{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} module Data.Bank.NationalAustraliaBank.NationalAustraliaBank where import Control.Applicative (Alternative((<|>))) import Control.Lens( Lens', Prism', prism', (#), view, preview, over, _2 ) import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO(..) ) import Control.Monad.Reader.Class ( MonadReader ) import Control.Monad.Trans.Except ( ExceptT(..) ) import Data.Bool(bool) import Data.List ( sortBy ) import Data.Functor( Functor(..), (<$>) ) import Data.Functor.Identity ( Identity(..) ) import Data.ByteString(ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as L(fromString) import Data.Digit ( charDecimal, parseDecimal, decDigitsIntegral, integralDecDigits, integralDecimal, DecDigit(DecDigit0) ) import Data.Foldable ( asum, toList ) import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty(..), some1 ) import Data.Maybe( fromMaybe ) import Data.Ord( comparing ) import Data.String ( IsString(fromString) ) import Data.Sv ( parseDecodeFromFile, (=:), comma, ParseOptions(ParseOptions), Decode, Decode', NameEncode, Headedness(Headed) ) import qualified Data.Sv.Decode as D import qualified Data.Sv.Encode as E import Data.Validation ( toEither ) import Data.Time ( fromGregorian, toGregorian, diffDays, Day ) import Data.Functor.Contravariant ( Contravariant(contramap) ) import Data.Ratio ( Ratio, (%), numerator ) import System.Directory ( doesDirectoryExist, listDirectory ) import System.FilePath ( () ) import Text.Parsec ( char, string, try, ParsecT, Stream ) -- $setup -- >>> import Data.Digit data Month = Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) class HasMonth a where month :: Lens' a Month instance HasMonth Month where month = id class AsMonth a where _Month :: Prism' a Month _Jan :: Prism' a () _Jan = _Month . prism' (\() -> Jan) (\case Jan -> Just () _ -> Nothing) _Feb :: Prism' a () _Feb = _Month . prism' (\() -> Feb) (\case Feb -> Just () _ -> Nothing) _Mar :: Prism' a () _Mar = _Month . prism' (\() -> Mar) (\case Mar -> Just () _ -> Nothing) _Apr :: Prism' a () _Apr = _Month . prism' (\() -> Apr) (\case Apr -> Just () _ -> Nothing) _May :: Prism' a () _May = _Month . prism' (\() -> May) (\case May -> Just () _ -> Nothing) _Jun :: Prism' a () _Jun = _Month . prism' (\() -> Jun) (\case Jun -> Just () _ -> Nothing) _Jul :: Prism' a () _Jul = _Month . prism' (\() -> Jul) (\case Jul -> Just () _ -> Nothing) _Aug :: Prism' a () _Aug = _Month . prism' (\() -> Aug) (\case Aug -> Just () _ -> Nothing) _Sep :: Prism' a () _Sep = _Month . prism' (\() -> Sep) (\case Sep -> Just () _ -> Nothing) _Oct :: Prism' a () _Oct = _Month . prism' (\() -> Oct) (\case Oct -> Just () _ -> Nothing) _Nov :: Prism' a () _Nov = _Month . prism' (\() -> Nov) (\case Nov -> Just () _ -> Nothing) _Dec :: Prism' a () _Dec = _Month . prism' (\() -> Dec) (\case Dec -> Just () _ -> Nothing) instance AsMonth Month where _Month = id parseMonth :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Month parseMonth = asum . fmap try $ [ Jan <$ string "Jan" , Feb <$ string "Feb" , Mar <$ string "Mar" , Apr <$ string "Apr" , May <$ string "May" , Jun <$ string "Jun" , Jul <$ string "Jul" , Aug <$ string "Aug" , Sep <$ string "Sep" , Oct <$ string "Oct" , Nov <$ string "Nov" , Dec <$ string "Dec" ] data Date = Date { _day1 :: DecDigit , _day2 :: DecDigit , _month :: Month , _year1 :: DecDigit , _year2 :: DecDigit } deriving (Eq, Show) class HasDate a where date :: Lens' a Date day1 :: Lens' a DecDigit day1 = date . \f (Date d1 d2 m y1 y2) -> fmap (\d1' -> Date d1' d2 m y1 y2) (f d1) day2 :: Lens' a DecDigit day2 = date . \f (Date d1 d2 m y1 y2) -> fmap (\d2' -> Date d1 d2' m y1 y2) (f d2) year1 :: Lens' a DecDigit year1 = date . \f (Date d1 d2 m y1 y2) -> fmap (\y1' -> Date d1 d2 m y1' y2) (f