{-| Module : Monomer.Widgets.Singles.TimeField Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Input field for time types with support for different formats. @ timeField timeLens @ With configuration options: @ timeField_ timeLens [timeFormatHHMMSS] @ Supports 'TimeOfDay' type of the library, but other types can be supported by implementing 'TimeOfDayConverter'. 'Maybe' is also supported. Handles mouse wheel and shift + vertical drag to increase/decrease minutes. -} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module Monomer.Widgets.Singles.TimeField ( -- * Configuration TimeFieldCfg, FormattableTime, TimeFieldFormat, TimeOfDayConverter(..), TimeTextConverter(..), timeFormatHHMM, timeFormatHHMMSS, -- * Constructors timeField, timeField_, timeFieldV, timeFieldV_, timeFieldD_ ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Lens ((^.), ALens', _1, _2, _3) import Control.Monad (join) import Data.Default import Data.Either import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Time import Data.Typeable (Typeable, typeOf) import TextShow import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A import qualified Data.Text as T import Monomer.Core import Monomer.Core.Combinators import Monomer.Event.Types import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Base.InputField import qualified Monomer.Lens as L import qualified Monomer.Widgets.Util.Parser as P -- | Available formats for 'timeField'. data TimeFieldFormat = FormatHHMM | FormatHHMMSS deriving (Eq, Show) defaultTimeFormat :: TimeFieldFormat defaultTimeFormat = FormatHHMM defaultTimeDelim :: Char defaultTimeDelim = ':' {-| Converter to and from the 'TimeOfDay' type of the time library. To use types other than 'TimeOfDay' of said library, this typeclass needs to be implemented. --} class (Eq a, Ord a, Show a, Typeable a) => TimeOfDayConverter a where convertFromTimeOfDay :: TimeOfDay -> a convertToTimeOfDay :: a -> Maybe TimeOfDay instance TimeOfDayConverter TimeOfDay where convertFromTimeOfDay = id convertToTimeOfDay = Just {-| Converts a 'TimeOfDay' instance to and from 'Text'. Implementing this typeclass is not necessary for instances of 'TimeOfDayConverter'. -} class TimeTextConverter a where timeAcceptText :: TimeFieldFormat -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Text -> (Bool, Bool, Maybe a) timeFromText :: TimeFieldFormat -> Text -> Maybe a timeToText :: TimeFieldFormat -> a -> Text timeFromTimeOfDay' :: TimeOfDay -> a timeToTimeOfDay' :: a -> Maybe TimeOfDay instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} TimeOfDayConverter a => TimeTextConverter a where timeAcceptText format minVal maxVal text = result where accept = acceptTextInput format text parsed = timeFromText format text isValid = isJust parsed && timeInBounds minVal maxVal (fromJust parsed) fromText | isValid = parsed | otherwise = Nothing result = (accept, isValid, fromText) timeFromText = timeFromTextSimple timeToText = timeToTextSimple timeFromTimeOfDay' = convertFromTimeOfDay timeToTimeOfDay' = convertToTimeOfDay instance (TimeOfDayConverter a, TimeTextConverter a) => TimeTextConverter (Maybe a) where timeAcceptText format minVal maxVal text | T.strip text == "" = (True, True, Just Nothing) | otherwise = (accept, isValid, result) where resp = timeAcceptText format (join minVal) (join maxVal) text (accept, isValid, tmpResult) = resp result | isJust tmpResult = Just tmpResult | otherwise = Nothing timeFromText format = Just . timeFromText format timeToText format Nothing = "" timeToText format (Just value) = timeToText format value timeFromTimeOfDay' = Just . timeFromTimeOfDay' timeToTimeOfDay' Nothing = Nothing timeToTimeOfDay' (Just value) = timeToTimeOfDay' value -- | Constraints for time types accepted by timeField. type FormattableTime a = (Eq a, Ord a, Show a, TimeTextConverter a, Typeable a) {-| Configuration options for timeField: - 'caretWidth': the width of the caret. - 'caretMs': the blink period of the caret. - 'validInput': field indicating if the current input is valid. Useful to show warnings in the UI, or disable