{-| Module : Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Scroll Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Scroll container of a single node. Assigns all the space the inner node requests but limits itself to what its parent assigns. It allows navigating the content of the inner node with the scroll bars. It also supports automatic focus following. Accepts the following messages: - 'ScrollTo': Causes the scroll to update its handles to ensure rect is visible. - 'ScrollReset': Sets both handle positions to zero. @ vscroll (vstack longItemsList) @ -} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} module Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Scroll ( -- * Configuration ScrollCfg, ScrollStatus(..), ScrollMessage(..), scrollOverlay, scrollOverlay_, scrollFwdStyle, scrollFwdDefault, scrollInvisible, scrollInvisible_, scrollFollowFocus, scrollFollowFocus_, scrollStyle, -- * Constructors scroll, scroll_, hscroll, hscroll_, vscroll, vscroll_ ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Lens (ALens', (&), (^.), (.~), (^?), (^?!), (<>~), _Just, cloneLens, ix) import Control.Monad import Data.Default import Data.Maybe import Data.Typeable (cast) import GHC.Generics import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Monomer.Helper import Monomer.Widgets.Container import qualified Monomer.Lens as L data ScrollType = ScrollH | ScrollV | ScrollBoth deriving (Eq, Show) {-| Information provided in the 'onChange' event. The currently visible viewport is affected by the position of the scroll bars, their size and any other parent widget that restricts the visible viewport (e.g., another scroll). -} data ScrollStatus = ScrollStatus { scrollDeltaX :: Double, -- ^ Displacement in the x axis. scrollDeltaY :: Double, -- ^ Displacement in the y axis. scrollRect :: Rect, -- ^ The viewport assigned to the scroll widget. scrollVpSize :: Size, -- ^ The currently visible viewport. scrollChildSize :: Size -- ^ The total size of the child widget. } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Default ScrollStatus where def = ScrollStatus { scrollDeltaX = 0, scrollDeltaY = 0, scrollRect = def, scrollVpSize = def, scrollChildSize = def } data ActiveBar = HBar | VBar deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) {-| Configuration options for scroll: - 'scrollOverlay': whether scroll bar should be on top of content or by the side. - 'scrollInvisible': shortcut for setting invisible style. Useful with scroll overlay, since it allows scrolling without taking up space or hiding content. - 'scrollFollowFocus': whether to auto scroll when focusing a non visible item. - 'scrollStyle': the base style of the scroll bar. - 'wheelRate': rate at which wheel movement causes scrolling. - 'barColor': the color of the bar (container of the thumb). - 'barHoverColor': the color of the bar when mouse is on top. - 'barWidth': the width of the bar. - 'thumbColor': the color of the thumb. - 'thumbHoverColor': the color of the thumb when mouse is on top. - 'thumbWidth': the width of the thumb. - 'thumbMinSize': the minimum size of the thumb. - 'thumbRadius': the radius of the corners of the thumb. - 'onChange': event to raise when the viewport changes. - 'onChangeReq': 'WidgetRequest' to generate when the viewport changes. -} data ScrollCfg s e = ScrollCfg { _scScrollType :: Maybe ScrollType, _scScrollOverlay :: Maybe Bool, _scScrollFwdStyle :: Maybe (WidgetEnv s e -> Style -> (Style, Style)), _scFollowFocus :: Maybe Bool, _scWheelRate :: Maybe Rational, _scBarColor :: Maybe Color, _scBarHoverColor :: Maybe Color, _scThumbColor :: Maybe Color, _scThumbHoverColor :: Maybe Color, _scStyle :: Maybe (ALens' ThemeState StyleState), _scBarWidth :: Maybe Double, _scThumbWidth :: Maybe Double, _scThumbMinSize :: Maybe Double, _scThumbRadius :: Maybe Double, _scOnChangeReq :: [ScrollStatus -> WidgetRequest s e] } instance Default (ScrollCfg s e) where def = ScrollCfg { _scScrollType = Nothing, _scScrollOverlay = Nothing, _scScrollFwdStyle = Nothing, _scFollowFocus = Nothing, _scWheelRate = Nothing, _scBarColor = Nothing, _scBarHoverColor = Nothing, _scThumbColor = Nothing, _scThumbHoverColor = Nothing, _scStyle = Nothing, _scBarWidth = Nothing, _scThumbWidth = Nothing, _scThumbMinSize = Nothing, _scThumbRadius = Nothing, _scOnChangeReq = [] } instance Semigroup (ScrollCfg s e) where (<>) t1 t2 = ScrollCfg { _scScrollType = _scScrollType t2 <|> _scScrollType t1, _scScrollOverlay = _scScrollOverlay t2 <|> _scScrollOverlay t1, _scScrollFwdStyle = _scScrollFwdStyle t2 <|> _scScrollFwdStyle t1, _scFollowFocus = _scFollowFocus t2 <|> _scFollowFocus t1, _scWheelRate = _scWheelRate t2 <|> _scWheelRate t1, _scBarColor = _scBarColor t2 <|> _scBarColor t1, _scBarHoverColor = _scBarHoverColor t2 <|> _scBarHoverColor t1, _scThumbColor = _scThumbColor t2 <|> _scThumbColor t1, _scThumbHoverColor = _scThumbHoverColor t2 <|> _scThumbHoverColor t1, _scStyle = _scStyle t2 <|> _scStyle t1, _scBarWidth = _scBarWidth t2 <|> _scBarWidth t1, _scThumbWidth = _scThumbWidth t2 <|> _scThumbWidth t1, _scThumbMinSize = _scThumbMinSize t2 <|> _scThumbMinSize t1, _scThumbRadius = _scThumbRadius t2 <|> _scThumbRadius t1, _scOnChangeReq = _scOnChangeReq t2 <|> _scOnChangeReq t1 } instance Monoid (ScrollCfg s e) where mempty = def instance CmbWheelRate (ScrollCfg s e) Rational where wheelRate rate = def { _scWheelRate = Just rate } instance CmbBarColor (ScrollCfg s e) where barColor col = def { _scBarColor = Just col } instance CmbBarHoverColor (ScrollCfg s e) where barHoverColor col = def { _scBarHoverColor = Just col } instance CmbBarWidth (ScrollCfg s e) where barWidth w = def { _scBarWidth = Just w } -- Thumb instance CmbThumbColor (ScrollCfg s e) where thumbColor col = def { _scThumbColor = Just col } instance CmbThumbHoverColor (ScrollCfg s e) where thumbHoverColor col = def { _scThumbHoverColor = Just col } instance CmbThumbWidth (ScrollCfg s e) where thumbWidth w = def { _scThumbWidth = Just w } instance CmbThumbMinSize (ScrollCfg s e) where thumbMinSize w = def { _scThumbMinSize = Just w } instance CmbThumbRadius (ScrollCfg s e) where thumbRadius r = def { _scThumbRadius = Just r } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnChange (ScrollCfg s e) ScrollStatus e where onChange fn = def { _scOnChangeReq = [RaiseEvent . fn] } instance CmbOnChangeReq (ScrollCfg s e) s e ScrollStatus where onChangeReq req = def { _scOnChangeReq = [req] } -- | Scroll bars will be displayed on top of the content. scrollOverlay :: ScrollCfg s e scrollOverlay = scrollOverlay_ True {-| Sets whether scroll bars will be displayed on top of the content or next to it. -} scrollOverlay_ :: Bool -> ScrollCfg s e scrollOverlay_ overlay = def { _scScrollOverlay = Just overlay } {-| Sets a function that will split the node's style into one for the scroll and one for the child node. Useful for widgets which wrap themselves in a scroll, such as textArea, to be able to receive customizations made by the user. -} scrollFwdStyle :: (WidgetEnv s e -> Style -> (Style, Style)) -> ScrollCfg s e scrollFwdStyle fwd = def { _scScrollFwdStyle = Just fwd } -- | Default