> -- | Module:    Control.Quiver
> -- Description: Core Quiver definitions
> -- Copyright:   © 2015 Patryk Zadarnowski <pat@jantar.org>
> -- License:     BSD3
> -- Maintainer:  pat@jantar.org
> -- Stability:   experimental
> -- Portability: portable
> --
> -- This module provides the core types and combinators
> -- of the Quiver stream processing library.
> {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, TupleSections #-}
> module Control.Quiver (
>   -- Imported from @Control.Quiver.Internal@:
>   P, Consumer, Producer, Effect,
>   consume, produce, enclose, deliver,
>   decouple, deplete,
>   -- Defined below:
>   fetch, fetch_,
>   emit, emit_,
>   qlift, qhoist,
>   qpure, qid, qconcat,
>   runEffect,
>   (>>->), (>->>), (>&>),
>   qcompose,
> ) where
> import Control.Quiver.Internal
> infixl 1 >>->, >->>, >&>
> -- | @fetch x@ represents a singleton stream processor that
> --   sends the request value @x@ upstream and delivers the
> --   next input value received, or @Nothing@ if the upstream
> --   processor has been depleted.
> fetch :: Functor f => a -> P a a' b b' f (Maybe a')
> fetch x = consume x (deliver . Just) (deliver Nothing)
> -- | @fetch_ x@ represents a singleton stream processor that
> --   sends the request value @x@ upstream, discarding any
> --   input received, for symmetry with @emit_@.
> fetch_ :: a -> P a a' b b' f ()
> fetch_ x = consume x (deliver . const ()) (deliver ())
> -- | @emit y@ represents a singleton stream processor that
> --   produces a single output value @y@ and delivers the
> --   response received from the downstream processor, or
> --   @Nothing@ if the downstream processor has been decoupled.
> emit :: b -> P a a' b b' f (Maybe b')
> emit y = produce y (deliver . Just) (deliver Nothing)
> -- | @emit_ y@ represents a singleton stream processor that
> --   produces a single output value @y@, ignoring any response
> --   received from the downstream processor.
> emit_ :: b -> P a a' b b' f ()
> emit_ y = produce y (deliver . const ()) (deliver ())
> -- | @qpure g f z@ produces an infinite consumer/producer that
> --   uses a pure function @f@ to convert every input value into
> --   an output, and @f@ to convert each downstream response value
> --   into an upstream request; the initial request is obtained
> --   by applying @g@ to the initial response value @z@.
> qpure :: (b' -> a) -> (a' -> b) -> b' -> P a a' b b' f (Either a b)
> qpure g f = cloop
>  where
>   cloop y = let y' = g y in consume y' ploop (deliver (Left y'))
>   ploop x = let x' = f x in produce x' cloop (deliver (Right x'))
> -- | A pull-based identity processor, equivalent to 'qpure id id'.
> qid :: b -> P b a a b f ()
> qid = cloop
>  where
>   cloop z = consume z ploop (deliver ())
>   ploop x = produce x cloop (deliver ())
> -- | A pull-based list flattening processor, delivering the list
> --   of inputs that could not be produced and a list of responses
> --   that could not be consumed.
> qconcat :: [b] -> P [b] [a] a b f ([a], [b])
> qconcat = cloop
>  where
>   cloop ys = consume ys (ploop []) (deliver ([], []))
>   ploop ys (x:xs) = produce x (\y -> ploop (y:ys) xs) (deliver (xs, reverse ys))
>   ploop ys [] = cloop (reverse ys)
> -- | Evaluates an /effect/, i.e., a processor that is both detached
> --   and depleted and hence neither consumes nor produces any input,
> --   returning its delivered value. The base functor must be a monad.
> runEffect :: Monad f => Effect f r -> f r
> runEffect p = loop p
>  where
>   loop (Consume _ _ q) = loop q
>   loop (Produce _ _ q) = loop q
>   loop (Enclose f)     = f >>= loop
>   loop (Deliver r)     = return r
> -- | The @>>->@ represents a push-based composition of stream processor.
> --   @p1 >>-> p2@ represents a stream processor that forwards the output
> --   of @p1@ to @p2@, delivering the result of both processors.
> --   The new processor is /driven/ by @p2@, so, if the base functor
> --   represents a non-commutative monad, any effects of @p2@ will be
> --   observed before those of @p1@.
