predicate-typed- Predicates, Refinement types and Dsl

Safe HaskellNone




Template Haskell methods for creating Refined and Refined3 refinement types



refinedTH :: forall p i. (Lift i, RefinedC p i) => i -> Q (TExp (Refined p i)) Source #

creates a Refined refinement type with terse output

>$$(refinedTH 123) :: Refined (Between 100 125) Int
Refined {unRefined = 123}
it :: Refined (Between 100 125) Int
>$$(refinedTH 99) :: Refined (Between 100 125) Int

interactive:8:4: error:
    * refinedTH: predicate failed with FalseP (100 <= 99)
    * In the Template Haskell splice $$(refinedTH 99)
      In the expression:
          $$(refinedTH 99) :: Refined (Between 100 125) Int
      In an equation for 'it':
          it = $$(refinedTH 99) :: Refined (Between 100 125) Int

refinedTH' :: forall p i. (Lift i, RefinedC p i) => POpts -> i -> Q (TExp (Refined p i)) Source #

creates a Refined refinement type

allows you to specify display options (eg ou for unicode / o2 for ansi)

>$$(refinedTH' o2 123) :: Refined (Between 100 125) Int
Refined {unRefined = 123}
it :: Refined (Between 100 125) Int
>$$(refinedTH' o2 99) :: Refined (FailS "asdf" >> Between 100 125) Int

interactive:116:4: error:
[Error asdf] lhs failed >>
`- [Error asdf] Fail asdf
   `- P 'asdf

refinedTH: predicate failed with FailP "asdf" ((>>) lhs failed)
    * In the Template Haskell splice $$(refinedTH' o0 99)
      In the expression:
          $$(refinedTH' o2 99) ::
            Refined (FailS "asdf" >> Between 100 125) Int


refined3TH :: forall ip op fmt i. (Show i, Show (PP ip i), Lift i, Lift (PP ip i), Refined3C ip op fmt i) => i -> Q (TExp (Refined3 ip op fmt i)) Source #

creates a Refined3 refinement type with terse output

>$$(refined3TH 100) :: Refined3 Id (Between 100 125) Id Int
Refined3 {r3In = 100, r3Out = 100}

refined3TH' :: forall ip op fmt i. (Show i, Show (PP ip i), Lift i, Lift (PP ip i), Refined3C ip op fmt i) => POpts -> i -> Q (TExp (Refined3 ip op fmt i)) Source #

creates a Refined3 refinement type

allows you to specify display options (eg ou for unicode / o2 for ansi)

>$$(refined3TH' o2 100) :: Refined3 Id (Between 100 125) Id Int
Refined3 {r3In = 100, r3Out = 100}
>$$(refined3TH' o2 99) :: Refined3 Id (Between 100 125) Id Int

interactive:127:4: error:
*** Step 1. Success Initial Conversion(ip) [99] ***

P Id 99

*** Step 2. False Boolean Check(op) ***

False 100 <= 99
+- P Id 99
+- P '100
`- P '125

refined3TH: predicate failed with Step 2. False Boolean Check(op) | {100 <= 99}
    * In the Template Haskell splice $$(refined3TH' o2 99)
      In the expression:
          $$(refined3TH' o2 99) :: Refined3 Id (Between 100 125) Id Int
      In an equation for 'it':
          it = $$(refined3TH' o2 99) :: Refined3 Id (Between 100 125) Id Int