-- | Simple functions to run UDP clients and servers. module Network.Run.UDP ( runUDPClient, runUDPServer, runUDPServerFork, ) where import Control.Concurrent (forkFinally, forkIO) import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.Monad (forever, void) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Network.Socket import Network.Socket.ByteString import Network.Run.Core -- | Running a UDP client with a socket. -- The client action takes a socket and -- server's socket address. -- They should be used with 'sendTo'. runUDPClient :: HostName -> ServiceName -> (Socket -> SockAddr -> IO a) -> IO a runUDPClient host port client = withSocketsDo $ do addr <- resolve Datagram (Just host) port [AI_ADDRCONFIG] let sockAddr = addrAddress addr E.bracket (openSocket addr) close $ \sock -> client sock sockAddr -- | Running a UDP server with an open socket in a single Haskell thread. runUDPServer :: Maybe HostName -> ServiceName -> (Socket -> IO a) -> IO a runUDPServer mhost port server = withSocketsDo $ do addr <- resolve Datagram mhost port [AI_PASSIVE] E.bracket (openServerSocket addr) close server -- | Running a UDP server with a connected socket in each Haskell thread. -- The first request is given to the server. -- Suppose that the server is serving on __addrS:portS__ and -- a client connects to the service from __addrC:portC__. -- A connected socket is created by binding to __*:portS__ and -- connecting to __addrC:portC__, -- resulting in __(UDP,addrS:portS,addrC:portC)__ where -- __addrS__ is given magically. -- This approach is fragile due to NAT rebidings. runUDPServerFork :: [HostName] -> ServiceName -> (Socket -> ByteString -> IO ()) -> IO () runUDPServerFork [] _ _ = return () runUDPServerFork (h : hs) port server = do mapM_ (forkIO . run) hs run h where run host = runUDPServer (Just host) port $ \lsock -> forever $ do (bs0, peeraddr) <- recvFrom lsock 2048 let family = case peeraddr of SockAddrInet{} -> AF_INET SockAddrInet6{} -> AF_INET6 _ -> error "family" hints = defaultHints { addrSocketType = Datagram , addrFamily = family , addrFlags = [AI_PASSIVE] } addr <- head <$> getAddrInfo (Just hints) Nothing (Just port) s <- openServerSocket addr connect s peeraddr void $ forkFinally (server s bs0) (\_ -> close s)