#, 2018-11-25 - reformulation of Multilinear class - added Generic and NFData superclasses. This allows any Multilinear tensor to be derived generically in e.g. serialization instances and also fully evaluated for performace reasons - added simple Sequential <=> MultiCore converters in Multilinear.Generic module #, 2018-11-24 - added multi-core parallelism, sample benchmark is available in ./benchmark/results.zip - more robust QuickCheck tests - some API changes; simplified Multilinear class #, 2018-11-18 - added filter and zipWith functions #, 2018-11-17 - added more complex QuickCheck tests - and therefore, some error fixes #, 2018-11-14 - moved to Vector.Unboxed, to improve performance - simplified error handling - removed separate Err Tensor value - temporarily removed Infinite tensors constructors and Generic - added memory benchmark - added simple unit tests # 0.2.3, 2018-11-02 - fixed conflicting dependencies - added criterion benchmarks # 0.2.2, 2018-11-01 ## Dependencies update - ported to LTS-12.16 resolver # 0.2.1, 2018-10-31 Initial release