{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {- | Module : Statistics.Gcm Description : Compute greatest convex minorants Copyright : 2021 Dominik Schrempf License : GPL-3.0-or-later Maintainer : dominik.schrempf@gmail.com Stability : unstable Portability : portable Creation date: Sat Jun 6 16:36:32 2020. For general help, please refer to the README distributed with the library. -} module Statistics.Gcm ( gcm , unsafeGcm ) where import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as V import Data.Vector.Generic ( Vector ) import Statistics.Pava.Common -- Pool the last value in a vector until convexity is preserved. pool :: (Ord a, Real a, Show a, Real b, Show b) => [a] -> [b] -> [Double] -> a -> b -> ([a], [b], [Double]) -- Points are ordered x0, x1, x2; and y0, y1, y2; s01 is slope from x0 to x1, -- and so on. pool xs@(x1 : _) ys@(y1 : _) ss@(s01 : _) x2 y2 = if s01 < s12 then (x2 : xs, y2 : ys, s12 : ss) else pool (tail xs) (tail ys) (tail ss) x2 y2 where s12 = slope x1 x2 y1 y2 -- Initialization and fallback if all points are removed during pooling. pool [x] [y] [] x' y' = (x' : [x], y' : [y], [slope x x' y y']) pool xs ys ss x y = error $ "pool: xs, ys, ss, x, y: " ++ show xs ++ ", " ++ show ys ++ ", " ++ show ss ++ ", " ++ show x ++ ", " ++ show y ++ "." {-# SPECIALIZE pool :: [Int] -> [Double] -> [Double] -> Int -> Double -> ([Int], [Double], [Double]) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE pool :: [Double] -> [Double] -> [Double] -> Double -> Double -> ([Double], [Double], [Double]) #-} -- | Greatest convex minorant. Uses the Pool Adjacent Violators Algorithm -- (PAVA). It is required that the predictors are ordered with no ties, and that -- the lengths of the vectors are equal. -- -- Usage: -- -- @ -- gcm predictors responses = (indices, values, slopes) -- @ gcm :: (Real a, Real b, Show a, Vector v a, Show b, Vector v b, Vector v Bool) => v a -> v b -> ([a], [b], [Double]) gcm ps rs | lPs /= lRs = error $ "gcm: Number of predictors is " ++ show lPs ++ ", but number of responses is " ++ show lRs ++ "." | not (strictlyOrdered ps) = error "gcm: The predictors are not strictly ordered." | otherwise = unsafeGcm ps rs where lPs = V.length ps lRs = V.length rs -- | See 'gcm'. -- -- Assume that: -- - the lengths of the provided vectors are equal; -- - the predictors are ordered. unsafeGcm :: (Real a, Real b, Show a, Vector v a, Show b, Vector v b) => v a -> v b -> ([a], [b], [Double]) unsafeGcm ps rs | l == 0 = ([], [], []) | l == 1 = start | otherwise = reverse3 $ go start (1 :: Int) where l = V.length rs start = ([V.head ps], [V.head rs], []) -- xs and ys: x and y values of gcm -- i: next index of rs go (xs, ys, ss) i | i >= l = (xs, ys, ss) | otherwise = go (pool xs ys ss x' y') (i + 1) where x' = ps V.! i y' = rs V.! i