phonetic-languages-simplified-generalized-examples-array- Helps to create texts with the given phonetic properties (e. g. poetic).
Copyright(c) OleksandrZhabenko 2020-2021
Safe HaskellNone
  • BangPatterns
  • FlexibleContexts



Can be used to analyze a poetic text in a phonetic language, for every line printing statistic data.



argsToGetInfoProcessment Source #


:: (Double -> String -> [[[PRS]]] -> [[Double]])

The function that is needed in the procRhythmicity23F function. Specifies a way how the syllables represented in the phonetic language approach transforms into their durations and depends on two parameters. Is specific for every phonetic language and every representation, so must be provided by the user in every case. The example of the function can be found in the package phonetic-languages-simplified-properties-array.

-> [[[[PRS]]] -> [[Double]]]

A list of 4 different functions that specifies the syllables durations, analogues of the syllableDurationsD functions from the ukrainian-phonetics-basics-array package. The last one must be probably the most exact one and, therefore, the default one.

-> IO () 

The first 4 arguments are the file names with the specifications. 1) with the GWritingSystemPRPLX specifications only (see the gwrsysExample.txt file in the phonetic-languages-phonetics-basics package as a schema);

2) with the 5 meaningful lines that are delimited with the '~' line one from another with the specifications for the possible allophones (if any), CharPhoneticClassification, white spaces information (two Strings) and the String of all the possible PLL Chars;

3) with the SegmentRulesG specifications only;

4) with the Concatenations specifications only (see the data in the EnglishConcatenated.txt file in the phonetic-languages-phonetics-basics package as a list of English equivalents of the needed Strings).

files4ArgsProcessment Source #


:: FilePath

With the GWritingSystemPRPLX specifications only (see the gwrsysExample.txt file in the phonetic-languages-phonetics-basics package as a schema);

-> FilePath

With the 5 meaningful lines that are delimited with the '~' line one from another with the specifications for the possible allophones (if any), CharPhoneticClassification, white spaces information (two Strings) and the String of all the possible PLL Chars;

-> FilePath

With the SegmentRulesG specifications only;

-> FilePath

With the Concatenations specifications only (see the data in the EnglishConcatenated.txt file in the phonetic-languages-phonetics-basics package as a list of English equivalents of the needed Strings).

-> (Double -> String -> [[[PRS]]] -> [[Double]])

The function that is needed in the procRhythmicity23F function. Specifies a way how the syllables represented in the phonetic language approach transforms into their durations and depends on two parameters. Is specific for every phonetic language and every representation, so must be provided by the user in every case. The example of the function can be found in the package phonetic-languages-simplified-properties-array.

-> [[[[PRS]]] -> [[Double]]]

A list of 4 different functions that specifies the syllables durations, analogues of the syllableDurationsD functions from the ukrainian-phonetics-basics-array package. The last one must be probably the most exact one and, therefore, the default one.

-> [String]

List of other command line arguments

-> IO ()