style forward function, keeping standard fields for scroll. scrollFwdDefault :: WidgetEnv s e -> Style -> (Style, Style) scrollFwdDefault wenv style = (scrollStyle, childStyle) where scrollStyle = def & collectStyleField_ L.sizeReqW style & collectStyleField_ L.sizeReqH style & collectStyleField_ L.border style & collectStyleField_ L.radius style & collectStyleField_ L.bgColor style childStyle = def & collectStyleField_ L.padding style & collectStyleField_ L.fgColor style & collectStyleField_ L.sndColor style & collectStyleField_ L.hlColor style & collectStyleField_ L.text style & collectStyleField_ L.cursorIcon style -- | Sets the style of the scroll bars to transparent. scrollInvisible :: ScrollCfg s e scrollInvisible = scrollInvisible_ True -- | Whether to set the style of the scroll bars to transparent. scrollInvisible_ :: Bool -> ScrollCfg s e scrollInvisible_ False = def scrollInvisible_ True = def { _scScrollOverlay = Just True, _scBarColor = Just transparent, _scBarHoverColor = Just transparent, _scThumbColor = Just transparent, _scThumbHoverColor = Just transparent } -- | Makes the scroll automatically follow focused items to make them visible. scrollFollowFocus :: ScrollCfg s e scrollFollowFocus = scrollFollowFocus_ True -- | Whether to automatically follow focused items to make them visible. scrollFollowFocus_ :: Bool -> ScrollCfg s e scrollFollowFocus_ follow = def { _scFollowFocus = Just follow } {-| Sets the base style of the scroll bar. Useful when creating widgets which use scroll and may need to customize it. -} scrollStyle :: ALens' ThemeState StyleState -> ScrollCfg s e scrollStyle style = def { _scStyle = Just style } -- Not exported scrollType :: ScrollType -> ScrollCfg s e scrollType st = def { _scScrollType = Just st } data ScrollState = ScrollState { _sstDragging :: Maybe ActiveBar, _sstDeltaX :: !Double, _sstDeltaY :: !Double, _sstThumbOffsetX :: !Double, _sstThumbOffsetY :: !Double, _sstVpSize :: Size, _sstChildSize :: Size, _sstScissor :: Rect } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) data ScrollContext = ScrollContext { hThumbRatio :: Double, vThumbRatio :: Double, hScrollRequired :: Bool, vScrollRequired :: Bool, hMouseInScroll :: Bool, vMouseInScroll :: Bool, hMouseInThumb :: Bool, vMouseInThumb :: Bool, hScrollRect :: Rect, vScrollRect :: Rect, hThumbRect :: Rect, vThumbRect :: Rect } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Default ScrollState where def = ScrollState { _sstDragging = Nothing, _sstDeltaX = 0, _sstDeltaY = 0, _sstThumbOffsetX = 0, _sstThumbOffsetY = 0, _sstVpSize = def, _sstChildSize = def, _sstScissor = def } -- | Messages the scroll component supports. data ScrollMessage -- | Causes the scroll to update its bars to ensure rect is visible. = ScrollTo Rect -- | Sets both bars to zero. | ScrollReset deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Creates a scroll node that may show both bars. scroll :: WidgetNode s e -- ^ The child node. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created scroll. scroll managedWidget = scroll_ def managedWidget -- | Creates a scroll node that may show both bars. Accepts config. scroll_ :: [ScrollCfg s e] -- ^ The config options. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The child node. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created scroll. scroll_ configs managed = makeNode (makeScroll config def) managed where config = mconcat configs -- | Creates a horizontal scroll node. Vertical space is equal to what the -- parent node assigns. hscroll :: WidgetNode s e -- ^ The child node. