{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {- | The type 'RMap' @a@ @b@ is like 'M.Map' @a@ @b@, but allows recursive definitions: >>> :{ let m1 = RM.insert 23 "Hello" m2 m2 = RM.insert 42 "World" m1 in RM.get m1 :} fromList [(23,"Hello"),(42,"World")] All functions in this API are monotone with regard to the ordering of maps that uses the /discrete/ order on its elements. Furthermore, we only include functions where the key set does not depend on the actual values of the maps. This means that maps defined recursively using functions like 'RM.insertWith' can be used to construct cyclic data structures: >>> :{ let m = RM.insertWith (++) 23 "Hi" m in take 20 $ RM.get m M.! 23 :} "HiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiHi" And because the APIs provided by this package work similar to cyclic data structures, we can use them inside these maps: >>> :{ let m = RM.insertWith RS.union 23 (RS.singleton "Hi") m in RM.get m :} fromList [(23,fromList ["Hi"])] I am looking for a concice but useful example for this feature to be put here! An alternative would be to order these maps using a pointwise order on the maps of elements (and do a simple fixed-point iteration underneath). But then we could not provide a general 'RM.unionWith' function, because not every function passed to it would be monotone. -} module Data.Recursive.Map ( RMap , get , mk , empty , singleton , insert , insertWith , insertWithKey , delete , adjust , adjustWithKey , union , unionWith , unionWithKey , intersection , intersectionWith , intersectionWithKey , member , notMember , disjoint , Data.Recursive.Map.null , map , mapWithKey , fromSet , keysSet , restrictKeys ) where import Prelude hiding (map) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Recursive.Internal import qualified Data.Recursive.Set as RS -- $setup -- >>> :load Data.Recursive.Set Data.Recursive.Map Data.Recursive.Bool Data.Recursive.DualBool -- >>> :module - Data.Recursive.Set Data.Recursive.Map Data.Recursive.Bool Data.Recursive.DualBool -- >>> import qualified Data.Recursive.Set as RS -- >>> import qualified Data.Recursive.Map as RM -- >>> import qualified Data.Recursive.Bool as RB -- >>> import qualified Data.Recursive.DualBool as RDB -- >>> import qualified Data.Set as S -- >>> import qualified Data.Map as M -- >>> :set -XFlexibleInstances -- >>> :set -XScopedTypeVariables -- >>> import Test.QuickCheck -- >>> instance (Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (RS.RSet a) where arbitrary = RS.mk <$> arbitrary -- >>> instance (Ord a, Show a) => Show (RS.RSet a) where show = show . RS.get -- >>> instance (Ord a, Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (RM.RMap a b) where arbitrary = RM.mk <$> arbitrary -- >>> instance (Ord a, Show a, Show b) => Show (RM.RMap a b) where show = show . RM.get -- | Extracts the value of a 'MSet' get :: RMap a b -> M.Map a b get (RMap _s m) = m -- | prop> RM.get (RM.mk m) === m mk :: M.Map a b -> RMap a b mk m = RMap (RS.mk (M.keysSet m)) m -- | prop> RM.get RM.empty === M.empty empty :: RMap a b empty = RMap RS.empty M.empty -- | prop> RM.get (RM.singleton k v) === M.singleton k v singleton :: a -> b -> RMap a b singleton k v = RMap (RS.singleton k) (M.singleton k v) build :: Ord a => RS.RSet a -> M.Map a b -> RMap a b build s m = RMap s (M.fromSet (m M.!) (RS.get s)) -- | prop> RM.get (RM.insert k v m) === M.insert k v (RM.get m) insert :: Ord a => a -> b -> RMap a b -> RMap a b insert k v ~(RMap rs m) = build (RS.insert k rs) (M.insert k v m) -- | prop> RM.get (RM.insertWith (applyFun2 f) k v m) === M.insertWith (applyFun2 f) k v (RM.get m) insertWith :: Ord a => (b -> b -> b) -> a -> b -> RMap a b -> RMap a b insertWith f k v ~(RMap rs m) = build (RS.insert k rs) (M.insertWith f k v m) -- | prop> RM.get (RM.insertWithKey (applyFun3 f) k v m) === M.insertWithKey (applyFun3 f) k v (RM.get m) insertWithKey :: Ord a => (a -> b -> b -> b) -> a -> b -> RMap a b -> RMap a b insertWithKey f k v ~(RMap rs m) = build (RS.insert k rs) (M.insertWithKey f k v m) -- | prop> RM.get (RM.delete k m) === M.delete k (RM.get m) delete :: Ord a => a -> RMap a b -> RMap a b delete k ~(RMap rs m) = build (RS.delete k rs) (M.delete k m) -- | prop> RM.get (RM.adjust (applyFun f) k m) === M.adjust (applyFun f) k (RM.get m) adjust :: Ord a => (b -> b) -> a -> RMap a b -> RMap a b adjust f k ~(RMap rs m) = build (RS.id rs) (M.adjust f k m) -- | prop> RM.get (RM.adjustWithKey (applyFun2 f) k m) === M.adjustWithKey (applyFun2 f) k (RM.get m) adjustWithKey :: Ord a => (a -> b -> b) -> a -> RMap a b -> RMap a b adjustWithKey f k ~(RMap rs m) = build (RS.id rs) (M.adjustWithKey f k m) -- | prop> RM.get (RM.union m1 m2) === M.union (RM.get m1) (RM.get m2) union :: Ord a => RMap a b -> RMap a b -> RMap a b union ~(RMap rs1 m1) ~(RMap rs2 m2) = build (RS.union rs1 rs2) (M.union m1 m2) -- | prop> RM.get (RM.unionWith (applyFun2 f) m1 m2) === M.unionWith (applyFun2 f) (RM.get m1) (RM.get m2) unionWith :: Ord a => (b -> b -> b) -> RMap a b -> RMap a b -> RMap a b unionWith f ~(RMap rs1 m1) ~(RMap rs2 m2) = build (RS.union rs1 rs2) (M.unionWith f m1 m2) -- | prop> RM.get (RM.unionWithKey (applyFun3 f) m1 m2) === M.unionWithKey (applyFun3 f) (RM.get m1) (RM.get m2) unionWithKey :: Ord a => (a -> b -> b -> b) -> RMap a b -> RMap a b -> RMap a b unionWithKey f ~(RMap rs1 m1) ~(RMap rs2 m2) = build (RS.union rs1 rs2) (M.unionWithKey f m1 m2) -- | prop> RM.get (RM.intersection m1 m2) === M.intersection (RM.get m1) (RM.get m2) intersection :: Ord a => RMap a b -> RMap a b -> RMap a b intersection ~(RMap rs1 m1) ~(RMap rs2 m2) = build (RS.intersection rs1 rs2) (M.intersection m1 m2) -- | prop> RM.get (RM.intersectionWith (applyFun2 f) m1 m2) === M.intersectionWith (applyFun2 f) (RM.get m1) (RM.get m2) intersectionWith :: Ord a => (b -> b -> b) -> RMap a b -> RMap a b -> RMap a b intersectionWith f ~(RMap rs1 m1) ~(RMap rs2 m2) = build (RS.intersection rs1 rs2) (M.intersectionWith f m1 m2) -- | prop> RM.get (RM.intersectionWithKey (applyFun3 f) m1 m2) === M.intersectionWithKey (applyFun3 f) (RM.get m1) (RM.get m2) intersectionWithKey :: Ord a => (a -> b -> b -> b) -> RMap a b -> RMap a b -> RMap a b intersectionWithKey f ~(RMap rs1 m1) ~(RMap rs2 m2) = build (RS.intersection rs1 rs2) (M.intersectionWithKey f m1 m2) -- | prop> RM.get (RM.map (applyFun f) m) === M.map (applyFun f) (RM.get m) map :: Ord k => (a -> b) -> RMap k a -> RMap k b map f ~(RMap rs m) = build (RS.id rs) (M.map f m) -- | prop> RM.get (RM.mapWithKey (applyFun2 f) m) === M.mapWithKey (applyFun2 f) (RM.get m) mapWithKey :: Ord k => (k -> a -> b) -> RMap k a -> RMap k b mapWithKey f ~(RMap rs m) = build (RS.id rs) (M.mapWithKey f m) -- | prop> RM.get (RM.singleton k v) === M.singleton k v fromSet :: (a -> b) -> RS.RSet a -> RMap a b fromSet f s = RMap s (M.fromSet f (RS.get s)) -- | prop> RS.get (RM.keysSet m) === M.keysSet (RM.get m) keysSet :: RMap a b -> RS.RSet a keysSet ~(RMap rs _) = RS.id rs -- better use RS.id either here or in fromSet, to avoid unproductive loops -- | prop> RM.get (RM.restrictKeys m s) === M.restrictKeys (RM.get m) (RS.get s) restrictKeys :: Ord a => RMap a b -> RS.RSet a -> RMap a b restrictKeys ~(RMap rs m) s2 = build (rs `RS.intersection` s2) (M.restrictKeys m (RS.get s2)) -- | prop> RB.get (RM.member k m) === M.member k (RM.get m) member :: Ord a => a -> RMap a b -> RBool member x ~(RMap rs _) = RS.member x rs -- | prop> RDB.get (RM.notMember n r1) === M.notMember n (RM.get r1) notMember :: Ord a => a -> RMap a b -> RDualBool notMember x ~(RMap rs _) = RS.notMember x rs -- | prop> RDB.get (RM.disjoint m1 m2) === M.disjoint (RM.get m1) (RM.get m2) disjoint :: Ord a => RMap a b -> RMap a b -> RDualBool disjoint ~(RMap rs1 _ ) ~(RMap rs2 _) = RS.disjoint rs1 rs2 -- | prop> RDB.get (RM.null m) === M.null (RM.get m) null :: Ord a => RMap a b -> RDualBool null ~(RMap rs _) = RS.null rs