{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-fields #-}
-- Module      :  Control.Concurrent.Network.Master
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2010, Paul Sonkoly
-- License     :  BSD style
-- Maintainer  :  Paul Sonkoly
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :
-- |  The master process doesn't do any work except
--    managing the slaves. The master process is handled entirely by the library
--    in 'initMaster'.

module Control.Concurrent.Network.Master
    -- * Functions
    ) where

import Control.Concurrent.Network.Protocol

import Network
import System.IO
import Data.Binary
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as DBL
import Data.Map
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Loops
import Control.Concurrent
import System.Log.Logger

data MMVar = MMV
    { dat       :: ByteString
    , empt      :: Bool

data Master = M
    { registry  :: MVar (Map String MMVar)
    , slaveid   :: Int
    , numslaves :: Int

-- | The master process. Only returns when all slaves have
--   closed connection.
initMaster :: Int -> PortID -> IO ()
initMaster n p = do
    debugM rootLoggerName "Initialise master"
    sck     <- listenOn p
    slcnt   <- newMVar 0
    slid    <- newMVar 0
    reg     <- newMVar $ fromList []
    mcntx   <- return $ M { registry = reg }

    -- create n threads
    replicateM_ n $ do
        tid <- forkIO $ do
            slaveid' <- takeMVar slid
            putMVar slid $ slaveid' + 1
            mymcntx <- return $ mcntx { slaveid = slaveid', numslaves = n }
            (hdl, hname, pnum) <- accept sck
            infoM rootLoggerName $ hname ++ " <slave " ++ show slaveid' ++
                "> connected from port " ++ show pnum
            hSetBuffering hdl NoBuffering

            -- handling client requests
            untilM_ (do
                p <- readProtoId hdl
                debugM rootLoggerName $ (show slaveid') ++ "==> " ++ show p
                handlePacket mymcntx hdl p
                debugM rootLoggerName $ (show slaveid') ++ "<== " ++ show p
                ) $ hIsEOF hdl

            -- last thing is incrementing the slave counter
            modifyMVar_ slcnt (\c -> return $ c + 1)

        -- need the thread id from above
        infoM rootLoggerName $ "thread " ++ show tid ++ " is waiting for connections.."

    -- main thread waits for the slave counter to become 'n'
    debugM rootLoggerName "Waiting for internal threads.."
    untilM_ yield $ do
        cnt <- readMVar $ slcnt
        return $ cnt == n

handlePacket :: Master -> Handle -> ProtoId -> IO ()
-- new 'NVar'
handlePacket mcntx hdl NNV = do
    name <- readBinary hdl
    -- we don't check whether it'd been already created.
    modifyMVar_ (registry mcntx) $ return . (insert name MMV { empt = True })

-- try put 'NVar'
handlePacket mcntx hdl TPN = do
    name    <- readBinary hdl
    val     <- readByteString hdl
    reg     <- takeMVar (registry mcntx)
    if (not $ member name reg) || (not $ empt $ reg ! name)
        then do
            putMVar (registry mcntx) reg
            writeBinary hdl False
        else do
            putMVar (registry mcntx) $ insert name MMV { dat = val, empt = False } reg
            writeBinary hdl True

-- try take 'NVar'
handlePacket mcntx hdl TTN = do
    name    <- readBinary hdl
    reg     <- takeMVar (registry mcntx)
    if (not $ member name reg) || (empt $ reg ! name)
        then do
            putMVar (registry mcntx) reg
            writeBinary hdl False
        else do
            val <- return $ reg ! name
            putMVar (registry mcntx) $ insert name val { empt = True } reg
            writeBinary hdl  True
            writeByteString hdl $ dat $ val

-- put 'NVar'
handlePacket mcntx hdl PNV = do
    name    <- readBinary hdl
    val     <- readByteString hdl
    untilM_ yield $ do
        reg <- takeMVar (registry mcntx)
        if not $ member name reg
            then putMVar (registry mcntx) reg >> return False
            else if not $ empt $ reg ! name
                then putMVar (registry mcntx) reg >> return False
                else do
                    putMVar (registry mcntx) $ insert name MMV { dat = val, empt = False } reg
                    return True
    writeProtoId hdl PNV

-- take 'NVar'
handlePacket mcntx hdl TNV = do
    name <- readBinary hdl
    untilM_ yield $ do
        reg <- takeMVar (registry mcntx)
        if not $ member name reg
            then putMVar (registry mcntx) reg >> return False
            else if empt $ reg ! name
                then putMVar (registry mcntx) reg >> return False
                else do
                    val <- return $ reg ! name
                    writeByteString hdl $ dat val
                    putMVar (registry mcntx) $ insert name val { empt = True } reg
                    return True

-- poll with op
handlePacket mcntx hdl PWO = do
    name    <- readBinary hdl
    op      <- readBinary hdl
    val     <- readByteString hdl
    untilM_ yield $ do
        reg <- takeMVar (registry mcntx)
        if not $ member name reg
            then putMVar (registry mcntx) reg >> return False
            else if empt $ reg ! name
                then putMVar (registry mcntx) reg >> return False
                else if (dat (reg ! name) /= val && op == EQOP) ||
                        (dat (reg ! name) == val && op == NEQOP)
                    then putMVar (registry mcntx) reg >> return True
                    else putMVar (registry mcntx) reg >> return False
    writeProtoId hdl PWO

-- slave id
handlePacket mcntx hdl SID = writeBinary hdl $ slaveid mcntx

-- number of slaves
handlePacket mcntx hdl NSL = writeBinary hdl $ numslaves mcntx

-- print message
handlePacket _ hdl PMS = readBinary hdl >>= System.IO.putStrLn