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created scroll. hscroll managedWidget = hscroll_ def managedWidget -- | Creates a horizontal scroll node. Vertical space is equal to what the -- parent node assigns. Accepts config. hscroll_ :: [ScrollCfg s e] -- ^ The config options. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The child node. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created scroll. hscroll_ configs managed = makeNode (makeScroll config def) managed where config = mconcat (scrollType ScrollH : configs) -- | Creates a vertical scroll node. Vertical space is equal to what the -- parent node assigns. vscroll :: WidgetNode s e -- ^ The child node. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created scroll. vscroll managedWidget = vscroll_ def managedWidget -- | Creates a vertical scroll node. Vertical space is equal to what the -- parent node assigns. Accepts config. vscroll_ :: [ScrollCfg s e] -- ^ The config options. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The child node. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created scroll. vscroll_ configs managed = makeNode (makeScroll config def) managed where config = mconcat (scrollType ScrollV : configs) makeNode :: Widget s e -> WidgetNode s e -> WidgetNode s e makeNode widget managedWidget = defaultWidgetNode "scroll" widget & L.info . L.focusable .~ False & L.children .~ Seq.singleton managedWidget makeScroll :: ScrollCfg s e -> ScrollState -> Widget s e makeScroll config state = widget where container = def { containerChildrenOffset = Just offset, containerChildrenScissor = Just (_sstScissor state), containerLayoutDirection = layoutDirection, containerGetBaseStyle = getBaseStyle, containerGetCurrentStyle = scrollCurrentStyle, containerCreateContainerFromModel = createContainerFromModel, containerUpdateCWenv = updateCWenv, containerInit = init, containerMerge = merge, containerFindByPoint = findByPoint, containerHandleEvent = handleEvent, containerHandleMessage = handleMessage, containerGetSizeReq = getSizeReq, containerResize = resize, containerRenderAfter = renderAfter } widget = createContainer state container (dragging, dx, dy) = (_sstDragging state, _sstDeltaX state, _sstDeltaY state) Size childWidth childHeight = _sstChildSize state Size maxVpW maxVpH = _sstVpSize state offset = Point dx dy scrollType = fromMaybe ScrollBoth (_scScrollType config) layoutDirection = case scrollType of ScrollH -> LayoutHorizontal ScrollV -> LayoutVertical ScrollBoth -> LayoutNone getBaseStyle wenv node = _scStyle config >>= handler where handler lstyle = Just $ collectTheme wenv (cloneLens lstyle) checkFwdStyle wenv node = newNode where fwdStyle = _scScrollFwdStyle config style = node ^. L.info . L.style (parentStyle, childStyle) | isJust fwdStyle = fromJust fwdStyle wenv style | otherwise = def newNode | isJust fwdStyle = node & L.info . L.style .~ parentStyle & L.children . ix 0 . L.info . L.style .~ childStyle | otherwise = node createContainerFromModel wenv node state = Just newContainer where offset = Point (_sstDeltaX state) (_sstDeltaX state) newContainer = container { containerChildrenOffset = Just offset } -- This is overridden to account for space used by scroll bars updateCWenv wenv node cnode cidx = newWenv where theme = currentTheme wenv node barW = fromMaybe (theme ^. L.scrollBarWidth) (_scBarWidth config) overlay = fromMaybe (theme ^. L.scrollOverlay) (_scScrollOverlay config) ScrollContext{..