##<app-drawer-layout> app-drawer-layout is a wrapper element that positions an app-drawer and other content. When the viewport width is smaller than `responsiveWidth`, this element changes to narrow layout. In narrow layout, the drawer will be stacked on top of the main content. The drawer will slide in/out to hide/reveal the main content. By default the drawer is aligned to the start, which is left in LTR layouts: ```html drawer content
main content
``` Align the drawer at the end: ```html drawer content
main content
``` With an app-header-layout: ```html drawer-content
App name
main content
``` Add the `drawer-toggle` attribute to elements inside `app-drawer-layout` that toggle the drawer on tap events: ```html drawer-content
App name
main content
``` Add the `fullbleed` attribute to app-drawer-layout to make it fit the size of its container: ```html drawer content
main content
``` ### Styling Custom property | Description | Default -----------------------------------------|--------------------------------------|--------- `--app-drawer-layout-content-transition` | Transition for the content container | none