name: not-gloss version: stability: Experimental synopsis: Painless 3D graphics, no affiliation with gloss description:{ This package intends to make it relatively easy to do simple 3d graphics using high-level primitives. It is inspired by gloss and attempts to emulate it. This is an early release and the api will certainly change. Note that transparency can be controlled by the alpha value: "makeColor r g b alpha" but that you must draw objects from back to front for transparency to properly work (just put clear things last). Also, transparent ellipsoids and cylinders have ugly artifacts, sorry. Look at the complimentary package not-gloss-examples to get started. } extra-source-files: changelog.txt license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Greg Horn maintainer: -- copyright: category: Graphics build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.8 library exposed-modules: Vis Vis.Camera Vis.Interface Vis.Vis Vis.VisObject Vis.GlossColor other-modules: build-depends: base >= 4.5 && < 5, GLUT >= 2.3.0, time >= 1.4.0, OpenGLRaw >= 1.2.0, spatial-math >= 0.2.0 ghc-options: -O2 source-repository head type: git location: git://