registry- data structure for assembling components
Safe HaskellNone



This module provides functions to make values out of a registry. The general algorithm is the following

  1. for a given value type search in the existing list of values a value with the same type. If found return it
  2. if not found search a function having the desired output type if found, now try to recursively make all the input parameters. Keep a stack of the current types trying to be built.
  3. when trying to make an input parameter if the current input type is already in the types trying to be built then there is a cycle. Return an error in that case
  4. when a value has been constructed place it on top of the existing value list so that it can be reused by other functions


make :: forall a ins out. Typeable a => Registry ins out -> a Source #

Make an element of type a out of the registry

makeEither :: forall a ins out. Typeable a => Registry ins out -> Either Text a Source #

Make an element of type a out of the registry, for a registry which was possibly created with +:


makeSpecialized :: forall a b ins out. (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Registry ins out -> b Source #

make for specialized values

makeSpecializedPath :: forall path b ins out. (PathToTypeReps path, Typeable b) => Registry ins out -> b Source #

make for specialized values

makeSpecializedEither :: forall a b ins out. (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Registry ins out -> Either Text b Source #

makeEither for specialized values, in case you are using an unchecked registry

makeSpecializedPathEither :: forall path b ins out. (PathToTypeReps path, Typeable b) => Registry ins out -> Either Text b Source #

makeEither for specialized values along a path, in case you are using an unchecked registry

makeEitherWithContext :: forall a ins out. Typeable a => Context -> Registry ins out -> Either Text a Source #

This version of make only execute checks at runtime this can speed-up compilation when writing tests or in ghci