sandwich-webdriver- Sandwich integration with Selenium WebDriver
Safe HaskellNone



Functions for manipulating browser windows.


Window positioning

setWindowLeftSide :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO wd, WebDriverContext context wd, MonadReader context wd, WebDriver wd, MonadLogger wd, MonadMask wd) => wd () Source #

Position the window on the left 50% of the screen.

setWindowRightSide :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO wd, WebDriverContext context wd, MonadReader context wd, WebDriver wd, MonadLogger wd, MonadMask wd) => wd () Source #

Position the window on the right 50% of the screen.

setWindowFullScreen :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO wd, WebDriverContext context wd, MonadReader context wd, WebDriver wd, MonadLogger wd, MonadMask wd) => wd () Source #

Fullscreen the browser window.

Querying screen info

getScreenResolution :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, MonadMask m, MonadLogger m) => WebDriver -> m (Int, Int, Int, Int) Source #

Get the screen resolution as (x, y, width, height). (The x and y coordinates may be nonzero in multi-monitor setups.)