name: relational-query-HDBC version: synopsis: HDBC instance of relational-query and typed query interface for HDBC description: This package contains the HDBC instance of relational-query and the typed query interface for HDBC. Generating Database table definitions and functions for relational-query by reading table and index definitions from Database system catalogs. homepage: license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Kei Hibino, Shohei Murayama, Shohei Yasutake, Sho KURODA maintainer:,,, copyright: Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Kei Hibino, Shohei Murayama, Shohei Yasutake, Sho KURODA category: Database build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.10 tested-with: GHC == 8.4.1, GHC == 8.4.2, GHC == 8.4.3 , GHC == 8.2.1, GHC == 8.2.2 , GHC == 8.0.1, GHC == 8.0.2 , GHC == 7.10.1, GHC == 7.10.2, GHC == 7.10.3 , GHC == 7.8.1, GHC == 7.8.2, GHC == 7.8.3, GHC == 7.8.4 , GHC == 7.6.1, GHC == 7.6.2, GHC == 7.6.3 , GHC == 7.4.1, GHC == 7.4.2 extra-source-files: library exposed-modules: Database.HDBC.Record.Persistable Database.HDBC.Record.TH Database.HDBC.Record.Sequence Database.HDBC.Record.Statement Database.HDBC.Record.Query Database.HDBC.Record.Update Database.HDBC.Record.Insert Database.HDBC.Record.InsertQuery Database.HDBC.Record.Delete Database.HDBC.Record.KeyUpdate Database.HDBC.Record Database.HDBC.Query.TH Database.HDBC.SqlValueExtra Database.HDBC.Schema.Driver Database.HDBC.Schema.IBMDB2 Database.HDBC.Schema.PostgreSQL Database.HDBC.Schema.SQLServer Database.HDBC.Schema.SQLite3 Database.HDBC.Schema.Oracle Database.HDBC.Schema.MySQL other-modules: Database.HDBC.Record.InternalTH build-depends: base <5 , containers , transformers , convertible , template-haskell , dlist , th-data-compat , product-isomorphic >= 0.0.3 , names-th , sql-words , persistable-record >= 0.6 , relational-query >= 0.11.2 , relational-schemas , HDBC >=2 , HDBC-session hs-source-dirs: src ghc-options: -Wall default-language: Haskell2010 test-suite convertible-iso build-depends: base <5 , QuickCheck , quickcheck-simple , convertible , HDBC , relational-query-HDBC type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: convertibleIso.hs hs-source-dirs: test ghc-options: -Wall default-language: Haskell2010 source-repository head type: git location: source-repository head type: mercurial location: