{-| Module: MptcpAnalyzer.Commands.Plot Maintainer : matt License : GPL-3 -} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} {-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} module MptcpAnalyzer.Commands.Plot ( -- * Actual commands that plot cmdPlotMptcpAttribute , cmdPlotTcpAttribute -- * parsers , piPlotTcpMainParser , parserPlotTcpMain , parserPlotTcpLive , parserPlotMptcpMain ) where import Data.Vinyl (ElField(..), Rec(..), rapply, rmapX, xrec) import Data.Vinyl.Class.Method import MptcpAnalyzer.ArtificialFields import MptcpAnalyzer.Cache import MptcpAnalyzer.Plots.Types import MptcpAnalyzer.Types -- import MptcpAnalyzer.Commands.Definitions import MptcpAnalyzer.Commands.Definitions as CMD import MptcpAnalyzer.Commands.PlotOWD import MptcpAnalyzer.Debug import MptcpAnalyzer.Loader import MptcpAnalyzer.Pcap import MptcpAnalyzer.Utils.Text import Net.IP import "this" Net.Mptcp import "this" Net.Tcp import Tshark.Fields (TsharkFieldDesc(tfieldLabel), baseFields) -- import Net.IPv4 import Frames import Frames.CSV import Options.Applicative import Prelude hiding (filter, log, lookup, repeat) -- import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Diagrams (defaultEnv, runBackendR) -- import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Easy import Data.Word (Word16, Word32, Word64, Word8) import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Cairo (toFile) import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Easy hiding (argument) import Data.List (filter, intercalate) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Pipes as P import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P import Polysemy import qualified Polysemy as P import Polysemy.State as P import Polysemy.Trace as P -- import Colog.Polysemy (Log, log) import System.Exit import System.Process hiding (runCommand) -- import Data.Time.LocalTime -- import Data.Foldable (toList) import qualified Data.Foldable as F import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, isJust, maybeToList) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.String import Data.Time import Data.Vinyl.TypeLevel import Debug.Trace import Distribution.Simple.Utils (TempFileOptions(..), withTempFileEx) import Frames.ShowCSV (showCSV) import Polysemy.Log (Log) import qualified Polysemy.Log as Log import System.Directory (renameFile) import System.IO (Handle) import Text.Read (readEither) -- import Data.Time.Calendar import Data.Time.LocalTime import MptcpAnalyzer.Stream mkDate :: Integer -> LocalTime mkDate jday = LocalTime (ModifiedJulianDay jday) midnight -- Plot MPTCP subflow attributes over time -- | Parses options common to all plots like the title parserPlotSettings :: Bool -> Parser PlotSettings parserPlotSettings mptcpPlot = PlotSettings <$> optional (strOption ( long "out" <> short 'o' <> help "Save filename of the plot." <> metavar "OUT" )) <*> optional ( strOption ( long "title" <> short 't' <> help "Overrides the default plot title." <> metavar "TITLE" )) <*> switch ( long "display" <> help "Uses xdg-open to display plot") <*> option auto ( metavar "MPTCP" -- internal is stronger than --belive, hides from all descriptions <> internal <> Options.Applicative.value mptcpPlot <> help "" ) -- <*> (switch -- ( long "protocol" -- <> help "Uses xdg-open to display plot" -- )) -- | -- @param -- TODO specialize ArgsPlots for TCP ? piPlotTcpMainParser :: ParserInfo CommandArgs piPlotTcpMainParser = info parserPlotTcpMain ( progDesc " TCP Plots" ) -- loadConnectionsFromFile plotLiveFilter :: Parser ArgsPlots plotLiveFilter = ArgsPlotLiveTcp <$> parserConnection <*> optional (strOption ( long "fake" <> short 'f' <> help "Load data from a pcap. This is used only for testing." -- this is a filename ! -- TODO create a completer inspired by haskeline -- completer ( String -> IO [String]) -- <> completeWith ["eno1"] <> metavar "PCAP" )) <*> optional (parserDestinationRole) <*> strArgument ( metavar "interface" <> help "interface to monitor" -- TODO fetch list of interfaces in advance ! <> completeWith ["eno1"] ) -- |Helper to load an IP readIP :: ReadM IP -- encode or decode available, IP has readIP = eitherReader $ \arg -> case decode $ T.pack arg of Just ip -> Right ip _otherwise -> Left $ "Could not decode ip " ++ arg parserConnection :: Parser TcpConnection parserConnection = TcpConnection <$> argument readIP (metavar "CLIENT_IP" <> help "Client IP (v4 or v6)") <*> argument readIP (metavar "SERVER_IP" <> help "Server IP (v4 or v6)") <*> argument auto (metavar "CLIENT_PORT" <> help "Client port") <*> argument auto (metavar "SERVER_PORT" <> help "Server port") -- Stream id wont be used anyway <*> pure (StreamId 0) -- <*> strArgument ( metavar "interface" <> help "interface to monitor") parserPlotTcpLive :: Parser CommandArgs parserPlotTcpLive = ArgsPlotGeneric <$> parserPlotSettings False <*> (plotLiveFilter) -- -> Bool -- ^ for mptcp yes or no parserPlotTcpMain :: Parser CommandArgs parserPlotTcpMain = ArgsPlotGeneric <$> parserPlotSettings False <*> hsubparser ( command "attr" (info (plotStreamParser validTcpAttributes False) (progDesc "toto")) <> command "owd" piPlotTcpOwd ) parserPlotMptcpMain :: Parser CommandArgs parserPlotMptcpMain = ArgsPlotGeneric <$> parserPlotSettings True <*> hsubparser ( command "attr" (info (plotStreamParser validTcpAttributes True) (progDesc "Plot MPTCP attribute (choose from ...)")) <> command "owd" (info (plotParserOwd True) (progDesc "Plot MPTCP owd")) ) -- piPlotTcpAttrParser :: ParserInfo ArgsPlots -- piPlotTcpAttrParser = info (plotStreamParser validTcpAttributes False) -- ( progDesc "Plot TCP attr" -- ) -- | -- @param piPlotMptcpParser :: ParserInfo ArgsPlots piPlotMptcpParser = info ( plotStreamParser validMptcpAttributes True ) ( progDesc "Plot MPTCP attr" ) -- Superset of @validTcpAttributes@ validMptcpAttributes :: [String] validMptcpAttributes = validTcpAttributes -- |Options that are available for all parsers -- plotParserGenericOptions -- TODO generate from the list of fields, via TH? validTcpAttributes :: [String] validTcpAttributes = map T.unpack (Map.keys $ Map.mapMaybe tfieldLabel baseFields) -- [ -- "tsval" -- , "rwnd" -- , "tcpSeq" -- , "tcpAck" -- ] -- type ValidAttributes = [String] -- TODO pass valid validateField :: [String] -> ReadM String validateField validFields = eitherReader $ \arg -> if elem arg validFields then Right arg else Left $ validationErrorMsg validFields arg validationErrorMsg :: [String] -> String -> String validationErrorMsg validFields entry = "validatedField: incorrect value `" ++ entry ++ "` choose from:\n -" ++ intercalate "\n - " validFields -- readStreamId :: ReadM (StreamId a) -- readStreamId = eitherReader $ \arg -> case reads arg of -- [(r, "")] -> return $ StreamId r -- _ -> Left $ "readStreamId: cannot parse value `" ++ arg ++ "`" parserDestinationRole :: Parser ConnectionRole parserDestinationRole = argument readConnectionRole ( metavar "Destination" -- <> Options.Applicative.value RoleServer <> help "Only show in a specific direction" <> completeWith ["server", "client"] ) -- TODO pass the list of accepted attributes (so that it works for TCP/MPTCP) plotStreamParser :: [String] -- ^ List of TCP attribute names -> Bool -- ^ for mptcp yes or no -> Parser ArgsPlots plotStreamParser _validAttributes mptcpPlot = ArgsPlotTcpAttr <$> -- this ends up being not optional ! -- argument (validateField _validAttributes) ( -- metavar "FIELD" -- <> help ( "Field to plot (choose from " ++ (intercalate ", " _validAttributes) ++ ")") -- ) strArgument ( metavar "PCAP" <> help "File to analyze" ) -- auto readStreamId <*> argument auto ( metavar "STREAM_ID" <> help "Stream Id (tcp.stream)" ) -- TODO validate as presented in https://github.com/pcapriotti/optparse-applicative/issues/75 --validate :: (a -> Either String a) -> ReadM a -> ReadM a <*> argument (validateField _validAttributes) ( metavar "TCP_ATTR" <> help "A TCP attr in the list: " <> completeWith _validAttributes ) -- TODO ? if nothing prints both directions <*> optional (parserDestinationRole) -- <*> option auto ( -- metavar "MPTCP" -- -- internal is stronger than --belive, hides from all descriptions -- <> internal -- <> Options.Applicative.value mptcpPlot -- <> help "" -- ) <**> helper -- | A typeclass abstracting the functions we need -- to be able to plot against an axis of type a -- class Ord a => PlotValue a where -- toValue :: a -> Double -- fromValue:: Double -> a -- autoAxis :: AxisFn a -- instance RealFloat Word32 where -- deriving instance PlotValue Word32 instance PlotValue Word32 where -- => toDouble toValue = fromIntegral -- => double -> value fromValue = truncate . toRational -- autoAxis = autoScaledAxis def -- autoScaledAxis def -- autoAxis = autoScaledIntAxis def autoAxis = autoScaledIntAxis defaultIntAxis instance PlotValue Word64 where -- => toDouble toValue = fromIntegral -- => double -> value fromValue = truncate . toRational -- autoAxis = autoScaledAxis def -- autoScaledAxis def -- autoAxis = autoScaledIntAxis def autoAxis = autoScaledIntAxis defaultIntAxis -- called PlotTcpAttribute in mptcpanalyzer -- todo pass --filterSyn Args fields -- TODO filter according to destination -- destinations is an array of destination cmdPlotTcpAttribute :: ( Members [Log, P.State MyState, Cache, Embed IO] m -- , Ord y ) => String -- Tcp attr -- -> FilePath -- ^ temporary file to save plot to -> [ConnectionRole] -> FrameFiltered TcpConnection Packet -- we could return a EC r () instead -> Sem m (EC (Layout Double Double) ()) cmdPlotTcpAttribute field destinations aFrame = do -- inCore converts into a producer -- embed $ putStrLn $ showConnection (ffTcpCon tcpFrame) -- embed $ writeCSV "debug.csv" frame2 -- TODO provide a nice label -- TODO generate for mptcp plot return $ do layout_title .