ makeBox config newState mergeChildrenReq wenv node oldNode oldState = required where newModel = wenv ^. L.model isReload = isWidgetReload wenv required = case (_boxMergeRequired config, _bxsModel oldState) of (Just mergeReqFn, Just oldModel) -> isReload || mergeReqFn wenv oldModel newModel _ -> True merge wenv node oldNode oldState = resultNode newNode where newState = BoxState (Just $ wenv ^. L.model) newNode = node & L.widget .~ makeBox config newState getCurrentStyle = currentStyle_ currentStyleConfig where currentStyleConfig = def & L.isActive .~ isNodeTreeActive filterEvent = case _boxFilterEvent config of Just handler -> handler _ -> \wenv node target evt -> Just (target, evt) handleEvent wenv node target evt = case evt of Focus prev -> handleFocusChange node prev (_boxOnFocusReq config) Blur next -> handleFocusChange node next (_boxOnBlurReq config) Enter point | not (null reqs) && inChildVp point -> result where reqs = _boxOnEnterReq config result = Just (resultReqs node reqs) Leave point | not (null reqs) -> result where reqs = _boxOnLeaveReq config result = Just (resultReqs node reqs) Click point btn _ | not (null reqs) && inChildVp point -> result where reqs = _boxOnClickReq config result = Just (resultReqs node reqs) Click point btn _ | not (null reqs) && not (inChildVp point) -> result where reqs = _boxOnClickEmptyReq config result = Just (resultReqs node reqs) ButtonAction point btn BtnPressed clicks | not (null reqs) && inChildVp point -> result where reqs = _boxOnBtnPressedReq config <*> pure btn <*> pure clicks result = Just (resultReqs node reqs) ButtonAction point btn BtnReleased clicks | clicks == 1 && not (null reqs) && inChildVp point -> result where reqs = _boxOnBtnReleasedReq config <*> pure btn <*> pure clicks result = Just (resultReqs node reqs) ButtonAction point btn BtnReleased clicks | clicks > 1 && not (null reqs) && inChildVp point -> result where reqs = _boxOnBtnReleasedReq config <*> pure btn <*> pure clicks result = Just (resultReqs node reqs) ButtonAction point btn BtnReleased clicks | clicks > 1 && not (null reqs) && not (inChildVp point) -> result where reqs = _boxOnClickEmptyReq config result = Just (resultReqs node reqs) _ -> Nothing where child = Seq.index (node ^. L.children) 0 inChildVp point = pointInRect point (child ^. L.info . L.viewport) getSizeReq :: ContainerGetSizeReqHandler s e getSizeReq wenv node children = newSizeReq where sizeReqFns = _boxSizeReqUpdater config child = Seq.index children 0 newReqW = child ^. L.info . L.sizeReqW newReqH = child ^. L.info . L.sizeReqH newSizeReq = applyFnList sizeReqFns (newReqW, newReqH) resize wenv node viewport children = resized where style = getCurrentStyle wenv node child = Seq.index children 0 contentArea = fromMaybe def (removeOuterBounds style viewport) Rect cx cy cw ch = contentArea contentW = snd $ assignStackAreas True contentArea 0 children contentH = snd $ assignStackAreas False contentArea 0 children raChild = Rect cx cy (min cw contentW) (min ch contentH) ah = fromMaybe ACenter (_boxAlignH config) av = fromMaybe AMiddle (_boxAlignV config) raAligned = alignInRect contentArea raChild ah av expand = fromMaybe False (_boxExpandContent config) resized | expand = (resultNode node, Seq.singleton contentArea) | otherwise = (resultNode node, Seq.singleton raAligned)