[@ISO639-1@]        mg

[@ISO639-2@]        mlg

[@ISO639-3@]        mlg

[@Native name@]     -

[@English name@]    Malagasy

module Text.Numeral.Language.MLG
    ( -- * Language entry
      -- * Conversions
    , cardinal
      -- * Structure
    , struct
      -- * Bounds
    , bounds
    ) where

-- Imports

import "base" Data.Function ( fix )
import qualified "containers" Data.Map as M ( fromList, lookup )
import "this" Text.Numeral
import "this" Text.Numeral.Misc ( dec )
import "this" Text.Numeral.Entry
import "text" Data.Text ( Text )

-- MLG

entry :: Entry
entry = emptyEntry
    { entIso639_1    = Just "mg"
    , entIso639_2    = ["mlg"]
    , entIso639_3    = Just "mlg"
    , entEnglishName = Just "Malagasy"
    , entCardinal    = Just Conversion
                       { toNumeral   = cardinal
                       , toStructure = struct

cardinal :: (Integral a) => Inflection -> a -> Maybe Text
cardinal inf = cardinalRepr inf . struct

struct :: (Integral a) => a -> Exp
struct = checkPos
       $ fix
       $ findRule (0, lit)
                  [(n, step n 10 L L) | n <- map dec [1..6]]
                  (dec 7 - 1)

bounds :: (Integral a) => (a, a)
bounds = (0, dec 7 - 1)

cardinalRepr :: Inflection -> Exp -> Maybe Text
cardinalRepr = render defaultRepr
               { reprValue = \_ n -> M.lookup n syms
               , reprAdd   = Just ()
               , reprMul   = Just ()
      (_               Lit 10 ) _ = " ambin'ny "
      (_  (Lit _ `Mul` Lit 10)) _ = " amby "
      (_  _                   ) _ = " sy "

      (_  Lit 10 ) _ = ""
      (_  Lit 100) _ = ""
      (_  _      ) _ = " "

      syms =
          [ (0, const "haotra")
          , (1, \c -> case c of
                       CtxAdd {} -> "iraika"
                       _         -> "iray"
          , (2, mulForms "roa"    "roa"   "roan")
          , (3, mulForms "telo"   "telo"  "telon")
          , (4, mulForms "efatra" "efa"   "efa"  )
          , (5, mulForms "dimy"   "dimam" "diman")
          , (6, mulForms "enina"  "enim"  "enin" )
          , (7, mulForms "fito"   "fito"  "fiton")
          , (8, mulForms "valo"   "valo"  "valon")
          , (9, mulForms "sivy"   "sivi"  "sivin")
          , (10, \c -> case c of
                        CtxMul _ (Lit n) _
                            | n < 9 -> "polo"
                        _           -> "folo"
          , (100, \c -> case c of
                         CtxMul {} -> "jato"
                         _         -> "zato"
          , (1000, const "arivo")
          , (dec 4, const "alina")
          , (dec 5, const "hetsy")
          , (dec 6, const "tapitrisa")

      mulForms o t h = \c -> case c of
                              CtxMul _ (Lit 10)  _ -> t
                              CtxMul _ (Lit 100) _ -> h
                              _                    -> o