{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies, RoleAnnotations, Trustworthy, BangPatterns #-} module Data.RangeSet.Internal.Types (module Data.RangeSet.Internal.Types) where import Prelude import GHC.Word (Word8) import Data.RangeSet.Internal.Unsafe type E = Int type H = Word8 {-| A @Set@ type designed for types that are `Enum` as well as `Ord`. This allows the `RangeSet` to compress the data when it is contiguous, reducing memory-footprint and enabling otherwise impractical operations like `complement` for `Bounded` types. @since -} data RangeSet a = Fork {-# UNPACK #-} !H {-# UNPACK #-} !E {-# UNPACK #-} !E !(RangeSet a) !(RangeSet a) | Tip deriving stock Show type role RangeSet nominal {-| Return the number of /elements/ in the set. @since -} {-# INLINE size #-} size :: RangeSet a -> Int size = foldE (\l u szl szr -> szl + szr + (u - l + 1)) 0 {-# INLINE height #-} height :: RangeSet a -> H height Tip = 0 height (Fork h _ _ _ _) = h {-# INLINEABLE foldE #-} foldE :: (E -> E -> b -> b -> b) -- ^ Function that combines the lower and upper values (inclusive) for a range with the folded left- and right-subtrees. -> b -- ^ Value to be substituted at the leaves. -> RangeSet a -> b foldE _ tip Tip = tip foldE fork tip (Fork _ l u lt rt) = fork l u (foldE fork tip lt) (foldE fork tip rt) data StrictMaybeE = SJust {-# UNPACK #-} !E | SNothing data SRangeList = SRangeCons {-# UNPACK #-} !E {-# UNPACK #-} !E !SRangeList | SNil absDiff :: H -> H -> H absDiff !h1 !h2 | h1 > h2 = h1 - h2 | otherwise = h2 - h1 -- Instances instance Eq (RangeSet a) where {-# INLINABLE (==) #-} t1 == t2 = ptrEq t1 t2 || (absDiff (height t1) (height t2) <= 1 && ranges t1 == ranges t2) where {-# INLINE ranges #-} ranges :: RangeSet a -> [(E, E)] ranges t = foldE (\l u lt rt -> lt . ((l, u) :) . rt) id t []