# `primecount` for Haskell [![Haskell-CI](https://github.com/pgujjula/primecount-haskell/actions/workflows/haskell-ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/pgujjula/primecount-haskell/actions/workflows/haskell-ci.yml) This library provides Haskell bindings to Kim Walisch's [primecount](https://github.com/kimwalisch/primecount) library. ## Build instructions First follow the [directions](https://github.com/kimwalisch/primecount#installation) for installing `libprimecount`. As stated in the directions, if you are installing through your system's package manager, make sure to get the development version of the primecount package, which might have a name like `primecount-devel`. The current version of the Haskell bindings supports any version of `libprimecount >= 7.0`. Then you can build the Haskell bindings with Stack or Cabal, and read the documentation. ``` # Stack stack build stack test stack haddock primecount --open # Cabal cabal update cabal build cabal test cabal haddock # and then open the documentation manually ``` ### Building `libprimecount` from source If you build and install the original `primecount` library from source, instead of through a package manager, then you need to make sure that your Haskell build system knows where to find it. For example, on Linux `libprimecount` might be installed to `/usr/local/lib64`. Then if using Stack, add the following lines to your `stack.yaml` or your global `~/.stack/config.yaml`: ``` extra-lib-dirs: - /usr/local/lib64 extra-include-dirs: - /usr/local/include ``` If using Cabal, add the following lines to your `~/.cabal/config`: ``` extra-lib-dirs: /usr/local/lib64 extra-include-dirs: /usr/local/include ``` or pass `--extra-lib-dirs=/usr/local/lib64 --extra-include-dirs=/usr/local/include` as an argument to Cabal. ## Bugs Report any bugs on the Github issue tracker, or by emailing [libraries@mail.preetham.io](mailto:libraries@mail.preetham.io).