y1) year2 :: Lens' a DecDigit year2 = date . \f (Date d1 d2 m y1 y2) -> fmap (\y2' -> Date d1 d2 m y1 y2') (f y2) instance HasDate Date where date = id instance HasMonth Date where month f (Date d1 d2 m y1 y2) = fmap (\m' -> Date d1 d2 m' y1 y2) (f m) class AsDate a where _Date :: Prism' a Date instance AsDate Date where _Date = id instance Ord Date where Date d1 d2 m y1 y2 `compare` Date e1 e2 n z1 z2 = let twoDigits a b = decDigitsIntegral (Right (a :| [b])) d = twoDigits d1 d2 :: Int e = twoDigits e1 e2 :: Int y = twoDigits y1 y2 :: Int z = twoDigits z1 z2 :: Int in (y, m, d) `compare` (z, n, e) parseDate :: Stream s Identity Char => ParsecT s u Identity Date parseDate = Date <$> parseDecimal <*> parseDecimal <* char ' ' <*> parseMonth <* char ' ' <*> parseDecimal <*> parseDecimal decodeDate :: Decode' ByteString Date decodeDate = D.withParsec parseDate encodeDate :: NameEncode Date encodeDate = fromString "Date" =: E.mkEncodeBS (\(Date d1 d2 m y1 y2) -> L.fromString (concat [[charDecimal # d1, charDecimal # d2, ' '], show m, [' ', charDecimal # y1], [charDecimal # y2]])) dayDate :: Day -> Date dayDate day = let (y, m, d) = toGregorian day twodigits x = case either id id (integralDecDigits x) of h :| [] -> (DecDigit0, h) h :| i : _ -> (h, i) (d1, d2) = twodigits d m' = case m of 1 -> Jan 2 -> Feb 3 -> Mar 4 -> Apr 5 -> May 6 -> Jun 7 -> Jul 8 -> Aug 9 -> Sep 10 -> Oct 11 -> Nov _ -> Dec (y1, y2) = twodigits (y - 2000) in Date d1 d2 m' y1 y2 dateDay :: Date -> Day dateDay (Date d1 d2 m y1 y2) = let year = 2000 + integralDecimal # y1 * 10 + integralDecimal # y2 mon Jan = 1 mon Feb = 2 mon Mar = 3 mon Apr = 4 mon May = 5 mon Jun = 6 mon Jul = 7 mon Aug = 8 mon Sep = 9 mon Oct = 10 mon Nov = 11 mon Dec = 12 dt = integralDecimal # d1 * 10 + integralDecimal # d2 in fromGregorian year (mon m) dt diffDates :: Date -> Date -> Integer diffDates dt1 dt2 = dateDay dt1 `diffDays` dateDay dt2 data Amount = Amount { _negated :: Bool , _dollars :: NonEmpty DecDigit , _cents1 :: DecDigit , _cents2 :: DecDigit } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) class AsAmount a where _Amount :: Prism' a Amount instance AsAmount Amount where _Amount = id class HasAmount a where amount :: Lens' a Amount negated :: Lens' a Bool negated = amount . \f (Amount n d c1 c2) -> fmap (\n' -> Amount n' d c1 c2) (f n) dollars :: Lens' a (NonEmpty DecDigit) dollars = amount . \f (Amount n d c1 c2) -> fmap (\d' -> Amount n d' c1 c2) (f d) cents1 :: Lens' a DecDigit cents1 = amount . \f (Amount n d c1 c2) -> fmap (\c1' -> Amount n d c1' c2) (f c1) cents2 :: Lens' a DecDigit cents2 = amount . \f (Amount n d c1 c2) -> fmap (\c2' -> Amount n d c1 c2') (f c2) instance HasAmount Amount where amount = id parseAmount :: Stream s Identity Char => ParsecT s u Identity Amount parseAmount = Amount <$> try (True <$ char '-' <|> pure False) <*> some1 parseDecimal <* char '.' <*> parseDecimal <*> parseDecimal decodeAmount :: Decode' ByteString Amount decodeAmount = D.withParsec parseAmount encodeAmount :: String -> NameEncode Amount encodeAmount label = fromString label =: E.mkEncodeBS (\(Amount n d c1 c2) -> L.fromString (concat [bool "" "-" n, fmap (charDecimal #) (toList d), ".", [charDecimal # c1], [charDecimal # c2]])) realAmount :: Integral a => Amount -> Ratio a realAmount a = integralAmount100 a % 100 -- | -- -- >>> amountReal 0 -- Amount {_negated = False, _dollars = DecDigit0 :| [], _cents1 = DecDigit0, _cents2 = DecDigit0} -- -- >>> amountReal 0.01 -- Amount {_negated = False, _dollars = DecDigit0 :| [], _cents1 = DecDigit0, _cents2 = DecDigit1} -- -- >>> amountReal 0.0123 -- Amount {_negated = False, _dollars = DecDigit1 :| [], _cents1 = DecDigit2, _cents2 = DecDigit3} -- -- >>> amountReal (-0.01) -- Amount {_negated = True, _dollars = DecDigit0 :| [], _cents1 = DecDigit0, _cents2 = DecDigit1} -- -- >>> amountReal (-0.0123) -- Amount {_negated = True, _dollars = DecDigit1 :| [], _cents1 = DecDigit2, _cents2 = DecDigit3} -- -- >>> amountReal (-12.01) -- Amount {_negated = True, _dollars = DecDigit1 :| [DecDigit2], _cents1 = DecDigit0, _cents2 = DecDigit1} -- -- >>> > amountReal (452.99) -- Amount {_negated = False, _dollars = DecDigit4 :| [DecDigit5,DecDigit2], _cents1 = DecDigit9, _cents2 = DecDigit9} amountReal :: Integral a => Ratio a -> Amount amountReal r = let div10 x = over _2 (fromMaybe DecDigit0 . preview integralDecimal) (divMod x 10) n = numerator (r * 100) (as1, c2) = div10 (abs n) (as2, c1) = div10 as1 in Amount (n < 0) (either id id (integralDecDigits as2)) c1 c2 integralAmount100 :: Integral a => Amount -> a integralAmount100 (Amount n ds d1 d2) = let neg = if n then (-1) else 1 in neg * (decDigitsIntegral (Right ds) * 100 + decDigitsIntegral (Right (d1 :| [d2]))) -- | -- -- >>> Amount False (DecDigit1 :| []) DecDigit0 DecDigit0 <> Amount False (DecDigit1 :| []) DecDigit0 DecDigit0 -- Amount {_negated = False, _dollars = DecDigit2 :| [], _cents1 = DecDigit0, _cents2 = DecDigit0} -- -- >>> Amount True (DecDigit1 :| []) DecDigit0 DecDigit0 <> Amount False (DecDigit1 :| []) DecDigit0 DecDigit0 -- Amount {_negated = False, _dollars = DecDigit0 :| [], _cents1 = DecDigit0, _cents2 = DecDigit0} -- -- >>> Amount False (DecDigit1 :| []) DecDigit0 DecDigit0 <> Amount True (DecDigit1 :| []) DecDigit0 DecDigit0 -- Amount {_negated = False, _dollars = DecDigit0 :| [], _cents1 = DecDigit0, _cents2 = DecDigit0} -- -- >>> Amount True (DecDigit1 :| [DecDigit2]) DecDigit5 DecDigit9 <> Amount True (DecDigit9 :| []) DecDigit7 DecDigit3 -- Amount {_negated = True, _dollars = DecDigit2 :| [DecDigit2], _cents1 = DecDigit3, _cents2 = DecDigit2} -- -- >>> Amount False (DecDigit1 :| [DecDigit2]) DecDigit5 DecDigit9 <> Amount True (DecDigit9 :| []) DecDigit7 DecDigit3 -- Amount {_negated = False, _dollars = DecDigit2 :| [], _cents1 = DecDigit8, _cents2 = DecDigit6} -- -- >>> Amount False (DecDigit1 :| [DecDigit2]) DecDigit5 DecDigit9 <> Amount False (DecDigit9 :| []) DecDigit7 DecDigit3 -- Amount {_negated = False, _dollars = DecDigit2 :| [DecDigit2], _cents1 = DecDigit3, _cents2 = DecDigit2} instance Semigroup Amount where a1 <> a2 = amountReal (realAmount a1 + realAmount a2 :: Ratio Integer) instance Monoid Amount where mempty = Amount False (DecDigit0 :| []) DecDigit0 DecDigit0 data Transaction = Transaction { _date :: Date , _amount :: Amount , _accountNumber :: String , _emptyField :: String , _transactionType :: String , _details :: String , _balance :: Amount , _category :: String , _merchantName :: String } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) class AsTransaction a where _Transaction :: Prism' a Transaction instance AsTransaction Transaction where _Transaction = id class HasTransaction a where transaction :: Lens' a Transaction accountNumber :: Lens' a String accountNumber = transaction . \f (Transaction dt am an ef tt dl bl ct mn) -> fmap (\an' -> Transaction dt am an' ef tt dl bl ct mn) (f an) emptyField :: Lens' a String emptyField = transaction . \f (Transaction dt am an ef tt dl bl ct mn) -> fmap (\ef' -> Transaction dt am an ef' tt dl bl ct mn) (f ef) transactionType :: Lens' a String transactionType = transaction . \f (Transaction dt am an ef tt dl bl ct mn) -> fmap (\tt' -> Transaction dt am an ef tt' dl bl ct mn) (f tt) details :: Lens' a String details = transaction . \f (Transaction dt am an ef tt dl bl ct mn) -> fmap (\dl' -> Transaction dt am an ef tt dl' bl ct mn) (f dl) balance :: Lens' a Amount balance = transaction . \f (Transaction dt am an ef tt dl bl ct mn) -> fmap (\bl' -> Transaction dt am an ef tt dl bl' ct mn) (f bl) category :: Lens' a String