} = scrollStatus config wenv node state (Point 0 0) style = currentStyle wenv node carea = getContentArea node style -- barH consumes vertical space, barV consumes horizontal space barH | hScrollRequired && not overlay = barW | otherwise = 0 barV | vScrollRequired && not overlay = barW | otherwise = 0 clientArea = subtractFromRect carea 0 barV 0 barH newWenv = wenv & L.viewport .~ moveRect (negPoint offset) (fromMaybe carea clientArea) init wenv node = resultNode newNode where newNode = checkFwdStyle wenv node merge wenv node oldNode oldState = resultNode newNode where newNode = checkFwdStyle wenv $ node & L.widget .~ makeScroll config oldState findByPoint wenv node start point = result where -- The point argument already has offset applied scrollPoint = subPoint point offset sctx = scrollStatus config wenv node state scrollPoint mouseInScroll = (hMouseInScroll sctx && hScrollRequired sctx) || (vMouseInScroll sctx && vScrollRequired sctx) child = Seq.index (node ^. L.children) 0 childHovered = isPointInNodeVp child point childDragged = isNodePressed wenv child result | (not mouseInScroll && childHovered) || childDragged = Just 0 | otherwise = Nothing handleEvent wenv node target evt = case evt of Focus{} -> result where overlay = wenv ^. L.overlayPath inOverlay info | isJust overlay = seqStartsWith (fromJust overlay) (info ^. L.path) | otherwise = False focusPath = wenv ^. L.focusedPath focusInst = findInstOrScroll wenv node focusPath focusVp = focusInst ^? _Just . L.viewport focusOverlay = maybe False inOverlay focusInst follow = fromMaybe (theme ^. L.scrollFollowFocus) (_scFollowFocus config) overlayMatch = focusOverlay == inOverlay (node ^. L.info) fwdFocus = Just (resultReqs node [MoveFocus Nothing FocusFwd]) result | target == node ^. L.info . L.path = fwdFocus | follow && overlayMatch = focusVp >>= scrollTo wenv node | otherwise = Nothing ButtonAction point btn status _ -> result where mainPressed = status == BtnPressed && btn == wenv ^. L.mainButton mainReleased = status == BtnReleased && btn == wenv ^. L.mainButton isDragging = isJust $ _sstDragging state startDragH = mainPressed && not isDragging && hMouseInThumb sctx startDragV = mainPressed && not isDragging && vMouseInThumb sctx jumpScrollH = mainPressed && not isDragging && hMouseInScroll sctx jumpScrollV = mainPressed && not isDragging && vMouseInScroll sctx mouseInThumb = hMouseInThumb sctx || vMouseInThumb sctx mouseInScroll = hMouseInScroll sctx || vMouseInScroll sctx thumbOffsetX = point ^. L.x - hThumbRect sctx ^. L.x thumbOffsetY = point ^. L.y - vThumbRect sctx ^. L.y newState | startDragH = state { _sstDragging = Just HBar, _sstThumbOffsetX = thumbOffsetX, _sstThumbOffsetY = 0 } | startDragV = state { _sstDragging = Just VBar, _sstThumbOffsetX = 0, _sstThumbOffsetY = thumbOffsetY } | jumpScrollH = updateScrollThumb state HBar point contentArea sctx | jumpScrollV = updateScrollThumb state VBar point contentArea sctx | mainReleased = state { _sstDragging = Nothing } | otherwise = state newRes = rebuildWidget wenv node newState handledResult = Just $ newRes & L.requests <>~ Seq.fromList scrollReqs result | mainPressed && (mouseInThumb || mouseInScroll) = handledResult | mainReleased && isDragging = handledResult | otherwise = Nothing Move point | isJust dragging -> result where drag bar = updateScrollThumb state bar point contentArea sctx makeWidget state = rebuildWidget wenv node state makeResult state = makeWidget state & L.requests <>~ Seq.fromList (RenderOnce : scrollReqs) result = fmap (makeResult . drag) dragging Move point | isNothing dragging -> result where mousePosPrev = wenv ^. L.inputStatus . L.mousePosPrev