# reflex-sdl2 ![status](https://gitlab.com/schell/reflex-sdl2/badges/master/build.svg) This is a [reflex][2] host for [sdl2][0]. Writing and running [sdl2][0] apps requires version 2 of the awesome [SDL][1] library. ## building The first step is to install SDL. ### macOS Using [homebrew](https://brew.sh/)... brew install sdl2 ### Ubuntu / Debian The [sdl2 bindings][0] require SDL >= 2.0.4, or for special instructions to be followed. Assuming you're on `Ubuntu >= 16.04`, you can run apt-get install libsdl2-dev otherwise please visit the org page above and install via their README. ### building with stack After installing SDL, we can build with stack. Using [stack][3] is the path of least resistance. stack build ## examples After building you can view an example using the built-in 2d renderer in [app/Main.hs](https://github.com/schell/reflex-sdl2/blob/master/app/Main.hs). To run the example do: stack exec reflex-sdl2-exe [0]: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/sdl2 "sdl2 haskell bindings" [1]: http://libsdl.org "Simple Direct Media Layer" [2]: https://github.com/reflex-frp/reflex "reflex frp" [3]: https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/ "the haskell tool stack"