category = transaction . \f (Transaction dt am an ef tt dl bl ct mn) -> fmap (\ct' -> Transaction dt am an ef tt dl bl ct' mn) (f ct) merchantName :: Lens' a String merchantName = transaction . \f (Transaction dt am an ef tt dl bl ct mn) -> fmap (\mn' -> Transaction dt am an ef tt dl bl ct mn') (f mn) instance HasTransaction Transaction where transaction = id instance HasDate Transaction where date f (Transaction dt am an ef tt dl bl ct mn) = fmap (\dt' -> Transaction dt' am an ef tt dl bl ct mn) (f dt) instance HasAmount Transaction where amount f (Transaction dt am an ef tt dl bl ct mn) = fmap (\am' -> Transaction dt am' an ef tt dl bl ct mn) (f am) encodeTransaction :: NameEncode Transaction encodeTransaction = contramap _date encodeDate <> contramap _amount (encodeAmount "Amount") <> fromString "Account Number" =: contramap _accountNumber E.string <> fromString "" =: contramap _emptyField E.string <> fromString "Transaction Type" =: contramap _transactionType E.string <> fromString "Transaction Details" =: contramap _details E.string <> contramap _balance (encodeAmount "Balance") <> fromString "Category" =: contramap _category E.string <> fromString "Merchant Name" =: contramap _merchantName E.string encodeTransactionNoEmptyField :: NameEncode Transaction encodeTransactionNoEmptyField = contramap _date encodeDate <> contramap _amount (encodeAmount "Amount") <> fromString "Account Number" =: contramap _accountNumber E.string <> fromString "Transaction Type" =: contramap _transactionType E.string <> fromString "Transaction Details" =: contramap _details E.string <> contramap _balance (encodeAmount "Balance") <> fromString "Category" =: contramap _category E.string <> fromString "Merchant Name" =: contramap _merchantName E.string decodeTransaction :: Decode ByteString ByteString Transaction decodeTransaction = Transaction <$> decodeDate <*> decodeAmount <*> D.string <*> D.string <*> D.string <*> D.string <*> decodeAmount <*> D.string <*> D.string date' :: MonadReader Transaction f => f Date date' = view date dateDay' :: MonadReader Transaction f => f Day dateDay' = fmap dateDay date' amount' :: MonadReader Transaction f => f Amount amount' = view amount amountRatio' :: (MonadReader Transaction f, Integral b) => f (Ratio b) amountRatio' = fmap realAmount amount' accountNumber' :: MonadReader Transaction f => f String accountNumber' = view accountNumber emptyField' :: MonadReader Transaction f => f String emptyField' = view emptyField transactionType' :: MonadReader Transaction f => f String transactionType' = view transactionType details' :: MonadReader Transaction f => f String details' = view details balance' :: MonadReader Transaction f => f Amount balance' = view balance balanceRatio' :: (MonadReader Transaction f, Integral b) => f (Ratio b) balanceRatio' = fmap realAmount balance' category' :: MonadReader Transaction f => f String category' = view category merchantName' :: MonadReader Transaction f => f String merchantName' = view merchantName parseTransactionDirectory :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> ExceptT (D.DecodeErrors ByteString) m [Transaction] parseTransactionDirectory p = let parseCSVDirectory :: MonadIO m => Decode' ByteString a -> FilePath -> ExceptT (D.DecodeErrors ByteString) m [a] parseCSVDirectory dec fp = let files = do e <- liftIO (doesDirectoryExist fp) if e then do d <- liftIO (listDirectory fp) pure (fmap (fp ) d) else pure [fp] in ExceptT $ do f <- files x <- mapM (parseDecodeFromFile dec (ParseOptions comma Headed)) f pure (fmap concat (toEither (sequenceA x))) sortTransactions :: [Transaction] -> [Transaction] sortTransactions = let comp t1 t2 = comparing dateDay' t1 t2 <> comparing accountNumber' t1 t2 in sortBy comp in fmap sortTransactions (parseCSVDirectory decodeTransaction p)