> (>>->) :: Functor f => P a a' b b' f r1 -> P b' b c c' f r2 -> P a a' c c' f (r1, r2)
> (Consume x1 k1 q1) >>-> p2 = consume x1 ((>>-> p2) . k1) (q1 >>-> p2)
> (Produce y1 k1 q1) >>-> p2 = loop p2
>  where
>   loop  (Consume x2 k2  _) = k1 x2 >>-> k2 y1
>   loop  (Produce y2 k2 q2) = produce y2 (loop . k2) (loop' q2)
>   loop  (Enclose f2)       = enclose (fmap loop f2)
>   loop  (Deliver r2)       = fmap (, r2) q1
>   loop' (Consume x2 k2  _) = k1 x2 >>-> k2 y1
>   loop' (Produce  _  _ q2) = loop' q2
>   loop' (Enclose f2)       = enclose (fmap loop' f2)
>   loop' (Deliver r2)       = fmap (, r2) q1
> (Enclose f1) >>-> p2 = enclose (fmap (>>-> p2) f1)
> (Deliver r1) >>-> p2 = fmap (r1 ,) (decouple p2)
> -- | The @>->>@ represents a pull-based composition of stream processor.
> --   @p1 >->> p2@ represents a stream processor that forwards the output
> --   of @p1@ to @p2@, delivering the result of both processors.
> --   The new processor is /driven/ by @p1@, so, if the base functor
> --   represents a non-commutative monad, any effects of @p1@ will be
> --   observed before those of @p2@.
> (>->>) :: Functor f => P a a' b b' f r1 -> P b' b c c' f r2 -> P a a' c c' f (r1, r2)
> p1 >->> (Consume x2 k2 q2) = loop p1
>  where
>   loop  (Consume x1 k1 q1) = consume x1 (loop . k1) (loop' q1)
>   loop  (Produce y1 k1  _) = k1 x2 >->> k2 y1
>   loop  (Enclose f1)       = enclose (fmap loop f1)
>   loop  (Deliver r1)       = fmap (r1 ,) q2
>   loop' (Consume  _  _ q1) = loop' q1
>   loop' (Produce y1 k1  _) = k1 x2 >->> k2 y1
>   loop' (Enclose f1)       = enclose (fmap loop' f1)
>   loop' (Deliver r1)       = fmap (r1 ,) q2
> p1 >->> (Produce y2 k2 q2) = produce y2 ((p1 >->>) . k2) (p1 >->> q2)
> p1 >->> (Enclose f2)       = enclose (fmap (p1 >->>) f2)
> p1 >->> (Deliver r2)       = fmap (, r2) (deplete p1)
> -- | An infix version of @flip fmap@ with the same precedence and associativity
> --   as the stream processor composition operators '>->>' and '>>->', indended
> --   for idiomatic processing of composition deliverables using expressions
> --   such as @p >->> q >&> fst@.
> (>&>) :: Functor f => P a a' b b' f r -> (r -> r') -> P a a' b b' f r'
> (>&>) = flip fmap
> -- | The @qcompose f p q@ is precisely equivalent to @p >->> q >&> uncurry f@,
> --   but faster. A rewrite rule is included to replace applications of
> --   '>->>' followed by '>&>' into 'qcompose'.
> qcompose :: Functor f => (r1 -> r2 -> r) -> P a a' b b' f r1 -> P b' b c c' f r2 -> P a a' c c' f r
> qcompose ff p1 (Consume x2 k2 q2) = loop p1
>  where
>   loop  (Consume x1 k1 q1) = consume x1 (loop . k1) (loop' q1)
>   loop  (Produce y1 k1  _) = qcompose ff (k1 x2) (k2 y1)
>   loop  (Enclose f1)       = enclose (fmap loop f1)
>   loop  (Deliver r1)       = fmap (ff r1) q2
>   loop' (Consume  _  _ q1) = loop' q1
>   loop' (Produce y1 k1  _) = qcompose ff (k1 x2) (k2 y1)
>   loop' (Enclose f1)       = enclose (fmap loop' f1)
>   loop' (Deliver r1)       = fmap (ff r1) q2
> qcompose ff p1 (Produce y2 k2 q2) = produce y2 ((qcompose ff p1) . k2) (qcompose ff p1 q2)
> qcompose ff p1 (Enclose f2)       = enclose (fmap (qcompose ff p1) f2)
> qcompose ff p1 (Deliver r2)       = fmap (flip ff r2) (deplete p1)
> {-# RULES "qcompose/fmap" forall p q f . fmap f (p >->> q) = qcompose (curry f) p q #-}