Module      : Database.Persist.Syntax.Types
Description : Syntax tree for representing elements in Persistent model files
Copyright   : (c) James M.C. Haver II
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : mchaver@gmail.com
Stability   : Beta

Attempt to represent all possible Persistent data in a syntax tree.

contains relatively up to date information about Persistent syntax.

gives clues about newer syntax elements that have not been added to the wiki.

It is recommended that you import this qualified.
@import qualified Database.Persist.Syntax.Types as PST@

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

module Database.Persist.Syntax.Types where

import           Data.Text (Text)
import           GHC.Generics

-- | The root of the Persistent syntax tree. A collection of data types with
-- which you can recontruct a Persist Model file or create an altered version.
type ModelsFile = [ModelsFilePiece]

-- | Top level pieces of a Persistent Model file.
data ModelsFilePiece = ModelsFileEntity     Entity     |
                       ModelsFileComment    Comment    |
                       ModelsFileWhiteSpace WhiteSpace
  deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Generic)

-- | A single Persist Model Entity.
data Entity = Entity {
  entityName       :: Text          -- ^ @Person@
, entityDeriveJson :: Bool          -- ^ @Person json@
, entitySqlTable   :: Maybe Text    -- ^ @Person sql=people@
, entityChildren   :: [EntityChild]
} deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Generic)

-- | All of the child elements of a Persist Model Entity.
-- | They are all indented in the Model File.
data EntityChild = EntityChildEntityField   EntityField   |
                   EntityChildEntityUnique  EntityUnique  |
                   EntityChildEntityDerive  EntityDerive  |
                   EntityChildEntityPrimary EntityPrimary |
                   EntityChildEntityForeign EntityForeign |
                   EntityChildComment       Comment       |
                   EntityChildWhiteSpace    WhiteSpace
  deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Generic)

-- | An EntityField corresponds to a column in SQL or a key-value pair in MongoDB.
-- The minimal definition of an EntityField in Persistent has a name and a type.
data EntityField = EntityField {
  entityFieldName            :: Text  -- ^ @name@, @address@, @age@
, entityFieldType            :: EntityFieldType -- ^ @Text@, @[Text]@, @Text Maybe@, @~Int@
, entityFieldIsMigrationOnly :: Bool  -- ^ @MigrationOnly@
, entityFieldIsSafeToRemove  :: Bool  -- ^ @SafeToRemove@
, entityFieldDefault         :: Maybe Text -- ^ @default=Nothing@, @default=now()@, @default=CURRENT_DATE@
, entityFieldSqlRow          :: Maybe Text -- ^ @sql=my_id_name@
, entityFieldSqlType         :: Maybe Text -- ^ @sqltype=varchar(255)@
, entityFieldMaxLen          :: Maybe Int  -- ^ @maxlen=3@
} deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Generic)

-- | Table rows can be strict or lazy
data Strictness
  -- | Persist Model types are strict without any notation
  = Strict
  -- | "!" can be used to reemphasize that a type is strict
  | ExplicitStrict
  -- | "~" means that a type is Lazy
  | Lazy
  deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Generic)

-- | An entity data row's type.
data EntityFieldType = EntityFieldType {
  entityFieldTypeText   :: Text -- ^ Text, Int, Double
, entityFieldStrictness :: Strictness -- ^ ~Text, !Text, Text
, entityFieldTypeList   :: Bool -- ^ [Text], [Int], [Double]
, entityFieldTypeMaybe  :: Bool -- ^ Text Maybe, Int Maybe, Double Maybe
} deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Generic)

-- | A unique idenfitier for an Entity: @UniqueUserName userIdent@,
-- @UniqueNameAndAge name age@.
data EntityUnique = EntityUnique {
  entityUniqueName            ::  Text -- ^@UniqueUserName@
, entityUniqueEntityFieldName ::  [Text] -- ^@userIdent@
} deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Generic)

-- | @deriving Eq@, @deriving Show@, etc.
-- There may be custom generic typeclasses
-- so there is no restriction on what the type might be
-- , other than it starts with a capital letter.
data EntityDerive = EntityDerive {
  entityDeriveTypes :: [Text] -- ^ deriving Eq, deriving Show
} deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Generic)

-- | 'Primary name'
data EntityPrimary = EntityPrimary {
  entityPrimaryType :: [Text]
} deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Generic)

-- | 'Foreign Tree fkparent parent'
data EntityForeign = EntityForeign {
  entityForeignTable :: Text
, entityForeignTypes :: [Text]
} deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Generic)

-- | White space found in the Persistent file or QuasiQuoter. Need to save the
-- white space in case you want to reproduce the original file or an altered version
-- of the file from the Persist Syntax Tree.
data WhiteSpace = WhiteSpace {
  whiteSpace :: Text
} deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Generic)

-- | Haskell style comments that start with @-- @ in Persistent.
data Comment = Comment {
  comment :: Text
} deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Generic)

-- | 'MigrationOnly' persistent-template \>= 1.2.0 marks a field that is ignored
-- by normal processing but retained for migration purposes. Useful for
-- implementing columns that other tools may need but Persistent does not.
-- 'SafeToRemove' is used to deprecate a field after 'MigrationOnly' has been
-- used. The field will be removed from the database if it is present. This is
-- a destructive change which is marked as safe by the user.
data MigrationOnlyAndSafeToRemoveOption = MigrationOnly
                                        | SafeToRemove
  deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Generic)

-- | These items may occur at the very end of a Field's line and in any order.
data EntityFieldLastItem = FieldDefault Text
                         | FieldSqlRow  Text
                         | FieldSqlType Text
                         | FieldMaxLen  Int
  deriving (Read,Show,Generic)

-- | Define equality to match based only on the type constructor.
instance Eq EntityFieldLastItem where
  (FieldDefault  _) == (FieldDefault  _) = True
  (FieldSqlRow   _) == (FieldSqlRow   _) = True
  (FieldSqlType  _) == (FieldSqlType  _) = True
  (FieldMaxLen   _) == (FieldMaxLen   _) = True
  _ == _ = False

eqConstructor :: EntityFieldLastItem -> EntityFieldLastItem -> Bool
eqConstructor (FieldDefault  _) (FieldDefault  _) = True
eqConstructor (FieldSqlRow   _) (FieldSqlRow   _) = True
eqConstructor (FieldSqlType  _) (FieldSqlType  _) = True
eqConstructor (FieldMaxLen   _) (FieldMaxLen   _) = True
eqConstructor _ _ = False