buttons if needed. - 'resizeOnChange': Whether input causes ResizeWidgets requests. - 'selectOnFocus': Whether all input should be selected when focus is received. - 'readOnly': Whether to prevent the user from changing the input text. - 'minValue': Minimum valid time. - 'maxValue': Maximum valid time. - 'wheelRate': The rate at which wheel movement affects the time. - 'dragRate': The rate at which drag movement affects the time. - 'onFocus': event to raise when focus is received. - 'onFocusReq': 'WidgetRequest' to generate when focus is received. - 'onBlur': event to raise when focus is lost. - 'onBlurReq': 'WidgetRequest' to generate when focus is lost. - 'onChange': event to raise when the value changes. - 'onChangeReq': 'WidgetRequest' to generate when the value changes. - 'timeFormatHHMM': accepts HH:MM. - 'timeFormatHHMMSS': accepts HH:MM:SS. -} data TimeFieldCfg s e a = TimeFieldCfg { _tfcCaretWidth :: Maybe Double, _tfcCaretMs :: Maybe Millisecond, _tfcValid :: Maybe (WidgetData s Bool), _tfcValidV :: [Bool -> e], _tfcTimeFormat :: Maybe TimeFieldFormat, _tfcMinValue :: Maybe a, _tfcMaxValue :: Maybe a, _tfcWheelRate :: Maybe Double, _tfcDragRate :: Maybe Double, _tfcResizeOnChange :: Maybe Bool, _tfcSelectOnFocus :: Maybe Bool, _tfcReadOnly :: Maybe Bool, _tfcOnFocusReq :: [Path -> WidgetRequest s e], _tfcOnBlurReq :: [Path -> WidgetRequest s e], _tfcOnChangeReq :: [a -> WidgetRequest s e] } instance Default (TimeFieldCfg s e a) where def = TimeFieldCfg { _tfcCaretWidth = Nothing, _tfcCaretMs = Nothing, _tfcValid = Nothing, _tfcValidV = [], _tfcTimeFormat = Nothing, _tfcMinValue = Nothing, _tfcMaxValue = Nothing, _tfcWheelRate = Nothing, _tfcDragRate = Nothing, _tfcResizeOnChange = Nothing, _tfcSelectOnFocus = Nothing, _tfcReadOnly = Nothing, _tfcOnFocusReq = [], _tfcOnBlurReq = [], _tfcOnChangeReq = [] } instance Semigroup (TimeFieldCfg s e a) where (<>) t1 t2 = TimeFieldCfg { _tfcCaretWidth = _tfcCaretWidth t2 <|> _tfcCaretWidth t1, _tfcCaretMs = _tfcCaretMs t2 <|> _tfcCaretMs t1, _tfcValid = _tfcValid t2 <|> _tfcValid t1, _tfcValidV = _tfcValidV t1 <> _tfcValidV t2, _tfcTimeFormat = _tfcTimeFormat t2 <|> _tfcTimeFormat t1, _tfcMinValue = _tfcMinValue t2 <|> _tfcMinValue t1, _tfcMaxValue = _tfcMaxValue t2 <|> _tfcMaxValue t1, _tfcWheelRate = _tfcWheelRate t2 <|> _tfcWheelRate t1, _tfcDragRate = _tfcDragRate t2 <|> _tfcDragRate t1, _tfcResizeOnChange = _tfcResizeOnChange t2 <|> _tfcResizeOnChange t1, _tfcSelectOnFocus = _tfcSelectOnFocus t2 <|> _tfcSelectOnFocus t1, _tfcReadOnly = _tfcReadOnly t2 <|> _tfcReadOnly t1, _tfcOnFocusReq = _tfcOnFocusReq t1 <> _tfcOnFocusReq t2, _tfcOnBlurReq = _tfcOnBlurReq t1 <> _tfcOnBlurReq t2, _tfcOnChangeReq = _tfcOnChangeReq t1 <> _tfcOnChangeReq t2 } instance Monoid (TimeFieldCfg s e a) where mempty = def instance CmbCaretWidth (TimeFieldCfg s e a) Double where caretWidth w = def { _tfcCaretWidth = Just w } instance CmbCaretMs (TimeFieldCfg s e a) Millisecond where caretMs ms = def { _tfcCaretMs = Just ms } instance CmbValidInput (TimeFieldCfg s e a) s where validInput field = def { _tfcValid = Just (WidgetLens field) } instance CmbValidInputV (TimeFieldCfg s e a) e where validInputV fn = def { _tfcValidV = [fn] } instance CmbResizeOnChange (TimeFieldCfg s e a) where resizeOnChange_ resize = def { _tfcResizeOnChange = Just resize } instance CmbSelectOnFocus (TimeFieldCfg s e a) where selectOnFocus_ sel = def { _tfcSelectOnFocus = Just sel } instance CmbReadOnly (TimeFieldCfg s e a) where readOnly_ ro = def { _tfcReadOnly = Just ro } instance FormattableTime a => CmbMinValue (TimeFieldCfg s e a) a where minValue len = def { _tfcMinValue = Just len } instance FormattableTime a => CmbMaxValue (TimeFieldCfg s e a) a where maxValue len = def { _tfcMaxValue = Just len } instance CmbWheelRate (TimeFieldCfg s e a) Double where wheelRate rate = def { _tfcWheelRate = Just rate } instance CmbDragRate (TimeFieldCfg s e a) Double where dragRate rate = def { _tfcDragRate = Just rate } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnFocus (TimeFieldCfg s e a) e Path