{-# options_haddock prune #-} -- |Encoding values to MessagePack format module Ribosome.Host.Class.Msgpack.Encode where import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty (toList) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map (fromList, toList) import Data.MessagePack (Object (..)) import GHC.Generics ( C1, Constructor, D1, K1 (..), M1 (..), Rep, S1, Selector, conIsRecord, from, selName, (:*:) (..), (:+:) (..), ) import Path (Path, toFilePath) import Time (MicroSeconds, MilliSeconds (unMilliSeconds), NanoSeconds (unNanoSeconds), Seconds, unMicroSeconds, unSeconds) import qualified Ribosome.Host.Class.Msgpack.Util as Util (assembleMap, string, text) -- |Class of values that can be encoded to MessagePack 'Object's. class MsgpackEncode a where -- |Convert a value to MessagePack. -- -- The default implementation uses generic derivation. toMsgpack :: a -> Object default toMsgpack :: (Generic a, GMsgpackEncode (Rep a)) => a -> Object toMsgpack = gMsgpackEncode . from class GMsgpackEncode f where gMsgpackEncode :: f a -> Object class MsgpackEncodeProd f where msgpackEncodeRecord :: f a -> [(String, Object)] msgpackEncodeProd :: f a -> [Object] instance GMsgpackEncode f => GMsgpackEncode (D1 c f) where gMsgpackEncode = gMsgpackEncode . unM1 prodOrNewtype :: MsgpackEncodeProd f => f a -> Object prodOrNewtype = wrap . msgpackEncodeProd where wrap [a] = a wrap as = ObjectArray as instance (Constructor c, MsgpackEncodeProd f) => GMsgpackEncode (C1 c f) where gMsgpackEncode c = f $ unM1 c where f = if conIsRecord c then Util.assembleMap . msgpackEncodeRecord else prodOrNewtype instance (MsgpackEncodeProd f, MsgpackEncodeProd g) => MsgpackEncodeProd (f :*: g) where msgpackEncodeRecord (f :*: g) = msgpackEncodeRecord f <> msgpackEncodeRecord g msgpackEncodeProd (f :*: g) = msgpackEncodeProd f <> msgpackEncodeProd g instance (GMsgpackEncode f, GMsgpackEncode g) => GMsgpackEncode (f :+: g) where gMsgpackEncode (L1 a) = gMsgpackEncode a gMsgpackEncode (R1 a) = gMsgpackEncode a instance (Selector s, GMsgpackEncode f) => MsgpackEncodeProd (S1 s f) where msgpackEncodeRecord s@(M1 f) = [(dropWhile ('_' ==) (selName s), gMsgpackEncode f), (selName s, gMsgpackEncode f)] msgpackEncodeProd (M1 f) = [gMsgpackEncode f] instance MsgpackEncode a => GMsgpackEncode (K1 i a) where gMsgpackEncode = toMsgpack . unK1 instance ( MsgpackEncode k, MsgpackEncode v ) => MsgpackEncode (Map k v) where toMsgpack = ObjectMap . Map.fromList . fmap (bimap toMsgpack toMsgpack) . Map.toList instance MsgpackEncode Integer where toMsgpack = ObjectInt . fromInteger instance MsgpackEncode Int where toMsgpack = ObjectInt . fromIntegral instance MsgpackEncode Int64 where toMsgpack = ObjectInt instance MsgpackEncode Float where toMsgpack = ObjectFloat instance MsgpackEncode Double where toMsgpack = ObjectDouble instance {-# overlapping #-} MsgpackEncode String where toMsgpack = Util.string instance {-# overlappable #-} MsgpackEncode a => MsgpackEncode [a] where toMsgpack = ObjectArray . fmap toMsgpack instance MsgpackEncode a => MsgpackEncode (NonEmpty a) where toMsgpack = toMsgpack . NonEmpty.toList instance MsgpackEncode a => MsgpackEncode (Seq a) where toMsgpack = toMsgpack . toList instance MsgpackEncode Text where toMsgpack = Util.text instance MsgpackEncode a => MsgpackEncode (Maybe a) where toMsgpack = maybe ObjectNil toMsgpack instance MsgpackEncode Bool where toMsgpack = ObjectBool instance MsgpackEncode () where toMsgpack _ = ObjectNil instance MsgpackEncode Object where toMsgpack = id instance MsgpackEncode ByteString where toMsgpack = ObjectString instance (MsgpackEncode a, MsgpackEncode b) => MsgpackEncode (a, b) where toMsgpack (a, b) = ObjectArray [toMsgpack a, toMsgpack b] instance (MsgpackEncode a, MsgpackEncode b, MsgpackEncode c) => MsgpackEncode (a, b, c) where toMsgpack (a, b, c) = ObjectArray [toMsgpack a, toMsgpack b, toMsgpack c] instance MsgpackEncode (Path b t) where toMsgpack = ObjectString . encodeUtf8 . toFilePath instance MsgpackEncode NanoSeconds where toMsgpack = toMsgpack . unNanoSeconds instance MsgpackEncode MicroSeconds where toMsgpack = toMsgpack . unMicroSeconds instance MsgpackEncode MilliSeconds where toMsgpack = toMsgpack . unMilliSeconds instance MsgpackEncode Seconds where toMsgpack = toMsgpack . unSeconds