[![Build status](https://travis-ci.org/PolymerElements/iron-location.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/PolymerElements/iron-location) _[Demo and API docs](https://elements.polymer-project.org/elements/iron-location)_ ##<iron-location> The `iron-location` element manages binding to and from the current URL. iron-location is the first, and lowest level element in the Polymer team's routing system. This is a beta release of iron-location as we continue work on higher level elements, and as such iron-location may undergo breaking changes. #### Properties When the URL is: `/search?query=583#details` iron-location's properties will be: * path: `'/search'` * query: `'query=583'` * hash: `'details'` These bindings are bidirectional. Modifying them will in turn modify the URL. iron-location is only active while it is attached to the document. #### Links While iron-location is active in the document it will intercept clicks on links within your site, updating the URL pushing the updated URL out through the databinding system. iron-location only intercepts clicks with the intent to open in the same window, so middle mouse clicks and ctrl/cmd clicks work fine. You can customize this behavior with the `urlSpaceRegex`. #### Dwell Time iron-location protects against accidental history spamming by only adding entries to the user's history if the URL stays unchanged for `dwellTime` milliseconds.