reddit for haskell [![CircleCI](]( --- A Haskell library for interacting with the [Reddit API]( A couple of examples --- Let's get all the posts from the frontpage of Reddit and write a summary of each of them to the console: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Reddit import Reddit.Types.Post import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text main = runRedditAnon $ do Listing _ _ posts <- getPosts forM_ posts $ \post -> do liftIO $ Text.putStrLn $ "[" <> tshow (score post) <> "] " <> title post <> " (" <> tshow (subreddit post) <> ")" tshow = Text.pack . show ``` Let's check to see which of a group of users has the highest link karma: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Reddit import Reddit.Types.User import Data.List import Data.Ord usersToCheck = ["nikita-volkov", "simonmar", "bos", "roche"] main = runRedditAnon $ do infos <- mapM (getUserInfo . Username) usersToCheck return $ maximumBy (comparing linkKarma) infos ``` Testing === Pure tests --- `cabal test test` This suite will only run test that don't require doing any IO. Helpful because it runs quickly and isn't subject to any network problems. Anonymous tests --- `cabal test test-anon` There's also a suite of tests that can be run anonymously without having to set up a user account and an empty subreddit. Full IO tests --- `cabal test test-io` The `test` test suite will run the tests that don't rely on doing any IO, but the `test-io` should be used too to ensure that IO functions do what they're supposed to do. If you want to run the IO suite, add a file `test_config.yaml` to the `reddit/` directory, like this: ``` username: my_reddit_username password: my_reddit_password subreddit: test_subreddit # A subreddit that the user has moderator access to client_id: MY_CLIENT_ID # Your reddit app client ID client_secret: MY_CLIENT_SECRET # Your reddit app client secret ``` Your app client and secret can be found in [your reddit preferences](