= "TCP " ++ field mapM_ plotAttr destinations -- return Continue where -- filter by dest frame2 = addTcpDestinationsToAFrame aFrame -- plotAttr :: ( PlotValue y) => ConnectionRole -> EC (Layout Double y) () plotAttr dest = plot (line ("TCP " ++ field ++ " (" ++ show dest ++ ")") [ [ (d,v) | (d,v) <- plotData ] ]) -- plot (line ("TCP " ++ field ++ " (" ++ show dest ++ ")") [ my_data ]) where -- frameDest = ffTcpFrame tcpFrame frameDest = frame2 unidirectionalFrame = filterFrame (\x -> x ^. tcpDest == dest) (ffFrame frameDest) plotData :: [(Double, Double)] plotData = getData (unidirectionalFrame') field -- we add a fake mptcpDest column to satisfy unidirectionalFrame' = fmap (\x -> Col RoleServer :& x) unidirectionalFrame -- (timeData, seqData) = plotData -- it should be possible to get something more abstract getData :: -- RecElem -- Rec TcpLen TcpLen rs rs (Data.Vinyl.TypeLevel.RIndex TcpLen rs), -- (Record HostCols) <: (Record rs) -- Foldable t, Functor t FrameRec (MptcpDest ': TcpDest ': HostCols) -> String -> [(Double, Double)] getData frame attr = getAttr where -- timeData :: [Double] timeData = F.toList $ view relTime <$> frame getAttr = case attr of "tcpSeq" -> [ (t, v) | (t, v) <- zip timeData (getTcpData tcpSeq) ] -- "tcpLen" -> fromIntegral. view tcpLen -- "rwnd" -> fromIntegral. view rwnd -- "tcpAck" -> fromIntegral. view tcpAck -- "tsval" -> tsval "mptcpDsn" -> getMptcpData frame mptcpDsn "mptcpDack" -> getMptcpData frame mptcpDack _ -> error "unsupported attr" -- getTcpData t (Record (TcpDest ': HostCols) ) :: -- getTcpData frame' getter = F.toList $ (fromIntegral . view getter) <$> frame' getTcpData getter = F.toList ((fromIntegral . view getter) <$> frame) getMptcpData :: _ getMptcpData frame getter = [ (t, v) | (t, v) <- zip timeData values ] -- (timeData, view relTime <$> justFrame) where timeData = F.toList $ view relTime <$> justFrame values = fmap fromIntegral $ catMaybes $ F.toList $ (view getter) <$> justFrame -- filter on the field justFrame = filterFrame (\x -> isJust $ x ^. getter) frame -- | Plot an attribute selected from '' -- @TODO support more attributes cmdPlotMptcpAttribute :: ( Members [ Log, P.State MyState, P.Trace, Cache, Embed IO ] m) => String -- ^ mptcp attr -> FilePath -- ^ temporary file to save plot to -> [ConnectionRole] -> FrameFiltered MptcpConnection Packet -> Sem m RetCode cmdPlotMptcpAttribute field tempPath destinations aFrame = do -- inCore converts into a producer Log.debug $ "show con " <> tshow (ffCon aFrame) P.trace $ T.unpack $ showConnectionText (ffCon aFrame) P.trace $ "number of packets" ++ show (frameLength (ffFrame aFrame)) -- TODO remove embed $ writeCSV "debug.csv" (ffFrame aFrame) embed $ writeCSV "dest.csv" frameDest embed $ toFile def tempPath $ do layout_title .= "MPTCP " ++ field -- TODO generate for mptcp plot -- for each subflow, plot the MptcpDest mapM_ plotAttr ( [ (dest, con) | dest <- destinations , con <- Set.toList $ mpconSubflows $ ffCon aFrame ]) -- mapM_ plotAttr destinations return Continue where -- add dest to the whole frame frameDest = addMptcpDest (ffFrame aFrame) (ffCon aFrame) plotAttr (dest, sf) = -- plot (line lineLabel [ [ (d,v) | (d,v) <- zip timeData seqData ] ]) plot (line lineLabel [ frameData ]) where -- frameData :: ([Double], [ -- strip down frameData = getData unidirectionalFrame field -- show sf lineLabel = "subflow " ++ show (conTcpStreamId (sfConn sf)) ++ " seq (" ++ show dest ++ ")" -- frameDest = frame2 unidirectionalFrame = filterFrame (\x -> x ^. mptcpDest == dest && x ^. tcpStream == conTcpStreamId (sfConn sf) ) frameDest -- seqData :: [Double] -- seqData = map fromIntegral (F.toList $ view tcpSeq <$> unidirectionalFrame) -- timeData = traceShow ("timedata" ++ show (frameLength unidirectionalFrame)) F.toList $ view relTime <$> unidirectionalFrame