-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Serokell -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 -- | Tests on the interpolator in overall. module Test.Interpolator where import Control.Exception (AsyncException (ThreadKilled)) import Control.Monad.Reader (ask, runReader) import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..)) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT import Fmt (Buildable (..), Builder) import Test.HUnit ((@?=)) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (testCase) import Text.Interpolation.Nyan.RModes.Buildable import Text.Interpolation.Nyan.RModes.CommonExtra import Test.Util import Text.Interpolation.Nyan.Core newtype PrintedValue = PrintedValue Int deriving stock (Show) instance Buildable PrintedValue where build (PrintedValue a) = "v = " <> build a -- | Verifies that two types are equal without trying to make types -- more concrete. I.e. some polymorphic type won't be equal to a concrete type. class TypeEq a b where cast :: a -> b instance TypeEq a a where cast = id rmode'mega :: RMode Builder rmode'mega = RMode \t -> "mega " <> t test_DefaultInterpolator :: TestTree test_DefaultInterpolator = testGroup "Default interpolator" [ testCase "Empty text" do [int|t||] @?= "" , testCase "Simple text" do [int|t|Abc def|] @?= "Abc def" , testGroup "Interpolation" [ testCase "Simple case" do let a = "X" :: Text [int|t|Value: #{a}|] @?= "Value: X" , testCase "Several interpolators" do let a = "X" :: Text let b = "Y" :: Text let c = "Z" :: Text [int|t|Values: {#{a}, #{b}} and #{c}|] @?= "Values: {X, Y} and Z" , testCase "Spaces in {}" do let a = 5 let s = "string" [int|t|#d{ a }, #l{ s }|] @?= "5, string" ] , testGroup "Rendering modes" [ testCase "Basic" do let a = PrintedValue 1 let n = 5 let s = "string" [int|t|#{a}, #s{a}, #d{n}, #l{s}|] @?= "v = 1, PrintedValue 1, 5, string" , testCase "Locally defined rendering mode" do let s = "nyan" [int|t|#mega{s}|] @?= "mega nyan" , testCase "Exception" do let err = ThreadKilled [int|t|Failed with: #exc{err}|] @?= "Failed with: thread killed" ] , testGroup "Escaping" [ testCase "Newline" do [int|t| x = 1, \ y = 2 |] @?= "x = 1, y = 2\n" , testCase "Space" do let n = 5 [int|t|Value: #d{n}|] @?= "Value: 5" , testCase "Slash" do [int|t|a \\ b|] @?= "a \\ b" , testCase "Hash" do [int|t|a \#{ .. }|] @?= "a #{ .. }" ] ------------------------------------------------------------------- , testGroup "Switches behaviour" ---------------------------------- [ testGroup "Spaces trimming" [ testCase "Simple test" do [int|ts| abc |] @?= "abc" , testCase "Multiline text" do [int|ts| abc sdf |] @?= "abc\n\nsdf" , testCase "Interpolator" do let n = 5 [int|ts| #d{n} |] @?= "5" ] , ---------------------------------- testGroup "Indentation stripping" [ testCase "Basic case" do [int|t| abc kek def |] @?= "abc\n kek\ndef\n" , testCase "The first line does not break IS" do [int|t|abc kek def |] @?= "abc\n kek\ndef\n" , testCase "Putting quoter end eariler does not affect IS" do [int|t| abc kek def |] @?= "abc\n kek\ndef\n" , testCase "Putting quoter end later does not affect IS" do [int|t| abc kek def |] @?= "abc\n kek\ndef\n" , testCase "Indentation stripping disabling works" do [int|tD| abc kek def |] @?= " abc\n kek\n def\n" ] ---------------------------------- , testGroup "Leading newline stripping" [ testCase "Simple multiline text" do [int|tA| Abc def |] @?= "\nAbc\ndef\n" , testCase "The first non-empty line affects indentation of other text" do [int|tA| Abc def |] @?= "\nAbc\n def\n" ] ---------------------------------- , testGroup "Trailing spaces stripping" [ testCase "Simple multiline text" do [int|tZ| Abc |] @?= "Abc\n" , testCase "Extra spaces at end" do [int|tZ| Abc |] @?= "Abc\n " , testCase "Affects indentation of other text" do [int|tZ| Abc |] @?= " Abc\n" ] ---------------------------------- , testGroup "Newlines reduction" [ testCase "Basic case" do let theVeryLongVariableNoOneKnowsWhyButWhyNot = "a" let anotherVeryLongVariableIsThereAReasonToGoLikeThisMmm = "b" [int|tn| X=#l{theVeryLongVariableNoOneKnowsWhyButWhyNot}, x=#l{anotherVeryLongVariableIsThereAReasonToGoLikeThisMmm} Yyy Zzzz |] @?= "X=a, x=b\nYyy\n\n\nZzzz" , testCase "Multiline code" do let aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = "a" [int|tn| X = #l{ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa } yep. |] @?= "X = a yep.\n" , testCase "No surrounding newlines" do [int|tn|Abc def|] @?= "Abc\ndef" ] ---------------------------------- , testGroup "Monadic" [ testCase "Arrow monad" do [int|tm|(#d{fst}, #d{snd})|] (1, 2) @?= "(1, 2)" , testCase "Reader monad" do [int|tm|Env: #d{ask}|] `runReader` 1 @?= "Env: 1" , testCase "No interpolated values" do [int|tm|Abc|] @?= Identity "Abc" ] ---------------------------------- , testGroup "Return type" [ testCase "Polymorphic" do [int||Abc|] @?= ("Abc" :: Text) , testCase "Text" do cast [int|t|Abc|] @?= ("Abc" :: Text) , testCase "Lazy text" do cast [int|T|Abc|] @?= ("Abc" :: LT.Text) , testCase "Text" do cast [int|b|Abc|] @?= ("Abc" :: Builder) , testCase "String (via polymorphic)" do [int||Abc|] @?= ("Abc" :: String) ] ] ] -- test_ManagingDefaultSwitches :: TestTree -- test_ManagingDefaultSwitches = testGroup "Managing default switches" -- [ testCase "Spacing enabled by default" do -- let dsopts = defaultInterpolatorOptions -- { defaultSwitchesOptions = basicDefaultSwitchesOptions -- { defSpacesTrimming = Just True -- } -- } -- let intc = mkInt dsOpts -- [intc|ts| abc |] @?= "abc" -- ] test_HaskellEnvironment :: TestTree test_HaskellEnvironment = testGroup "Haskell environment" [ testGroup "Overloaded labels" [ -- TODO ] ]