-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Haskell bindings for the Monzo API -- -- Written by Michael B. Gale (michael.gale@cl.cam.ac.uk) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Example where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import System.IO.Unsafe import Monzo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- token :: String token = head $ lines $ unsafePerformIO $ readFile "token.txt" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- printAccount :: Account -> Monzo () printAccount Account{..} = liftIO $ do putStr accountDescription putStrLn $ " (" ++ accountID ++ ")" putStr "Created: " print (timestamp accountCreated) printBalance :: Balance -> Monzo () printBalance Balance{..} = liftIO $ do putStr "Balance: " print balanceValue putStr "Currency: " putStrLn balanceCurrency putStr "Spent today: " print balanceSpentToday printTransaction :: Transaction -> Monzo () printTransaction t@Transaction{..} = liftIO $ do print t foo :: Monzo () foo = do -- get a list of accounts; this always returns one account at the moment [acc] <- listAccounts printAccount acc -- get the current balance of the account b <- getBalance acc printBalance b -- get up to 100 transactions ts <- listTransactions acc defaultPageOptions -- retrieve more information for each transaction forM_ ts $ \t -> do ft <- getTransaction t True printTransaction ft {-createFeedItem $ FeedItem (accountID acc) BasicItem (newBasicFeedItem "Haskell test" "https://www.haskell.org/static/img/logo.png?etag=rJR84DMh") Nothing-} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------