phonetic-languages-properties- A generalization of the uniqueness-periods-vector-properties package.
Copyright(c) OleksandrZhabenko 2020
Safe HaskellNone



Generalization of the functionality of the DobutokO.Poetry.Norms and DobutokO.Poetry.Norms.Extended modules from the dobutokO-poetry package.


Functions with Int16

procDiverse2Ineg :: FuncRep (Vector Char) (UniquenessGeneral2 Char) [Int16] Source #

Can be used to find out the minimum element.

Functions with Float

procRhythmicity23Fneg :: FuncRep (Vector Char) (UniquenessGeneral2 Char) [Float] Source #

Can be used to find out the minimum element.

procBothFneg :: FuncRep (Vector Char) (UniquenessGeneral2 Char) [Float] Source #

Can be used to find out the minimum element.

procBothInvFneg :: FuncRep (Vector Char) (UniquenessGeneral2 Char) [Float] Source #

Can be used to find out the minimum element.

Working with generated by r-glpk-phonetic-languages-ukrainian-durations syllable durations

procRhythmicity232Fneg :: FuncRep (Vector Char) (UniquenessGeneral2 Char) [Float] Source #

Can be used to find out the minimum element.

procBoth2Fneg :: FuncRep (Vector Char) (UniquenessGeneral2 Char) [Float] Source #

Can be used to find out the minimum element.

procBoth2InvFneg :: FuncRep (Vector Char) (UniquenessGeneral2 Char) [Float] Source #

Can be used to find out the minimum element.