psctx = scrollStatus config wenv node state mousePosPrev changed = hMouseInThumb sctx /= hMouseInThumb psctx || vMouseInThumb sctx /= vMouseInThumb psctx || hMouseInScroll sctx /= hMouseInScroll psctx || vMouseInScroll sctx /= vMouseInScroll psctx result | changed = Just $ resultReqs node [RenderOnce] | otherwise = Nothing WheelScroll _ (Point wx wy) wheelDirection -> result where changedX = wx /= 0 && childWidth > cw changedY = wy /= 0 && childHeight > ch needsUpdate = changedX || changedY makeWidget state = rebuildWidget wenv node state makeResult state = makeWidget state & L.requests <>~ Seq.fromList scrollReqs result | needsUpdate = Just $ makeResult newState | otherwise = Nothing stepX | shiftPressed && changedY = wheelRate * wy | otherwise = wheelRate * wx stepY | shiftPressed = 0 | otherwise = wheelRate * wy newState = state { _sstDeltaX = scrollAxisH (stepX + dx), _sstDeltaY = scrollAxisV (stepY + dy) } _ -> Nothing where theme = currentTheme wenv node style = scrollCurrentStyle wenv node contentArea = getContentArea node style mousePos = wenv ^. L.inputStatus . L.mousePos shiftPressed = isShiftPressed (wenv ^. L.inputStatus . L.keyMod) Rect cx cy cw ch = contentArea sctx = scrollStatus config wenv node state mousePos scrollReqs = [IgnoreParentEvents] wheelCfg = fromMaybe (theme ^. L.scrollWheelRate) (_scWheelRate config) wheelRate = fromRational wheelCfg scrollAxis reqDelta childLength vpLength | maxDelta == 0 = 0 | reqDelta < 0 = max reqDelta (-maxDelta) | otherwise = min reqDelta 0 where maxDelta = max 0 (childLength - vpLength) scrollAxisH delta = scrollAxis delta childWidth maxVpW scrollAxisV delta = scrollAxis delta childHeight maxVpH handleMessage wenv node target message = result where handleScrollMessage (ScrollTo rect) = scrollTo wenv node rect handleScrollMessage ScrollReset = scrollReset wenv node result = cast message >>= handleScrollMessage scrollTo wenv node targetRect = result where style = scrollCurrentStyle wenv node contentArea = getContentArea node style rect = moveRect offset targetRect Rect rx ry rw rh = rect Rect cx cy _ _ = contentArea childVp = Rect cx cy maxVpW maxVpH diffL = cx - rx diffR = cx + maxVpW - (rx + rw) diffT = cy - ry diffB = cy + maxVpH - (ry + rh) stepX | rectInRectH rect childVp = dx | abs diffL <= abs diffR = diffL + dx | otherwise = diffR + dx stepY | rectInRectV rect childVp = dy | abs diffT <= abs diffB = diffT + dy | otherwise = diffB + dy newState = state { _sstDeltaX = scrollAxisH stepX, _sstDeltaY = scrollAxisV stepY } result | rectInRect rect childVp = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ rebuildWidget wenv node newState scrollReset wenv node = result where newState = state { _sstDeltaX = 0, _sstDeltaY = 0 } result = Just $ rebuildWidget wenv node newState updateScrollThumb state activeBar point contentArea sctx = newState where Point px py = point ScrollContext{..} = sctx Rect cx cy _ _ = contentArea (offsetH, offsetV) = (_sstThumbOffsetX state, _sstThumbOffsetY state) hDelta = (cx - px + offsetH) / hThumbRatio vDelta = (cy - py + offsetV) / vThumbRatio newDeltaX | activeBar == HBar = scrollAxisH hDelta | otherwise = dx newDeltaY | activeBar == VBar = scrollAxisV vDelta | otherwise = dy newState = state { _sstDeltaX = newDeltaX, _sstDeltaY = newDeltaY } rebuildWidget wenv node newState = result where updateReqs | childPosChanged state newState = scrollInfoReqs node config newState | otherwise = [] newNode = node & L.widget .~ makeScroll config newState result = resultNode newNode & L.requests .