{-| Description : Definitions for some common effects. Copyright : (c) 2021, Microsoft Research; Daan Leijen; Ningning Xie License : MIT Maintainer : xnning@hku.hk; daan@microsoft.com Stability : Experimental Some definitions for common effects. -} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, UndecidableInstances, Rank2Types #-} module Control.Mp.Util ( -- * Reader Reader(Reader,ask) , reader -- * State , State(State,get,put) , state -- * Writer , Writer(Writer,tell) , writer -- * Exception , Except(Except,throwError) , catchError, exceptEither, exceptMaybe, exceptDefault -- * Choice , Choose(Choose,none,choose) , chooseFirst, chooseAll ) where import Control.Mp.Eff import Control.Monad import Control.Applicative ------------ -- Reader ------------ -- | A standard reader effect for values of type @a@. data Reader a e ans = Reader { ask :: !(Op () a e ans) -- ^ get the reader value of type @a@ (as @`perform` ask ()@) } -- | A handler for a `Reader` effect with a value of type @a@. {-# INLINE reader #-} reader :: a -> Eff (Reader a :* e) ans -> Eff e ans reader x = handler (Reader{ ask = value x }) {- -- does not work due to the functional dependency in MonadReader instance (Reader a :? e) => MR.MonadReader a (Eff e) where ask = perform ask () -} ------------ -- State ------------ -- | A standard state effect of type @a@. data State a e ans = State { get :: !(Op () a e ans) -- ^ Get the current state (as @`perform` get ()@) , put :: !(Op a () e ans) -- ^ Set the current state (as @`perform` put x@) } -- | A state handler that takes an initial state of type @a@. {-# INLINE state #-} state :: a -> Eff (State a :* e) ans -> Eff e ans state init = handlerLocal init (State{ get = function (\_ -> localGet), put = function (\x -> localPut x) }) {- -- does not work due to the functional dependency in MonadState instance (State a :? e) => MS.MonadState a (Eff e) where get = perform get () put x = perform put x -} ------------ -- Writer ------------ -- | A standard writer effect of type @a@ data Writer a e ans = Writer { tell :: !(Op a () e ans) -- ^ Output a value of type @a@ (as @`perform` tell msg@) } -- | A standard `Writer` handler for any monoidal type @a@. Returns the final -- result of type @ans@ and the appended @tell@ arguments. {-# INLINE writer #-} writer :: (Monoid a) => Eff (Writer a :* e) ans -> Eff e (ans,a) writer = handlerLocalRet mempty (,) $ Writer{ tell = function (\x -> do{ xs <- localGet; localPut (mappend xs x); return () }) } ------------ -- Except ------------ -- | A standard exception effect, throwing values of type @a@. data Except a e ans = Except { throwError :: !(forall b. Op a b e ans) -- ^ Throw an exception with a value of type @a@ (as @`perform` throwError x@) } -- | Handle an exception. catchError :: Eff (Except a :* e) ans -> (a -> Eff e ans) -> Eff e ans catchError action h = handler (Except{ throwError = except (\x -> h x) }) action -- | Transform an exception effect to an @Either@ type. exceptEither :: Eff (Except a :* e) ans -> Eff e (Either a ans) exceptEither = handlerRet Right (Except{ throwError = except (\x -> return (Left x) ) }) -- | Remove the exception effect using a default value in case an exception was thrown. exceptDefault :: ans -> Eff (Except a :* e) ans -> Eff e ans exceptDefault def = handler (Except{ throwError = except (\_ -> return def) }) -- | Transform an exception effect to a @Maybe@ type. exceptMaybe :: Eff (Except a :* e) ans -> Eff e (Maybe ans) exceptMaybe = handlerRet Just (Except{ throwError = except (\_ -> return Nothing) }) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Choose -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Choose implements backtracking. data Choose e ans = Choose { none :: !(forall a. Op () a e ans) -- ^ @`perform none ()` indicates no result , choose :: !(Op Int Int e ans) -- ^ @`perform` choose n` resumes up to @n@ times (returning @1@ up to @n@) } -- | Return the first result found in a computation using `choose` for backtracking. chooseFirst :: Eff (Choose :* e) ans -> Eff e (Maybe ans) chooseFirst = handlerRet Just $ Choose{ none = except (\_ -> return Nothing) , choose = operation (\hi k -> let try n = if (n > hi) then return Nothing else do x <- k n case x of Nothing -> try (n+1) _ -> return x in try 1) } -- | Return all possible results found in a computation using `choose` for backtracking chooseAll :: Eff (Choose :* e) a -> Eff e [a] chooseAll = handlerRet (\x -> [x]) $ Choose{ none = except (\_ -> return []) , choose = operation (\hi k -> let collect 0 acc = return acc collect n acc = do xs <- k n collect (n-1) $! (xs ++ acc) in collect hi []) } instance (Choose :? e) => Alternative (Eff e) where empty = perform none () m1 <|> m2 = do x <- perform choose 2 if (x==1) then m1 else m2 instance (Choose :? e) => MonadPlus (Eff e) where mzero = perform none () mplus m1 m2 = do x <- perform choose 2 if (x==1) then m1 else m2