Name: morfette Version: 0.3.6 Homepage: Synopsis: A tool for supervised learning of morphology Description: Morfette is a tool for supervised learning of inflectional morphology. Given a corpus of sentences annotated with lemmas and morphological labels, and optionally a lexicon, morfette learns how to morphologically analyse new sentences. License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Grzegorz Chrupała Maintainer: Grzegorz Chrupała build-type: Simple category: Natural Language Processing Extra-source-files: README, INSTALL, Makefile cabal-version: >= 1.2 Executable morfette hs-source-dirs: src Main-Is: Main.hs Other-Modules: GramLab.Commands, GramLab.Morfette.LZipper, GramLab.Data.StringLike, GramLab.Data.CommonSubstrings, GramLab.Data.Diff.EditTree, GramLab.Morfette.Token, GramLab.Binomial, GramLab.Perceptron.Vector, GramLab.Data.Assoc, GramLab.Intern, GramLab.Utils, GramLab.Perceptron.Multiclass, GramLab.Perceptron.IntModel, GramLab.Morfette.Evaluation, GramLab.Morfette.Lang.Conf, GramLab.Morfette.MWE, GramLab.FeatureSet, GramLab.Perceptron.Model, GramLab.Morfette.Config, GramLab.Morfette.Models2, GramLab.Morfette.Settings.Defaults, GramLab.Morfette.Features.Common, Lemma, POS, GramLab.Morfette.Utils, GramLab.Morfette.BinaryInstances Paths_morfette Build-depends: base >=3 && <=5 , containers, array, mtl, directory, filepath, pretty, utf8-string, bytestring, binary, QuickCheck >= 2.3, vector >= 0.10, text >= 0.11 cc-options: -Wall c-sources: src/ghc_rts_opts.c ghc-options: -O2 -rtsopts -- uncomment the following line to link statically -- ld-options: -static -pthread