module Kafka.Worker.Settings ( Settings (..), decoder, MaxMsgsPerSecondPerPartition (..), MaxMsgsPerPartitionBufferedLocally (..), MaxPollIntervalMs (..), SkipOrNot (..), ) where import qualified Environment import qualified Kafka.Consumer as Consumer import qualified Kafka.Settings.Internal as Internal import qualified Observability import qualified Prelude -- | Settings required to process kafka messages data Settings = Settings { -- | broker addresses. See hw-kafka's documentation for more info brokerAddresses :: [Consumer.BrokerAddress], -- | Worker will poll Kafka for new messages. This is the timeout pollingTimeout :: Consumer.Timeout, -- | Used for throttling. Turn this down to give Kafka a speed limit. maxMsgsPerSecondPerPartition :: MaxMsgsPerSecondPerPartition, logLevel :: Internal.KafkaLogLevel, observability :: Observability.Settings, -- | Provides backpressure from message-workers to the queue-reader worker. -- Ensures that the thread responsible for pulling messages off of kafka -- doesn't race ahead / steal resources from the threads executing messages. maxMsgsPerPartitionBufferedLocally :: MaxMsgsPerPartitionBufferedLocally, pollBatchSize :: Consumer.BatchSize, -- | Time between polling maxPollIntervalMs :: MaxPollIntervalMs, -- | This option provides us the possibility to skip messages on failure. -- Useful for testing Kafka worker. DoNotSkip is a reasonable default! onProcessMessageSkip :: SkipOrNot } -- | This option provides us the possibility to skip messages on failure. -- Useful for testing Kafka worker. DoNotSkip is a reasonable default! data SkipOrNot = Skip | DoNotSkip -- | Used for throttling. Turn this down to give Kafka a speed limit. data MaxMsgsPerSecondPerPartition = ThrottleAt Int | DontThrottle -- | Provides backpressure from message-workers to the queue-reader worker. -- Ensures that the thread responsible for pulling messages off of kafka -- doesn't race ahead / steal resources from the threads executing messages. newtype MaxMsgsPerPartitionBufferedLocally = MaxMsgsPerPartitionBufferedLocally {unMaxMsgsPerPartitionBufferedLocally :: Int} -- | Time between polling newtype MaxPollIntervalMs = MaxPollIntervalMs {unMaxPollIntervalMs :: Int} -- | decodes Settings from environmental variables -- Also consumes Observability env variables (see nri-observability) -- KAFKA_BROKER_ADDRESSES=localhost:9092 # comma delimeted list -- KAFKA_LOG_LEVEL=Debug -- KAFKA_POLLING_TIMEOUT=1000 -- KAFKA_MAX_MESSAGES_PER_SECOND_PER_PARTITION=0 (disabled) -- KAFKA_MAX_POLL_INTERVAL_MS=300000 -- KAFKA_MAX_MSGS_PER_PARTITION_BUFFERED_LOCALLY=100 -- KAFKA_POLL_BATCH_SIZE=100 -- KAFKA_SKIP_ON_PROCESS_MESSAGE_FAILURE=0 -- KAFKA_GROUP_ID=0 decoder :: Environment.Decoder Settings decoder = Prelude.pure Settings |> andMap Internal.decoderBrokerAddresses |> andMap decoderPollingTimeout |> andMap decoderMaxMessagesPerSecondPerPartition |> andMap Internal.decoderKafkaLogLevel |> andMap Observability.decoder |> andMap decoderMaxMsgsPerPartitionBufferedLocally |> andMap decoderPollBatchSize |> andMap decoderMaxPollIntervalMs |> andMap decoderOnProcessMessageFailure decoderPollingTimeout :: Environment.Decoder Consumer.Timeout decoderPollingTimeout = Environment.variable Environment.Variable { = "KAFKA_POLLING_TIMEOUT", Environment.description = "Polling timout for consumers", Environment.defaultValue = "1000" } (map Consumer.Timeout decoderMaxMessagesPerSecondPerPartition :: Environment.Decoder MaxMsgsPerSecondPerPartition decoderMaxMessagesPerSecondPerPartition = Environment.variable Environment.Variable { = "KAFKA_MAX_MESSAGES_PER_SECOND_PER_PARTITION", Environment.description = "This is how we throttle workers. Sets the maximum amount of messages this worker should process per second per partition. 0 is disabled.", Environment.defaultValue = "0" } ( map ( \maxPerSecond -> ( if maxPerSecond == 0 then DontThrottle else ThrottleAt maxPerSecond ) ) ) decoderMaxPollIntervalMs :: Environment.Decoder MaxPollIntervalMs decoderMaxPollIntervalMs = Environment.variable Environment.Variable { = "KAFKA_MAX_POLL_INTERVAL_MS", Environment.description = "This is used to set", Environment.defaultValue = "300000" } (map MaxPollIntervalMs decoderMaxMsgsPerPartitionBufferedLocally :: Environment.Decoder MaxMsgsPerPartitionBufferedLocally decoderMaxMsgsPerPartitionBufferedLocally = Environment.variable Environment.Variable { = "KAFKA_MAX_MSGS_PER_PARTITION_BUFFERED_LOCALLY", Environment.description = "Pausing reading from kafka when we have this many messages queued up but not yet processed", Environment.defaultValue = "100" } (map MaxMsgsPerPartitionBufferedLocally decoderPollBatchSize :: Environment.Decoder Consumer.BatchSize decoderPollBatchSize = Environment.variable Environment.Variable { = "KAFKA_POLL_BATCH_SIZE", Environment.description = "The amount of messages we request in a single poll request to Kafka", Environment.defaultValue = "100" } (map Consumer.BatchSize decoderOnProcessMessageFailure :: Environment.Decoder SkipOrNot decoderOnProcessMessageFailure = Environment.variable Environment.Variable { = "KAFKA_SKIP_ON_PROCESS_MESSAGE_FAILURE", Environment.description = "Whether to skip message that are failing processing. 1 means on, 0 means off.", Environment.defaultValue = "0" } ( Environment.custom ( \int -> if int >= 1 then Ok Skip else Ok DoNotSkip ) )