module Rattletrap.Type.Content where import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LazyByteString import qualified Data.Word as Word import qualified Rattletrap.BitGet as BitGet import qualified Rattletrap.BitPut as BitPut import qualified Rattletrap.ByteGet as ByteGet import qualified Rattletrap.BytePut as BytePut import qualified Rattletrap.Schema as Schema import qualified Rattletrap.Type.Cache as Cache import qualified Rattletrap.Type.ClassAttributeMap as ClassAttributeMap import qualified Rattletrap.Type.ClassMapping as ClassMapping import qualified Rattletrap.Type.Frame as Frame import qualified Rattletrap.Type.Keyframe as Keyframe import qualified Rattletrap.Type.List as RList import qualified Rattletrap.Type.Mark as Mark import qualified Rattletrap.Type.Message as Message import qualified Rattletrap.Type.Str as Str import qualified Rattletrap.Type.U32 as U32 import qualified Rattletrap.Type.U8 as U8 import qualified Rattletrap.Type.Version as Version import qualified Rattletrap.Utility.Bytes as Bytes import qualified Rattletrap.Utility.Json as Json type Content = ContentWith (RList.List Frame.Frame) -- | Contains low-level game data about a 'Rattletrap.Replay.Replay'. data ContentWith frames = Content { -- | This typically only has one element, like @stadium_oob_audio_map@. levels :: RList.List Str.Str, -- | A list of which frames are key frames. Although they aren't necessary -- for replay, key frames are frames that replicate every actor. They -- typically happen once every 10 seconds. keyframes :: RList.List Keyframe.Keyframe, -- | The size of the stream in bytes. This is only really necessary because -- the stream has some arbitrary amount of padding at the end. streamSize :: U32.U32, -- | The actual game data. This is where all the interesting information is. frames :: frames, -- | Debugging messages. In newer replays, this is always empty. messages :: RList.List Message.Message, -- | Tick marks shown on the scrubber when watching a replay. marks :: RList.List Mark.Mark, -- | A list of @.upk@ files to load, like -- @..\\..\\TAGame\\CookedPCConsole\\Stadium_P.upk@. packages :: RList.List Str.Str, -- | Objects in the stream. Used for the -- 'Rattletrap.Type.ClassAttributeMap.ClassAttributeMap'. objects :: RList.List Str.Str, -- | It's not clear what these are used for. This list is usually not empty, -- but appears unused otherwise. names :: RList.List Str.Str, -- | A mapping between classes and their ID in the stream. Used for the -- 'Rattletrap.Type.ClassAttributeMap.ClassAttributeMap'. classMappings :: RList.List ClassMapping.ClassMapping, -- | A list of classes along with their parent classes and attributes. Used -- for the 'Rattletrap.Type.ClassAttributeMap.ClassAttributeMap'. caches :: RList.List Cache.Cache, unknown :: [Word.Word8] } deriving (Eq, Show) instance (Json.FromJSON frames) => Json.FromJSON (ContentWith frames) where parseJSON = Json.withObject "Content" $ \object -> do levels <- Json.required object "levels" keyframes <- Json.required object "key_frames" streamSize <- Json.required object "stream_size" frames <- Json.required object "frames" messages <- Json.required object "messages" marks <- Json.required object "marks" packages <- Json.required object "packages" objects <- Json.required object "objects" names <- Json.required object "names" classMappings <- Json.required object "class_mappings" caches <- Json.required object "caches" unknown <- Json.required object "unknown" pure Content { levels, keyframes, streamSize, frames, messages, marks, packages, objects, names, classMappings, caches, unknown } instance (Json.ToJSON frames) => Json.ToJSON (ContentWith frames) where toJSON x = Json.object [ Json.pair "levels" $ levels x, Json.pair "key_frames" $ keyframes x, Json.pair "stream_size" $ streamSize x, Json.pair "frames" $ frames x, Json.pair "messages" $ messages x, Json.pair "marks" $ marks x, Json.pair "packages" $ packages x, Json.pair "objects" $ objects x, Json.pair "names" $ names x, Json.pair "class_mappings" $ classMappings x, Json.pair "caches" $ caches x, Json.pair "unknown" $ unknown x ] schema :: Schema.Schema -> Schema.Schema schema s = Schema.named "content" $ Schema.object [ (Json.pair "levels" . Schema.json $ RList.schema Str.schema, True), (Json.pair "key_frames" . Schema.json $ RList.schema Keyframe.schema, True), (Json.pair "stream_size" $ Schema.ref U32.schema, True), (Json.pair "frames" $ Schema.json s, True), (Json.pair "messages" . Schema.json $ RList.schema Message.schema, True), (Json.pair "marks" . Schema.json $ RList.schema Mark.schema, True), (Json.pair "packages" . Schema.json $ RList.schema Str.schema, True), (Json.pair "objects" . Schema.json $ RList.schema Str.schema, True), (Json.pair "names" . Schema.json $ RList.schema Str.schema, True), ( Json.pair "class_mappings" . Schema.json $ RList.schema ClassMapping.schema, True ), (Json.pair "caches" . Schema.json $ RList.schema Cache.schema, True), (Json.pair "unknown" . Schema.json $ Schema.array U8.schema, True) ] empty :: Content empty = Content { levels = RList.empty, keyframes = RList.empty, streamSize = U32.fromWord32 0, frames = RList.empty, messages = RList.empty, marks = RList.empty, packages = RList.empty, objects = RList.empty, names = RList.empty, classMappings = RList.empty, caches = RList.empty, unknown = [] } bytePut :: Content -> BytePut.BytePut bytePut x = RList.bytePut Str.bytePut (levels x) <> RList.bytePut Keyframe.bytePut (keyframes x) <> putFrames x <> RList.bytePut Message.bytePut (messages x) <> RList.bytePut Mark.bytePut (marks x) <> RList.bytePut Str.bytePut (packages x) <> RList.bytePut Str.bytePut (objects x) <> RList.bytePut Str.bytePut (names x) <> RList.bytePut ClassMapping.bytePut (classMappings x) <> RList.bytePut Cache.bytePut (caches x) <> foldMap BytePut.word8 (unknown x) putFrames :: Content -> BytePut.BytePut putFrames x = let stream = BytePut.toByteString . BitPut.toBytePut . Frame.putFrames $ frames x -- This is a little strange. When parsing a binary replay, the stream size -- is given before the stream itself. When generating the JSON, the stream -- size is included. That allows a bit-for-bit identical binary replay to -- be generated from the JSON. However if you modify the JSON before -- converting it back into binary, the stream size might be different. -- -- If it was possible to know how much padding the stream required without -- carrying it along as extra data on the side, this logic could go away. -- Unforunately that isn't currently known. See this issue for details: -- . expectedStreamSize = streamSize x actualStreamSize = U32.fromWord32 . fromIntegral $ ByteString.length stream streamSize_ = U32.fromWord32 $ max (U32.toWord32 expectedStreamSize) (U32.toWord32 actualStreamSize) in U32.bytePut streamSize_ <> BytePut.byteString (Bytes.padBytes (U32.toWord32 streamSize_) stream) byteGet :: Maybe Str.Str -> -- | Version numbers, usually from 'Rattletrap.Header.getVersion'. Version.Version -> -- | The number of frames in the stream, usually from -- 'Rattletrap.Header.getNumFrames'. Int -> -- | The maximum number of channels in the stream, usually from -- 'Rattletrap.Header.getMaxChannels'. Word -> -- | 'Rattletrap.Header.getBuildVersion' Maybe Str.Str -> ByteGet.ByteGet Content byteGet matchType version numFrames maxChannels buildVersion = ByteGet.label "Content" $ do levels <- ByteGet.label "levels" $ RList.byteGet Str.byteGet keyframes <- ByteGet.label "keyframes" $ RList.byteGet Keyframe.byteGet streamSize <- ByteGet.label "streamSize" U32.byteGet stream <- ByteGet.label "stream" . ByteGet.byteString . fromIntegral $ U32.toWord32 streamSize messages <- ByteGet.label "messages" $ RList.byteGet Message.byteGet marks <- ByteGet.label "marks" $ RList.byteGet Mark.byteGet packages <- ByteGet.label "packages" $ RList.byteGet Str.byteGet objects <- ByteGet.label "objects" $ RList.byteGet Str.byteGet names <- ByteGet.label "names" $ RList.byteGet Str.byteGet classMappings <- ByteGet.label "classMappings" $ RList.byteGet ClassMapping.byteGet caches <- ByteGet.label "caches" $ RList.byteGet Cache.byteGet let classAttributeMap = ClassAttributeMap.make objects classMappings caches names getFrames = BitGet.toByteGet $ Frame.decodeFramesBits matchType version buildVersion numFrames maxChannels classAttributeMap frames <- ByteGet.label "frames" $ ByteGet.embed getFrames stream unknown <- ByteGet.label "unknown" $ fmap LazyByteString.unpack ByteGet.remaining pure Content { levels, keyframes, streamSize, frames, messages, marks, packages, objects, names, classMappings, caches, unknown }