~ Seq.fromList updateReqs getSizeReq :: ContainerGetSizeReqHandler s e getSizeReq wenv node children = sizeReq where style = scrollCurrentStyle wenv node child = Seq.index children 0 tw = sizeReqMaxBounded $ child ^. L.info . L.sizeReqW th = sizeReqMaxBounded $ child ^. L.info . L.sizeReqH Size w h = fromMaybe def (addOuterSize style (Size tw th)) factor = 1 sizeReq = (expandSize w factor, expandSize h factor) resize wenv node viewport children = result where theme = currentTheme wenv node style = scrollCurrentStyle wenv node Rect cl ct cw ch = fromMaybe def (removeOuterBounds style viewport) dx = _sstDeltaX state dy = _sstDeltaY state child = Seq.index (node ^. L.children) 0 childW = sizeReqMaxBounded $ child ^. L.info . L.sizeReqW childH = sizeReqMaxBounded $ child ^. L.info . L.sizeReqH barW = fromMaybe (theme ^. L.scrollBarWidth) (_scBarWidth config) overlay = fromMaybe (theme ^. L.scrollOverlay) (_scScrollOverlay config) (ncw, nch) | not overlay = (cw - barW, ch - barW) | otherwise = (cw, ch) (maxW, areaW) | scrollType == ScrollV && childH > ch = (ncw, ncw) | scrollType == ScrollV = (cw, cw) | scrollType == ScrollH = (cw, max cw childW) | childH <= ch && childW <= cw = (cw, cw) | childH <= ch = (cw, max cw childW) | otherwise = (ncw, max ncw childW) (maxH, areaH) | scrollType == ScrollH && childW > cw = (nch, nch) | scrollType == ScrollH = (ch, ch) | scrollType == ScrollV = (ch, max ch childH) | childW <= cw && childH <= ch = (ch, ch) | childW <= cw = (ch, max ch childH) | otherwise = (nch, max nch childH) newDx = scrollAxis dx areaW maxW newDy = scrollAxis dy areaH maxH scissor = Rect cl ct maxW maxH cViewport = Rect cl ct areaW areaH newState = state { _sstDeltaX = newDx, _sstDeltaY = newDy, _sstVpSize = Size maxW maxH, _sstChildSize = Size areaW areaH, _sstScissor = scissor } newNode = node & L.widget .~ makeScroll config newState -- For scrollInfoReqs only, since parent will set viewport later & L.info . L.viewport .~ viewport updateReqs | childPosChanged state newState = scrollInfoReqs newNode config newState | otherwise = [] visibleResult = resultNode newNode & L.requests .~ Seq.fromList updateReqs result | node ^. L.info . L.visible = (visibleResult, Seq.singleton cViewport) | otherwise = (resultNode node, Seq.singleton cViewport) renderAfter wenv node renderer = do when hScrollRequired $ drawRect renderer hScrollRect barColorH Nothing when vScrollRequired $ drawRect renderer vScrollRect barColorV Nothing when hScrollRequired $ drawRect renderer hThumbRect thumbColorH thumbRadius when vScrollRequired $ drawRect renderer vThumbRect thumbColorV thumbRadius where ScrollContext{..} = scrollStatus config wenv node state mousePos mousePos = wenv ^. L.inputStatus . L.mousePos draggingH = _sstDragging state == Just HBar draggingV = _sstDragging state == Just VBar theme = wenv ^. L.theme athm = currentTheme wenv node tmpRad = fromMaybe (athm ^. L.scrollThumbRadius) (_scThumbRadius config) thumbRadius | tmpRad > 0 = Just (radius tmpRad) | otherwise = Nothing cfgBarBCol = _scBarColor config cfgBarHCol = _scBarHoverColor config cfgThumbBCol = _scThumbColor config cfgThumbHCol = _scThumbHoverColor config barBCol = cfgBarBCol <|> Just (theme ^. L.basic . L.scrollBarColor) barHCol = cfgBarHCol <|> Just (theme ^. L.hover . L.scrollBarColor) thumbBCol = cfgThumbBCol <|> Just (theme ^. L.basic . L.scrollThumbColor) thumbHCol = cfgThumbHCol <|> Just (theme ^. L.hover. L.scrollThumbColor) barColorH | hMouseInScroll = barHCol | otherwise = barBCol barColorV | vMouseInScroll = barHCol | otherwise = barBCol thumbColorH | hMouseInThumb || draggingH = thumbHCol | otherwise = thumbBCol thumbColorV | vMouseInThumb || draggingV = thumbHCol | otherwise = thumbBCol childPosChanged :: ScrollState -> ScrollState -> Bool childPosChanged state newState = _sstVpSize state /= _sstVpSize newState || _sstChildSize state /= _sstChildSize newState || _sstDeltaX state /= _sstDeltaX newState || _sstDeltaY state /= _sstDeltaY newState scrollInfoReqs :: WidgetNode s e -> ScrollCfg s e -> ScrollState -> [WidgetRequest s e] scrollInfoReqs node config state = reqs where info = ScrollStatus { scrollDeltaX = _sstDeltaX state, scrollDeltaY = _sstDeltaY state, scrollRect = node ^. L.info . L.viewport, scrollVpSize = _sstVpSize state, scrollChildSize = _sstChildSize state } reqs = fmap ($ info) (_scOnChangeReq config) scrollCurrentStyle :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> StyleState scrollCurrentStyle wenv node | isNodeFocused wenv child = focusedStyle wenv node | otherwise = currentStyle wenv node where child = node ^. L.children ^?! ix 0 scrollStatus :: ScrollCfg s e -> WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> ScrollState -> Point -> ScrollContext scrollStatus config wenv node state mousePos = ScrollContext{..} where (dragging, dx, dy) = (_sstDragging state, _sstDeltaX state, _sstDeltaY state) Size childWidth childHeight = _sstChildSize state Size vpWidth vpHeight = _sstVpSize state theme = currentTheme wenv node style = scrollCurrentStyle wenv node contentArea = getContentArea node style barW = fromMaybe (theme ^. L.scrollBarWidth) (_scBarWidth config) thumbW = fromMaybe (theme ^. L.scrollThumbWidth) (_scThumbWidth config) minSize = fromMaybe (theme ^. L.scrollThumbMinSize) (_scThumbMinSize config) caLeft = _rX contentArea caTop = _rY contentArea caWidth = _rW contentArea caHeight = _rH contentArea hScrollTop = caHeight - barW vScrollLeft = caWidth - barW hRatio = caWidth / childWidth vRatio = caHeight / childHeight ratioBarW | hRatio < 1 && vRatio < 1 = barW | otherwise = 0 hScrollRatio = (caWidth - ratioBarW) / childWidth vScrollRatio = (caHeight - ratioBarW) / childHeight hScrollRequired = hScrollRatio < 1 vScrollRequired = vScrollRatio < 1 hThumbSize = max minSize (hScrollRatio * vpWidth) vThumbSize = max minSize (vScrollRatio * vpHeight) hThumbArea = caWidth - ratioBarW vThumbArea = caHeight - ratioBarW hThumbRatio = (hThumbArea - hThumbSize) / (childWidth - hThumbArea) vThumbRatio = (vThumbArea - vThumbSize) / (childHeight - vThumbArea) hScrollRect = Rect { _rX = caLeft, _rY = caTop + hScrollTop, _rW = vpWidth, _rH = barW } vScrollRect = Rect { _rX = caLeft + vScrollLeft, _rY = caTop, _rW = barW, _rH = vpHeight } hThumbRect = Rect { _rX = caLeft - hThumbRatio * dx, _rY = caTop + hScrollTop + (barW - thumbW) / 2, _rW = hThumbSize, _rH = thumbW } vThumbRect = Rect { _rX = caLeft + vScrollLeft + (barW - thumbW) / 2, _rY = caTop - vThumbRatio * dy, _rW = thumbW, _rH = vThumbSize } hMouseInScroll = pointInRect mousePos hScrollRect vMouseInScroll = pointInRect mousePos vScrollRect hMouseInThumb = pointInRect mousePos hThumbRect vMouseInThumb = pointInRect mousePos vThumbRect findInstOrScroll :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Seq.Seq PathStep -> Maybe WidgetNodeInfo findInstOrScroll wenv node target = wniScroll <|> wniTarget where child = Seq.index (node ^. L.children) 0 isScroll wni = wni ^. L.widgetType == "scroll" branch = widgetFindBranchByPath (child ^. L.widget) wenv child target scrolls = Seq.filter isScroll branch wniTarget = Seq.lookup (length branch - 1) branch wniScroll = Seq.lookup (length scrolls - 1) scrolls