salvia-protocol-1.0.0: Protocol suite for the Salvia webserver, including functionality for URI, HTTP, Cookie and MIME.




contentLength :: (Read i, Integral i) => Http a :-> Maybe iSource

Access the Content-Length header field.

connection :: Http a :-> Maybe StringSource

Access the Connection header field.

accept :: Http a :-> Maybe ParametersSource

Access the Accept header field.

acceptEncoding :: Http a :-> Maybe [String]Source

Access the Accept-Encoding header field.

acceptLanguage :: Http a :-> Maybe [String]Source

Access the Accept-Language header field.

cacheControl :: Http a :-> Maybe StringSource

Access the Connection header field.

keepAlive :: (Read i, Integral i) => Http a :-> Maybe iSource

Access the Keep-Alive header field.

cookie :: Http Request :-> Maybe StringSource

Access the Cookie header field.

setCookie :: Http Response :-> Maybe StringSource

Access the Set-Cookie header field.

location :: Http a :-> Maybe StringSource

Access the Location header field.

contentType :: Http a :-> Maybe (String, Maybe String)Source

Access the Content-Type header field. The content-type will be parsed into a mimetype and optional charset.

date :: Http a :-> Maybe StringSource

Access the Date header field.

hostname :: Http a :-> Maybe StringSource

Access the Host header field.

server :: Http a :-> Maybe StringSource

Access the Server header field.

userAgent :: Http a :-> Maybe StringSource

Access the User-Agent header field.

upgrade :: Http a :-> Maybe StringSource

Access the Upgrade header field.

lastModified :: Http a :-> Maybe ValueSource

Access the Last-Modified header field.

acceptRanges :: Http a :-> Maybe ValueSource

Access the Accept-Ranges header field.

eTag :: Http a :-> Maybe ValueSource

Access the ETag header field.