{-| Module : Monomer.Widgets.Containers.ZStack Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Layered container, stacking children one on top of the other. Useful for handling widgets that need to be visible in certain contexts only, such as dialogs, or to overlay unrelated widgets (text on top of an image). The order of the widgets is from bottom to top. The container will request the largest combination of horizontal and vertical size requested by its child nodes. @ zstack [ image_ "assets/test-image.png" [fitFill], label "Image caption" \`styleBasic\` [textFont \"Bold\", textSize 20, textCenter] ] @ -} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} module Monomer.Widgets.Containers.ZStack ( -- * Configuration ZStackCfg, onlyTopActive, onlyTopActive_, -- * Constructors zstack, zstack_ ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (^?), (.~), (%~), at, ix) import Control.Monad (void, when) import Data.Default import Data.Maybe import Data.List (foldl') import Data.Sequence (Seq(..), (|>)) import GHC.Generics import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Monomer.Widgets.Container import qualified Monomer.Lens as L {-| Configuration options for zstack: - 'onlyTopActive': whether the top visible node is the only node that may receive events. -} newtype ZStackCfg = ZStackCfg { _zscOnlyTopActive :: Maybe Bool } instance Default ZStackCfg where def = ZStackCfg Nothing instance Semigroup ZStackCfg where (<>) z1 z2 = ZStackCfg { _zscOnlyTopActive = _zscOnlyTopActive z2 <|> _zscOnlyTopActive z1 } instance Monoid ZStackCfg where mempty = def -- | Makes the top visible node the only node that may receive events. onlyTopActive :: ZStackCfg onlyTopActive = onlyTopActive_ True -- | Whether the top visible node is the only node that may receive events. onlyTopActive_ :: Bool -> ZStackCfg onlyTopActive_ active = def { _zscOnlyTopActive = Just active } data ZStackState = ZStackState { _zssFocusMap :: M.Map PathStep WidgetId, _zssTopIdx :: Int } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) -- | Creates a zstack container with the provided nodes. zstack :: (Traversable t) => t (WidgetNode s e) -- ^ The list of child nodes. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created zstack container. zstack children = zstack_ def children -- | Creates a zstack container with the provided nodes. Accepts config. zstack_ :: (Traversable t) => [ZStackCfg] -- ^ The config options. -> t (WidgetNode s e) -- ^ The list of child nodes. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created zstack container. zstack_ configs children = newNode where config = mconcat configs state = ZStackState M.empty 0 newNode = defaultWidgetNode "zstack" (makeZStack config state) & L.children .~ Seq.reverse (foldl' (|>) Empty children) makeZStack :: ZStackCfg -> ZStackState -> Widget s e makeZStack config state = widget where baseWidget = createContainer state def { containerUseChildrenSizes = True, containerInit = init, containerMergePost = mergePost, containerFindNextFocus = findNextFocus, containerGetSizeReq = getSizeReq, containerResize = resize } widget = baseWidget { widgetFindByPoint = findByPoint, widgetRender = render } onlyTopActive = fromMaybe True (_zscOnlyTopActive config) init wenv node = resultNode newNode where children = node ^. L.children focusedPath = wenv ^. L.focusedPath newState = state { _zssTopIdx = fromMaybe 0 (Seq.findIndexL (^.L.info . L.visible) children) } newNode = node & L.widget .