where onFocus fn = def { _tfcOnFocusReq = [RaiseEvent . fn] } instance CmbOnFocusReq (TimeFieldCfg s e a) s e Path where onFocusReq req = def { _tfcOnFocusReq = [req] } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnBlur (TimeFieldCfg s e a) e Path where onBlur fn = def { _tfcOnBlurReq = [RaiseEvent . fn] } instance CmbOnBlurReq (TimeFieldCfg s e a) s e Path where onBlurReq req = def { _tfcOnBlurReq = [req] } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnChange (TimeFieldCfg s e a) a e where onChange fn = def { _tfcOnChangeReq = [RaiseEvent . fn] } instance CmbOnChangeReq (TimeFieldCfg s e a) s e a where onChangeReq req = def { _tfcOnChangeReq = [req] } -- | Time format HH:MM timeFormatHHMM :: TimeFieldCfg s e a timeFormatHHMM = def { _tfcTimeFormat = Just FormatHHMM } -- | Time format HH:MM:SS timeFormatHHMMSS :: TimeFieldCfg s e a timeFormatHHMMSS = def { _tfcTimeFormat = Just FormatHHMMSS } -- | Creates a time field using the given lens. timeField :: (FormattableTime a, WidgetEvent e) => ALens' s a -- ^ The lens into the model. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created time field. timeField field = timeField_ field def -- | Creates a time field using the given lens. Accepts config. timeField_ :: (FormattableTime a, WidgetEvent e) => ALens' s a -- ^ The lens into the model. -> [TimeFieldCfg s e a] -- ^ The config options. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created time field. timeField_ field configs = widget where widget = timeFieldD_ (WidgetLens field) configs -- | Creates a time field using the given value and 'onChange' event handler. timeFieldV :: (FormattableTime a, WidgetEvent e) => a -- ^ The current value. -> (a -> e) -- ^ The event to raise on change. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created time field. timeFieldV value handler = timeFieldV_ value handler def -- | Creates a time field using the given value and 'onChange' event handler. -- Accepts config. timeFieldV_ :: (FormattableTime a, WidgetEvent e) => a -- ^ The current value. -> (a -> e) -- ^ The event to raise on change. -> [TimeFieldCfg s e a] -- ^ The config options. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created time field. timeFieldV_ value handler configs = newNode where widgetData = WidgetValue value newConfigs = onChange handler : configs newNode = timeFieldD_ widgetData newConfigs -- | Creates a time field providing a 'WidgetData' instance and config. timeFieldD_ :: (FormattableTime a, WidgetEvent e) => WidgetData s a -- ^ The 'WidgetData' to retrieve the value from. -> [TimeFieldCfg s e a] -- ^ The config options. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created time field. timeFieldD_ widgetData configs = newNode where config = mconcat configs format = fromMaybe defaultTimeFormat (_tfcTimeFormat config) minVal = _tfcMinValue config maxVal = _tfcMaxValue config readOnly = fromMaybe False (_tfcReadOnly config) initialValue | isJust minVal = fromJust minVal | isJust maxVal = fromJust maxVal | otherwise = timeFromTimeOfDay' midnight acceptText = timeAcceptText format minVal maxVal acceptInput text = acceptText text ^. _1 validInput text = acceptText text ^. _2 fromText text = acceptText text ^. _3 toText = timeToText format inputConfig = InputFieldCfg { _ifcPlaceholder = Nothing, _ifcInitialValue = initialValue, _ifcValue = widgetData, _ifcValid = _tfcValid config, _ifcValidV = _tfcValidV config, _ifcFromText = fromText, _ifcToText = toText, _ifcAcceptInput = acceptInput, _ifcIsValidInput = validInput, _ifcDefCursorEnd = True, _ifcDefWidth = 160, _ifcCaretWidth = _tfcCaretWidth config, _ifcCaretMs = _tfcCaretMs config, _ifcDisplayChar = Nothing, _ifcResizeOnChange = fromMaybe False (_tfcResizeOnChange config), _ifcSelectOnFocus = fromMaybe True (_tfcSelectOnFocus config), _ifcReadOnly = readOnly, _ifcStyle = Just L.timeFieldStyle, _ifcWheelHandler = if readOnly then Nothing else Just (handleWheel config), _ifcDragHandler = if readOnly then Nothing else Just (handleDrag config), _ifcDragCursor = Just CursorSizeV, _ifcOnFocusReq = _tfcOnFocusReq config, _ifcOnBlurReq = _tfcOnBlurReq config, _ifcOnChangeReq = _tfcOnChangeReq config } wtype = WidgetType ("timeField-" <> showt (typeOf initialValue)) newNode = inputField_ wtype inputConfig handleWheel :: FormattableTime a => TimeFieldCfg s e a -> InputFieldState a -> Point -> Point -> WheelDirection -> (Text, Int, Maybe Int) handleWheel config state point move dir = result where Point _ dy = move sign = if dir == WheelNormal then 1 else -1 curValue = _ifsCurrValue state wheelRate = fromMaybe 1 (_tfcWheelRate config) result = handleMove config state wheelRate curValue (dy * sign) handleDrag :: FormattableTime a => TimeFieldCfg s e a -> InputFieldState a -> Point -> Point -> (Text, Int, Maybe Int) handleDrag config state clickPos currPos = result where Point _ dy = subPoint clickPos currPos selValue = _ifsDragSelValue state dragRate = fromMaybe 1 (_tfcDragRate config) result = handleMove config state dragRate selValue dy handleMove :: FormattableTime a => TimeFieldCfg s e a -> InputFieldState a -> Double -> a -> Double -> (Text, Int, Maybe Int) handleMove config state rate value dy = result where format = fromMaybe defaultTimeFormat (_tfcTimeFormat config) minVal = _tfcMinValue config maxVal = _tfcMaxValue config acceptText = timeAcceptText format minVal maxVal fromText text = acceptText text ^. _3 toText = timeToText format (valid, mParsedVal, parsedVal) = case timeToTimeOfDay' value of Just val -> (True, mParsedVal, parsedVal) where tmpValue = addMinutes (round (dy * rate)) val mParsedVal = fromText (toText (timeFromTimeOfDay' tmpValue)) parsedVal = fromJust mParsedVal Nothing -> (False, Nothing, undefined) newVal | isJust mParsedVal = parsedVal | valid && dy > 0 && isJust maxVal = fromJust maxVal | valid && dy < 0 && isJust minVal = fromJust minVal | otherwise = _ifsCurrValue state newText = toText newVal newPos = _ifsCursorPos state newSel = _ifsSelStart state result = (newText, newPos, newSel) timeFromTextSimple :: (TimeOfDayConverter a, FormattableTime a) => TimeFieldFormat -> Text -> Maybe a timeFromTextSimple format text = newTime where compParser = A.char ':' *> A.decimal timeParser | format == FormatHHMM = (,,) <$> A.decimal <*> compParser <*> pure 0 | otherwise = (,,) <$> A.decimal <*> compParser <*> compParser tmpTime = case A.parseOnly timeParser text of Left _ -> Nothing Right (n1, n2, n3) | format == FormatHHMM -> makeTimeOfDayValid n1 n2 0 | otherwise -> makeTimeOfDayValid n1 n2 (fromIntegral n3) newTime = tmpTime >>= timeFromTimeOfDay' timeToTextSimple :: FormattableTime a => TimeFieldFormat -> a -> Text timeToTextSimple format val = result where sep = T.singleton defaultTimeDelim converted = timeToTimeOfDay' val TimeOfDay hh mm ss = fromJust converted padd num | num < 10 = "0" <> T.pack (show num) | otherwise = T.pack (show num) thh = padd hh tmm = padd mm tss = padd (round ss) result | isNothing converted = "" | format == FormatHHMM = thh <> sep <> tmm | otherwise = thh <> sep <> tmm <> sep <> tss acceptTextInput :: TimeFieldFormat -> Text -> Bool acceptTextInput format text = isRight (A.parseOnly parser text) where numP = A.digit *> "" delimP = A.char defaultTimeDelim *> "" hhP = P.upto 2 numP mmP = P.upto 2 numP ssP = P.upto 2 numP withDelim parser = A.option "" (delimP *> parser) parsers | format == FormatHHMM = [hhP, withDelim mmP] | otherwise = [hhP, withDelim mmP, withDelim ssP] parser = P.join parsers <* A.endOfInput timeInBounds :: (Ord a) => Maybe a -> Maybe a -> a -> Bool timeInBounds Nothing Nothing _ = True timeInBounds (Just minVal) Nothing val = val >= minVal timeInBounds Nothing (Just maxVal) val = val <= maxVal timeInBounds (Just minVal) (Just maxVal) val = val >= minVal && val <= maxVal addMinutes :: Int -> TimeOfDay -> TimeOfDay addMinutes mins time = newTime where baseDate = fromGregorian 2000 1 1 baseTime = timeOfDayToTime time baseUTC = UTCTime baseDate baseTime UTCTime newDate diff = addUTCTime (fromIntegral mins * 60) baseUTC newTime | newDate > baseDate = TimeOfDay 23 59 59 | newDate < baseDate = TimeOfDay 0 0 0 | otherwise = timeToTimeOfDay diff