postgres-websockets- Middleware to map LISTEN/NOTIFY messages to Websockets

Safe HaskellNone



Uses Broadcast module adding database as a source producer. This module provides a function to produce a Multiplexer from a Hasql Connection. The producer issues a LISTEN command upon Open commands and UNLISTEN upon Close.



newHasqlBroadcaster :: IO () -> Text -> Int -> ByteString -> IO Multiplexer Source #

Returns a multiplexer from a connection URI, keeps trying to connect in case there is any error. This function also spawns a thread that keeps relaying the messages from the database to the multiplexer's listeners

newHasqlBroadcasterOrError :: IO () -> Text -> ByteString -> IO (Either ByteString Multiplexer) Source #

Returns a multiplexer from a connection URI or an error message on the left case This function also spawns a thread that keeps relaying the messages from the database to the multiplexer's listeners

acquire :: Settings -> IO (Either ConnectionError Connection) #

Acquire a connection using the provided settings encoded according to the PostgreSQL format.

relayMessages :: Multiplexer -> IO () Source #

Reads the messages from the producer and relays them to the active listeners in their respective channels.

relayMessagesForever :: Multiplexer -> IO ThreadId Source #

Opens a thread that relays messages from the producer thread to the channels forever