~ makeZStack config newState mergePost wenv node oldNode oldState newState result = newResult where ZStackState oldFocusMap oldTopIdx = oldState children = node ^. L.children focusedPath = wenv ^. L.focusedPath focusedWid = widgetIdFromPath wenv focusedPath isFocusParent = isNodeParentOfPath node focusedPath topLevel = isNodeTopLevel wenv node flagsChanged = childrenFlagsChanged oldNode node newTopIdx = fromMaybe 0 (Seq.findIndexL (^.L.info . L.visible) children) focusReq = isJust $ Seq.findIndexL isFocusRequest (result ^. L.requests) needsFocus = isFocusParent && topLevel && flagsChanged && not focusReq oldTopWid = M.lookup newTopIdx oldFocusMap fstTopWid = node ^? L.children . ix newTopIdx . L.info . L.widgetId newState = oldState { _zssFocusMap = oldFocusMap & at oldTopIdx .~ focusedWid, _zssTopIdx = newTopIdx } tmpResult = result & L.node . L.widget .~ makeZStack config newState newResult | needsFocus && isJust oldTopWid = tmpResult & L.requests %~ (|> SetFocus (fromJust oldTopWid)) | needsFocus = tmpResult & L.requests %~ (|> MoveFocus fstTopWid FocusFwd) | isFocusParent = tmpResult | otherwise = result -- | Find instance matching point findByPoint wenv node start point = result where children = node ^. L.children vchildren | onlyTopActive = Seq.take 1 $ Seq.filter (_wniVisible . _wnInfo) children | otherwise = Seq.filter (_wniVisible . _wnInfo) children nextStep = nextTargetStep node start ch = Seq.index children (fromJust nextStep) visible = node ^. L.info . L.visible childVisible = ch ^. L.info . L.visible isNextValid = isJust nextStep && visible && childVisible result | isNextValid = widgetFindByPoint (ch ^. L.widget) wenv ch start point | visible = findFirstByPoint vchildren wenv start point | otherwise = Nothing findNextFocus wenv node direction start = result where children = node ^. L.children vchildren = Seq.filter (_wniVisible . _wnInfo) children result | onlyTopActive = Seq.take 1 vchildren | otherwise = vchildren getSizeReq wenv node children = (newSizeReqW, newSizeReqH) where vchildren = Seq.filter (_wniVisible . _wnInfo) children newSizeReqW = getDimSizeReq (_wniSizeReqW . _wnInfo) vchildren newSizeReqH = getDimSizeReq (_wniSizeReqH . _wnInfo) vchildren getDimSizeReq accessor vchildren | Seq.null vreqs = fixedSize 0 | otherwise = foldl1 sizeReqMergeMax vreqs where vreqs = accessor <$> vchildren resize wenv node viewport children = resized where style = currentStyle wenv node vpChild = fromMaybe def (removeOuterBounds style viewport) assignedAreas = fmap (const vpChild) children resized = (resultNode node, assignedAreas) render wenv node renderer = drawInScissor renderer True viewport $ drawStyledAction renderer viewport style $ \_ -> void $ Seq.traverseWithIndex renderChild children where style = currentStyle wenv node children = Seq.reverse $ node ^. L.children viewport = node ^. L.info . L.viewport isVisible c = c ^. L.info . L.visible topVisibleIdx = fromMaybe 0 (Seq.findIndexR (_wniVisible . _wnInfo) children) isPointEmpty point idx = not covered where prevs = Seq.drop (idx + 1) children target c = widgetFindByPoint (c ^. L.widget) wenv c emptyPath point isCovered c = isVisible c && isJust (target c) covered = any isCovered prevs isTopLayer idx child point = prevTopLayer && isValid where prevTopLayer = _weInTopLayer wenv point isValid | onlyTopActive = idx == topVisibleIdx | otherwise = isPointEmpty point idx cWenv idx child = wenv { _weInTopLayer = isTopLayer idx child } renderChild idx child = when (isVisible child) $ widgetRender (child ^. L.widget) (cWenv idx child) child renderer findFirstByPoint :: Seq (WidgetNode s e) -> WidgetEnv s e -> Seq PathStep -> Point -> Maybe WidgetNodeInfo findFirstByPoint Empty _ _ _ = Nothing findFirstByPoint (ch :<| chs) wenv start point = result where isVisible = ch ^. L.info . L.visible newPath = widgetFindByPoint (ch ^. L.widget) wenv ch start point result | isVisible && isJust newPath = newPath | otherwise = findFirstByPoint chs wenv start point