-- This file is part of Qtah. -- -- Copyright 2015-2021 The Qtah Authors. -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . module Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QEvent ( aModule, c_QEvent, e_Type, ) where import Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Spec ( addReqIncludes, classSetEntityPrefix, ident, ident1, includeStd, makeClass, mkBoolIsProp, mkConstMethod, mkConstMethod', mkCtor, mkMethod, mkStaticMethod', np, ) import Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Types (boolT, enumT, intT, voidT) import Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Version (collect, just, test) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Config (qtVersion) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Module (AModule (AQtModule), makeQtModule) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Types {-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-} aModule = AQtModule $ makeQtModule ["Core", "QEvent"] [ QtExportEvent c_QEvent , qtExport e_Type ] c_QEvent = addReqIncludes [includeStd "QEvent"] $ classSetEntityPrefix "" $ makeClass (ident "QEvent") Nothing [] $ collect [ just $ mkCtor "new" [enumT e_Type] , just $ mkMethod "accept" np voidT , just $ mkBoolIsProp "accepted" , just $ mkMethod "ignore" np voidT , test (qtVersion >= [4, 4]) $ mkStaticMethod' "registerEventType" "registerEventType" np intT , test (qtVersion >= [4, 4]) $ mkStaticMethod' "registerEventType" "registerEventTypeWithHint" [intT] intT , just $ mkConstMethod "spontaneous" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod' "type" "eventType" np $ enumT e_Type -- 'type' is a Haskell keyword. ] e_Type = makeQtEnum (ident1 "QEvent" "Type") [includeStd "QEvent"] [ -- Built-in event types: "None" , "ActionAdded" , "ActionChanged" , "ActionRemoved" , "ActivationChange" , "ApplicationActivate" , "ApplicationActivated" , "ApplicationDeactivate" , "ApplicationFontChange" , "ApplicationLayoutDirectionChange" , "ApplicationPaletteChange" , "ApplicationStateChange" , "ApplicationWindowIconChange" , "ChildAdded" , "ChildPolished" , "ChildRemoved" , "Clipboard" , "Close" , "CloseSoftwareInputPanel" , "ContentsRectChange" , "ContextMenu" , "CursorChange" , "DeferredDelete" , "DragEnter" , "DragLeave" , "DragMove" , "Drop" , "DynamicPropertyChange" , "EnabledChange" , "Enter" -- "EnterEditFocus" is omitted -- it depends on keypadNavigation. , "EnterWhatsThisMode" , "Expose" , "FileOpen" , "FocusIn" , "FocusOut" , "FocusAboutToChange" , "FontChange" , "Gesture" , "GestureOverride" , "GrabKeyboard" , "GrabMouse" , "GraphicsSceneContextMenu" , "GraphicsSceneDragEnter" , "GraphicsSceneDragLeave" , "GraphicsSceneDragMove" , "GraphicsSceneDrop" , "GraphicsSceneHelp" , "GraphicsSceneHoverEnter" , "GraphicsSceneHoverLeave" , "GraphicsSceneHoverMove" , "GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick" , "GraphicsSceneMouseMove" , "GraphicsSceneMousePress" , "GraphicsSceneMouseRelease" , "GraphicsSceneMove" , "GraphicsSceneResize" , "GraphicsSceneWheel" , "Hide" , "HideToParent" , "HoverEnter" , "HoverLeave" , "HoverMove" , "IconDrag" , "IconTextChange" , "InputMethod" , "InputMethodQuery" , "KeyboardLayoutChange" , "KeyPress" , "KeyRelease" , "LanguageChange" , "LayoutDirectionChange" , "LayoutRequest" , "Leave" -- "LeaveEditFocus" is omitted -- it depends on keypadNavigation. , "LeaveWhatsThisMode" , "LocaleChange" , "NonClientAreaMouseButtonDblClick" , "NonClientAreaMouseButtonPress" , "NonClientAreaMouseButtonRelease" , "NonClientAreaMouseMove" , "MacSizeChange" , "MetaCall" , "ModifiedChange" , "MouseButtonDblClick" , "MouseButtonPress" , "MouseButtonRelease" , "MouseMove" , "MouseTrackingChange" , "Move" , "NativeGesture" , "OrientationChange" , "Paint" , "PaletteChange" , "ParentAboutToChange" , "ParentChange" , "PlatformPanel" , "PlatformSurface" , "Polish" , "PolishRequest" , "QueryWhatsThis" , "ReadOnlyChange" , "RequestSoftwareInputPanel" , "Resize" , "ScrollPrepare" , "Scroll" , "Shortcut" , "ShortcutOverride" , "Show" , "ShowToParent" , "SockAct" , "StateMachineSignal" , "StateMachineWrapped" , "StatusTip" , "StyleChange" , "TabletMove" , "TabletPress" , "TabletRelease" , "OkRequest" , "TabletEnterProximity" , "TabletLeaveProximity" , "ThreadChange" , "Timer" , "ToolBarChange" , "ToolTip" , "ToolTipChange" , "TouchBegin" , "TouchCancel" , "TouchEnd" , "TouchUpdate" , "UngrabKeyboard" , "UngrabMouse" , "UpdateLater" , "UpdateRequest" , "WhatsThis" , "WhatsThisClicked" , "Wheel" , "WinEventAct" , "WindowActivate" , "WindowBlocked" , "WindowDeactivate" , "WindowIconChange" , "WindowStateChange" , "WindowTitleChange" , "WindowUnblocked" , "WinIdChange" , "ZOrderChange" -- Custom event types: , "User" , "MaxUser" ]