{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-} {- | Miscellaneous HTTP Utilities. -} module OM.HTTP ( runTlsRedirect, hstsDirective, requestLogging, setServer, insertResponseHeaderIfMissing, overwriteResponseHeader, staticSite, logExceptionsAndContinue, sshConnect, staticPage, defaultIndex, BearerToken(..), ) where import Prelude (Either(Left, Right), Eq((/=), (==)), Foldable(elem, foldr), Functor(fmap), Maybe(Just, Nothing), Monad((>>), (>>=), return), MonadFail(fail), RealFrac(truncate), Semigroup((<>)), Show(show), Traversable(mapM), ($), (++), (.), (<$>), (=<<), FilePath, IO, Int, String, concat, drop, filter, fst, id, mapM_, otherwise, putStrLn, zip) import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Concurrent.Async (concurrently_) import Control.Exception.Safe (SomeException, bracket, finally, throwM, tryAny) import Control.Monad (join, void) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO) import Control.Monad.Logger (Loc, LogLevel, LogSource, LogStr, MonadLoggerIO, logError, logInfo, runLoggingT) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.List ((\\)) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.String (IsString(fromString)) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8) import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime, UTCTime, diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime) import Data.UUID (UUID) import Data.UUID.V1 (nextUUID) import Data.Version (Version, showVersion) import Language.Haskell.TH (Code(examineCode), Q, TExp, runIO) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (addDependentFile) import Network.HTTP.Types (Header, Status, internalServerError500, methodNotAllowed405, movedPermanently301, ok200, statusCode, statusMessage) import Network.Mime (defaultMimeLookup) import Network.Socket (AddrInfo(addrAddress), Family(AF_INET), SocketType(Stream), Socket, close, connect, defaultProtocol, getAddrInfo, socket) import Network.Socket.ByteString (recv, sendAll) import Network.Wai (Application, Middleware, Response, ResponseReceived, mapResponseHeaders, pathInfo, rawPathInfo, rawQueryString, requestMethod, responseLBS, responseRaw, responseStatus) import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run) import OM.Show (showt) import Servant.API (ToHttpApiData, toUrlPiece) import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents) import System.FilePath.Posix ((), combine) import System.Posix.Files (getFileStatus, isDirectory, isRegularFile) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL8 import qualified Data.Text as T {- | Runs a web server on port 80, that redirects to the given url. Does request logging, and sets the HSTS Directive header, and in the unlikely event of excptions it will also catch and log them. -} runTlsRedirect :: (Loc -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> LogStr -> IO ()) {- ^ Logging backend. -} -> ByteString {- ^ Server name. -} -> Version {- ^ Server version. -} -> ByteString {- ^ Target URL. -} -> IO () runTlsRedirect logging serverName serverVersion url = run 80 . requestLogging logging . setServer serverName serverVersion . hstsDirective 600 . logExceptionsAndContinue logging $ tlsRedirect url {- | Inject the HSTS directives, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_Strict_Transport_Security. -} hstsDirective :: NominalDiffTime -> Middleware hstsDirective age = insertResponseHeaderIfMissing header where header :: Header header = ("Strict-Transport-Security", "max-age=" <> showt (truncate age :: Int)) {- | Insert a response header only if it has not already been inserted. -} insertResponseHeaderIfMissing :: Header -> Middleware insertResponseHeaderIfMissing (name, val) app req respond = app req (respond . mapResponseHeaders doInsert) where doInsert :: [Header] -> [Header] doInsert headers | name `elem` (fst <$> headers) = headers | otherwise = (name, val):headers {- | TLS redirect. An 'Application' that redirects unsecured requests to the secure HTTPS site. -} tlsRedirect :: ByteString -> Application tlsRedirect url _req respond = respond $ responseLBS movedPermanently301 [ ("Location", url), ("Content-Type", "text/html") ] ( "\ \\ \\ \\ \Please use our secure site,\ \ BSL.fromStrict url <> "\">here\ \\ \" ) {- | Set the @Server:@ header. -} setServer :: ByteString -> Version -> Middleware setServer serviceName version = overwriteResponseHeader ("Server", serverValue) where {- | The value of the @Server:@ header. -} serverValue = serviceName <> "/" <> fromString (showVersion version) {- | Inserts a response header, clobbering any and all existing values for the given header. -} overwriteResponseHeader :: Header -> Middleware overwriteResponseHeader (name, value) app req respond = app req (respond . mapResponseHeaders go) where go :: [Header] -> [Header] go headers = (name, value) : filter ((/= name) . fst) headers {- | Logs an HTTP request by emitting two log messages. The first messages logs that the request has begun. The second messages logs the status result and timing of the request once it is finished. > Starting request: GET /foo > GET /foo --> 200 Ok (0.001s) This can help debugging requests that hang or crash for whatever reason. -} requestLogging :: (Loc -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> LogStr -> IO ()) -> Middleware requestLogging logging app req respond = (`runLoggingT` logging) $ do $(logInfo) $ "Starting request: " <> reqStr liftIO . app req . loggingRespond =<< liftIO getCurrentTime where {- | Delegate to the underlying responder, and do some logging. -} loggingRespond :: UTCTime -> Response -> IO ResponseReceived loggingRespond start response = (`runLoggingT` logging) $ do {- Execute the underlying responder first so we get an accurate measurement of the request duration. -} ack <- liftIO $ respond response now <- liftIO getCurrentTime $(logInfo) $ reqStr <> " --> " <> showStatus (responseStatus response) <> " (" <> showt (diffUTCTime now start) <> ")" return ack {- | A Text representation of the request, suitable for logging. -} reqStr :: Text reqStr = decodeUtf8 $ requestMethod req <> " " <> rawPathInfo req <> rawQueryString req {- | @instance Show Status@ shows the Haskell structure, which is not suitable for logging. -} showStatus :: Status -> Text showStatus stat = (showt . statusCode) stat <> " " <> (decodeUtf8 . statusMessage) stat {- | Logs all exceptions, and returns a 500 Internal Server error. This is useful because your wai framework won't always do what you expect when it encounters random exceptions. For instance, an exception thrown in IO may cause functionality of higher-level middlewares to be bypassed unless they know how to catch and re-throw exceptions (making them more complicated). This middleware explicitly will not re-throw exceptions, unless those exceptions were encountered after the headers have already been sent, e.g. when using 'Network.Wai.StreamingBody'. What it will do is generate a unique id for the exception and print that ID, so you can easily find it in the logs. -} logExceptionsAndContinue :: (Loc -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> LogStr -> IO ()) {- ^ Logging backend. -} -> Middleware logExceptionsAndContinue logging app req respond = (`runLoggingT` logging) $ tryAny (liftIO (app req loggingRespond)) >>= \case Right ack -> return ack Left err -> do uuid <- logProblem err liftIO $ respond (errResponse uuid) where errResponse :: UUID -> Response errResponse uuid = responseLBS internalServerError500 [("Content-Type", "text/plain")] ("Internal Server Error. Error ID: " <> showt uuid) getUUID :: (MonadIO m) => m UUID getUUID = liftIO nextUUID >>= \case Nothing -> liftIO (threadDelay 1000) >> getUUID Just uuid -> return uuid loggingRespond :: Response -> IO ResponseReceived loggingRespond response = (`runLoggingT` logging) $ tryAny (liftIO (respond response)) >>= \case Right ack -> return ack Left err -> do void $ logProblem err throwM err logProblem :: (MonadLoggerIO m) => SomeException -> m UUID logProblem err = do uuid <- getUUID $(logError) $ "Internal Server Error [" <> showt uuid <> "]: " <> showt err return uuid {- | 'Middleware' that provides an HTTP @CONNECT@ passthrough to the local ssh port. Useful primarily for bypassing content-inspection firewalls. -} sshConnect :: Middleware sshConnect app req respond = case requestMethod req of "CONNECT" -> respond (responseRaw connProxy (responseLBS methodNotAllowed405 [] "")) _ -> app req respond where {- | Open a connection to the local ssh port and mediate the traffic between that service and the client. -} connProxy :: IO ByteString -> (ByteString -> IO ()) -> IO () connProxy read_ write = bracket (socket AF_INET Stream defaultProtocol) (\so -> close so `finally` write "") (\so -> do connect so =<< ( getAddrInfo Nothing (Just "") (Just "22") >>= \case [] -> fail "Address not found:" sa:_ -> return (addrAddress sa) ) concurrently_ (pipeInbound so read_) (pipeOutbound so write) ) {- | Forward data coming from the client, going to the ssh service. -} pipeInbound :: Socket -> IO ByteString -> IO () pipeInbound so read_ = do bytes <- read_ if BS.null bytes then return () else do sendAll so bytes pipeInbound so read_ {- | Forward data coming from the ssh service, going to the client. -} pipeOutbound :: Socket -> (ByteString -> IO ()) -> IO () pipeOutbound so write = do bytes <- recv so 4096 write bytes if BS.null bytes then return () else pipeOutbound so write {- | Serve a static page at the given 'pathInfo'. -} staticPage :: [Text] {- ^ The path info. -} -> ByteString {- ^ The content type. -} -> BSL.ByteString {- ^ The response body content. -} -> Middleware staticPage path ct bytes app req respond = if pathInfo req == path then respond (responseLBS ok200 [("Content-Type", ct)] bytes) else app req respond {- | Rewrite: "\/" -> "/index.html". -} defaultIndex :: Middleware defaultIndex app request respond = case pathInfo request of [] -> app request {pathInfo = ["index.html"]} respond _ -> app request respond {- | A bearer token, which is an instance of the necessary type classes to be useful as a servant header value. -} newtype BearerToken = BearerToken { unBearerToken :: Text } instance ToHttpApiData BearerToken where toUrlPiece t = "Bearer " <> unBearerToken t {- | The Template-Haskell splice @$$(staticSite dir)@ will build a 'Middleware' that serves a set of static files determined at compile time, or else passes the request to the underlying 'Network.Wai.Application'. All files under @dir@ will be served relative to the root path of your web server, so the file @\\/foo\/bar.html@ will be served at @http://your-web-site.com/foo/bar.html@ The content-type of the files being served will be guessed using 'defaultMimeLookup'. -} staticSite :: FilePath -> Q (TExp Middleware) staticSite baseDir = join . runIO $ do files <- readStaticFiles mapM_ (printResource . fst) files return $ mapM_ (addDependentFile . ((baseDir ++ "/") ++) . fst) files >> examineCode [|| let {- | Build a middleware that serves a single static file path, or delegates to the underlying application. -} static :: (FilePath, String) -> Middleware static (filename, content) app req respond = let {- | Guess the content type of the static file. -} ct :: ByteString ct = defaultMimeLookup . fromString $ filename in if pathInfo req == T.split (== '/') (T.pack filename) then respond ( responseLBS ok200 [("content-type", ct)] (BSL8.pack content) ) else app req respond in foldr (.) id (fmap static files) :: Middleware ||] where printResource :: String -> IO () printResource file = putStrLn ("Generating static resource for: " ++ show file) {- | Reads the static files that make up the admin user interface. -} readStaticFiles :: IO [(FilePath, String)] readStaticFiles = let findAll :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] findAll dir = do contents <- (\\ [".", ".."]) <$> getDirectoryContents (baseDir dir) dirs <- catMaybes <$> mapM justDir contents files <- catMaybes <$> mapM justFile contents more <- concat <$> mapM (findAll . combine dir) dirs return $ (combine dir <$> files) ++ more where justFile :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath) justFile filename = do isfile <- isRegularFile <$> getFileStatus (baseDir dir filename) return $ if isfile then Just filename else Nothing justDir :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath) justDir filename = do isdir <- isDirectory <$> getFileStatus (baseDir dir filename) return $ if isdir then Just filename else Nothing in do allFiles <- findAll "." allContent <- mapM (fmap BS8.unpack . BS.readFile . combine baseDir) allFiles return (zip (drop 2 <$> allFiles) allContent)